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Everything posted by BaconShelf

  1. "Whats Murphy and the others status? Did they survive the nuclear blast?" asked Delreuse hurriedly, desperate to know his men were okay.
  2. There wasntr a rogue group of covenant. The book does not ever outline this info. The covenant AFTER the raid are reinforcements sent to reinforce the ship and fight flood infesting it by that point. I dont know where you et the rogue group from.
  3. The only thing is, consoles can't handle too many people- most games have a limit of 16-20 people. And the cost to have a server indefinitely running is a factor. It would work on PC defo and I would buy it regardless but I don't think console can handle it now.
  4. Delreuse- "Well what was it then?" Kjal 'Otsoree Humans were so frail. He had noticed that time and time again. They could barely take a plasma bolt without falling to the floor! This pilot was no different. "I will ask again, what is your name?" Yes, this pilot had barely survived his kamikaze attempt. Of course he would have succeeded if the Vampire hadn't of stasised him before he impacted. Now, he wasn't so brave was he? He picked up the trembling man, threw him to the floor and punched him in the stomach. No, when they had to face reality, they wouldn't take it would they? Now look, this trembling fully grown man, curled in a ball shouting for his mother!? A Sangheili would have been killed there and then for thinking of doing that! "I ... I... I'm Nova Three of the UNSC airborne. 101st division." "You know I wasn't asking for that, don't you?" "I won't tell you anything else!" "Well, lets see about that... Hmm?" He motioned to the Minors to pick him up. They dragged him along the ground out of the bunker and onto a cliff overlooking the structure and plains. "You are facing the might of a Covenant army! 100,000 troops and Prometheans as well? You cannot win!" He gestured to the edge of the cliff. The two Sangheili dragged him and held him over the edge. "Now... Tell me what you see." "An army... Prometheans... Hunters.. A... A..." "Yes, a Super Scarab. Being fitted with the power core you were researching... Correct?" "I won't... Tell you... Anything!" Kjal began to walk away. Satisfied that the Human had been scared enough. He muttered in Sangheili "Tie his hands to the cliff, he will hang there facing our forces until he spills information. Or dies..."
  5. "Get a firing solution on the tank, ready Archer Missiles A1 through C1 and get a Shiva ready. We can't take any chances if the Archers fail to take it down. And Anton, it's private matters, not for the crew to hear... Yet."
  6. The four Broadswords, dubbed Nova squadron screamed over the plains. "Target, approx one klick ahead" reported Nova One The camera feed, while hazy, showed enough. The structure was now crawling with Promethean and Covenant troops as well as vehicles of all kinds. Dotted around in an approximately half-kilometre radius from the tower were several AA-Wraiths and Type 38 'Tyrant' Anti Air guns. "Nova squad, Abort mission! Repeat, abort!" Delreuse shouted into the microphone. "We're trying sir, they have Vampires! They're pushing us into the Triple Ay batteries!" A scream filled the air as one Broadsword was stasis bombed by a Vampire "Nova Two! No!" The Pilots chatter then filled the speakers, too much to comprehend. Then one by one, they fell silent until there was one feed left, and one voice left. "Infinity, this is Nova Three, the others are gone... Th.. Th.. They have V..Vampires... The stasis is EMPing our fighters! Anyway, there's three on my tail, I'm going to circle round this structure, get a look at the other side. Then... I'm sorry. This is Nova Three, Staff Seargant Mark Littlewood... Signing out. Forever." The mic went dead, the silence filled the air as the crew gathered round the holoprojection. It showed several craft chasing the ship. Then, it circled the tower, focused on the Tank, before the camera began to tilt. The tank moved out of view, the ground came towards faster. They could see grunts, jackals, elites and crawlers all running away from the shadow of the ship before... The screen went dead and showed only static. The sun began to rise from behind a mountain in the distance. The effect of red it gave from being in the right angle made the atmosphere even more somber as technicians and officers returned to their stations. "Anton... List those three pilots... As KIA, in the line of duty. And let's hope that we don't lose anyone else."
  7. ((Its more because I'm RPing two characters, I just need the distinction between James and Kjal))
  8. Admiral Delreuse "Thank you Anton, can we get some Broadswords over that area for some recon observation?"
  9. The UNSC Minutes to Midnight And UNSC Spirit of Reach
  10. Admiral Delreuse- Infinity Bridge 03:34 Admiral Delruse, Captain of the UNSC Infinity strode onto the bridge. He vaguely heard a marine shout "Commander on deck!" But didn't acknowledge it. No, two days in and the **** had hit the fan. A new species of Promethean? And to top it all, reports of the Arbiter personally leading a battle fleet to Requiem? This was not what he needed right now. With FLEETCOM breathing down his neck to get the Eggheads on the ground to study the Artefact, he wondered how Lasky coped with it. He walked over to the Holographic table. "Anton, what do we know about this... Tank thing? Weaknesses? Anything? And this new Promethean type? What did we get from the Spartans helmet cams?"
  11. Yeah i forgot arrival- that is my #1, followed by 117
  12. I'm sorry but that isn't it; after the war, the Sangheli knew the Forerunners werent gods. but not all of them liked humanity- at the same time. ONI was starting a civil war on Sanghelios by selling the Servants of Abiding Truth (a zealot group) weapins captured such as plasma rifles, pistols, swords, cannons etc. Unaware of this, Lord Hood was establishing negottions with the Arbiter. But in a weapons dealing, One certain elite known as Jul M'dama was captured by Naomi- 010. He was then taken to the shield world of Onyxwhere he was interrogated and tested upon. He played dumb, following orders etc and was eventually allowed to walk on the planet inside an expplosive harness which would detonate if removed. With him was a ~Huragok. He pretended to be religous still, wandering forerunner temples and asking questions about the foreruners. Eventually, he decided to escape. He asked the Engineer to loosen the harness a little because it was uncomfortable. then at a forerunner portal, he threatened to detonate it if the engineer didnt activate the portal. The engineer, obssesed with caring for onyx reluctantly removed the harness and activated the portal. He, by chance managed to land on a Sangheili occupied planet. The clan there, who had lost conatct many years ago was surprised to find a shipmaster in their keep, this is when he told them the stroy of the war and their realisation. Later, he went out t get fresh air, joined by the Kaidon, he examined the portal he arrived through.His talks with the Huragok had paid off, as well as his portal exminations. Together, they realized they were coordinates to Requiem... And the didact. They immediatly began arming warships to the planet, where they waited, for three years trying to crack open the planet. When the Master chief and the forward unto dawn arrived. Then begins the story of Halo 4... They were formed AFTER the Human-Covenant war. This is from the books Glasslands and The Thursday War. The third book isnt out yet so that will ahve to be updated but i beileve that is the closest answer i have seen in this thread. hope this helps everyone.
  13. What is your favourite song from the Soundtrak? Mine was #12- 117. The closest we get to the Halo theme. And i love the Tip of the spear sounding part. Green and Blue was second for me.
  14. Join our roleplay! PM me or HaloGeek for links!

  15. Kjal managed the Sangheili equivalent of a smile. After reporting his findings to a Promethean Knight, it agreed to send a squad of prometheans there. He was glad he had took the time to learn their language, unlike the Storm who believe they were too 'Superior' to bother learning. If they weren't so focused on the Didact and locating the Rings, he may have considered staying with them. Why are they too stupid to realise the answers are kept by the ones shooting at us? We could wipe out the humans now, they surely must have forerunner sites being documented! The Arbiter did on Sanghelios. Why wouldn't they? The Arbiter. Too focused on helping the humans! They have more than enough firepower to destroy them! Well if the rumours he had overheard on his radio were true. The Arbiter himself would be leading a Battlegroup to this world! They wanted to study the planet. Use it. Harness it's power. Well, they will be in for a shock when they discover Humans, Storm and Prometheans. He was getting distracted, the newly constructed units were combating marvellously, that was all he needed to report right now...
  16. The shorts word is a bomber, used for tactical strikes to take out large numbers of enemies, it's primary role is not a fighter. The Hornet and Sparrowhawk are separate vehicles, please explain how ingot them mixed up. Thanks for wolverine, hasn't thought of AA wraith.
  17. Kjal 'Otsoree- Storm Encampment 01:34(Requiem Time). 46 hours after the Infinity arrived at requiem. Kjal looked through the scope of his Beam Rifle. He saw a SPARTAN squad below in the relic. How oblivious they were to the base practically right on top of them! I could take the shot. I could wipe them out before they see me. he thought. But was it worth it? Waste precious ammo for the sake of killing? No. He would wait. He would stalk this group. Wait until the time was right. And he would cut them down, just as he had with every other SPARTAN he had encountered. He activated his camouflaging systems and disappeared into the night.
  18. A Promethean weapon- the lightbow. It is a crossbow style weapon that functions as a sniper rifle, it can fire a shot instantly and go through targets or charge and fire an EMP/ explosive bolt.
  19. Hammer- Player 1 knocks player two to ground with blade, then smashes player 2 in the face with the actual hammer but without any gravity effect.(no power usage)
  20. Suppose it would be kinda like Armour Locking when stuck without the invincible part. Though it would have to have a relatively slow reload time or something to balance it.
  21. What would you say are the equivalents of vehicles? This is my ongoing list; Mongoose-Ghost,Chopper Warthog- Spectre, Prowler, Revenant Scorpion- Wraith Falcon- Phantom Pelican- Spirit, Phantom Gunboat Elephant- Shadow Mammoth- Scarab Vulture- Lich Hornet- Vampire SparrowHawk- Banshee Broadsword- Space Banshee, Seraph Longsword- Space Banshee, Seraph Sabre- Space Banshee, Seraph Cobra- Locust Mantis/ Cyclops- Locust So this is the stuff I'm stuck on. Albatross-??? Shortsword- ??? Wolverine- ???
  22. My EMP idea was this; a grenade that destroys shields, stops vehicles, when exploding. It has an effect similar to the flare- it blinds your screen for a few seconds.
  23. Shadow from halo 2. Vulture. Locust. Spectre. Y'know what? Every vehicle from every game. Well, scarab would be unfeasible.
  24. The Ips for "Halo 7,8 and 9" have been purchased by Microsoft. So yeah...
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