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Everything posted by BaconShelf

  1. The reason marines cannot, and will not Is simply this- they are not strong enough. You try holding dual submachine guns and see how we'll you do. Spartan IV's cannot do it. Spartan III's cannot do it. ODST's cannot do it. The only feasible way it will happen is if you are again Spartan II's or Spartan V's. which may possibly be able to do it.
  2. Removal of zoom + precision editing irk anyone else? Screw magnets. Screw coords. I want ZOOOOOM! Yeah...
  3. Most people want FW back because it could handle 1v1 - 8v8 size maps with room to spare. The new maps, additionally, have too many per built structures and not enough decent terrain as well as not much space to build in the air. Apart from impact and a city doesn't look good in space.
  4. Forge world had a good environment. It was fun for messing around in and competitive- the new maps are good compared to the days of sandbox and foundry but compared to forge world, it's giving us a full cake then taking away all but one slice of said cake. In addition, each piece should have the reach forerunner decal, human like 4 and possibly covenant which can be changed. The limited size of these maps has given me forge block. I can't think of ideas.
  5. Yeah i used an actual picture for that and tried to make it as close as i can.
  6. Thank you. Yeah, the strut one is quite useful, ive used it a few times on clan maps.
  7. My stealth bomber i made in forge, Maps in my fileshare on halo.xbox.com, submitted to THFE. Maps called military vehicles/bunkers
  8. Hello, Im in a Halo: Reach clan called the Judges, Lead by Judge Reaper, Malta, Phantom, Scouts and me. We are a relatively small clan but are hoping to recruit more members, we are going for a limit of sixteen but may raise with time. We arent a really serious clan but we do play a lot but we mess around on forge, customs mm etc... Requirements- Must have a mic Must speak english Preferably not squeaky Preferably decent at the game (dont have to be MLG pro, just have some knowledge of how to play without power weapons) If you are those, MESSAGE me on XBOX LIVE saying you would like to join the clan- my gamertag is TBE SGTTEASP00N I will send you a friend request and invite you to a party/game NOTE: all the current members are british and therefore will play in british time so only join if youll be on when we are or theres not much point
  9. Gamertag; TBE SGTTEASP00N Map name + link; Military vehicles/bunkers http://halo.xbox.com...etails=29021435 Description; An Aesthetic map tutorial showcasing Military vehicles of Land, sea and air and some defensive structures ranging from barricades to full bunkers. Vehicle list- Small aircraft carrier, Landing craft, small speedboat, Modern Tank, warthog barricade, Stealth bomber, "Flying" falcon, Jet
  10. NOTE- i started a new thread to see if pictures work on that :s
  11. Gamertag; TBE SGTTEASP00N Map name + link; Military vehicles/bunkers http://halo.xbox.com/en-gb/haloreach/TBE%20SGTTEASP00N/fileshare#!/?section=MapVariants&MapId=&GameMode=0&SearchDate=7&SortBy=2&view-select=Tile&tags=&startIndex=0&details=29021435 Description; An Aesthetic map tutorial showcasing Military vehicles of Land, sea and air and some defensive structures ranging from barricades to full bunkers. Vehicle list- Small aircraft carrier, Landing craft, small speedboat, Modern Tank, warthog barricade, Stealth bomber, "Flying" falcon, Jet Pictures http://halo.xbox.com/en-gb/haloreach/TBE%20SGTTEASP00N/fileshare#!/?section=Screenshot&MapId=&GameMode=0&SearchDate=7&SortBy=2&view-select=Tile&tags=&startIndex=0&details=30473750 http://halo.xbox.com/en-gb/haloreach/TBE%20SGTTEASP00N/fileshare#!/?section=Screenshot&MapId=&GameMode=0&SearchDate=7&SortBy=2&view-select=Tile&tags=&startIndex=0&details=30473754 here are the 5 pictures i have; [/img][/img][/img][/img][/img]
  12. BaconShelf

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    Bacon's Art

    My Art, Enjoy!
  14. BaconShelf

    Bacon's Art

    My art. Enjoy!
  15. BaconShelf

    Bacon's art

    BaconShelf does drawings, these are some of them!
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