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Everything posted by BaconShelf

  1. If I pull that mask off, will you die?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. BaconShelf


      Was getting caught part of your plan?


      Of course! Doctor Pacel refused our offer in favour of yours, we are to find out what he told you!


      Nothing. I said nothing.


      Well, you got yourselves caught. What now?





    3. BaconShelf


      Rest in rip littlefinger




      "A lotta loyalty for a hired gun"

    4. DIABLO 0166

      DIABLO 0166

      Rest in rip? That does not make any sense.

  2. So the first chapter of the next Halo novel by Peter David was released today, enjoy. For those who haven't kept up-to-date with Halo lore, here's some little tidbits that may help clear up some confusion; -Trevelyan is the name of the Shield-World used as an ONI facility. It is encased within slipspace and is approximately th size of the Solar System; it was built to e a new Forerunner capital safe from Halos fire. -Zeta Halo- Installation 07- was one of the original 12 Halo rings, 30,000km in diameter, and was the site of several Proto-Graveminds forming towards the end of te Forerunner-Flood war. It was later damaged and was converted to a regular 10,000km diameter halo, like those we have seen in Halo CE, 2, 3 and 4. It was confirmed to have a UNSC/ SoS base on it several months go on Waypoint Halo: Hunters in the Dark releases June 16th, one day after Microsoft's E3 conference and two days after the final #HuntTheTruth audio log. That week is going to be amazing for any Halo lore fan.
  3. Yeah. When your work is retweeted and commented on by the author and favourites by 343i's own writers; you know you dun good.
  4. I just used pancam in theatre. The Savannah's interior textures for corridors are pretty bad. But it wasn't exactly meant for up close viewing so eh.
  5. If I am to be brutally honest, and I am, this wasn't too great. The art doesn't look too good (The lack of shading/ lighting really makes it look like just a bunch of random lines, and there being no background whatsoever on the characters is very disorientating), the dialogue (What little of it there is) sounds incredibly unnatural as to how people talk and the backstory is filled with flaws; why are these 'aliens' (Who really need a name) allowed to suddenly control the planet with no resistance? If they are pretty kewl guys as it implies, why has anyone had problems with them? Also, do these aliens not have an army of their own? What about NATO, Russia, China, N. Korea (Especially North Korea; they wouldn't like being taken over easily), why do they not have any dealing with the rebels? Of course, I'm being hasty with the questions; for all I know it could be explained later. However, I feel that the Half-life 2 approach is best; lay out the essentials in the first minutes (IE that every earth military was defeated by the combine in 7 hours and so forth) and expand upon it later. Also, one final, not major, bugbear is the font. The text font should ideally fill the speech bubble, to look better. Honestly, I'd direct you to the webcomic Aoleian Hope for a webcomic done right. Everything, the art, the dialogue and the pacing are done superbly. Side note; everyone with GAP written on their clothes, I can't help but laugh at the image of chavs in gap tracksuits running round fighting crime.
  6. It's already confirmed to be a statue on the LCE. Also, Halo 4 had the poster, booklet, mission briefing and metal tin. No legendary edition, unlike 3 and Reach.
  7. What would that accomplish? The wasting of a very good character that has had a lot of buildup (Halo Nightfall, Blur cinematics, HunttheSignal) in an incredibly pointless and honestly undermining and stupid way.
  8. I did. Then I realised that I have nowhere near the patience for the perfectionist I am, so it would end up **** (IE not smooth) or not done.
  9. It's not an amazing collection; I've lost one spartan, another has lost a hand, I have two 'hogs and a destroyed troop hog (Which is supposed to be the desert one seen^ but I cannibalised to have two functional attack ones), one warthog has no barrels so I made an improvised gauss canon, I have two shades and a mongoose. Nothing amazing like a scorpion, tyrant or elephant. The white is just a piece of A3 paper propped against my Reach LE box, with a deodorant can on top for support. I was planning on using it as a greenscreen of sorts and photoshop a background on, but you can see the shadows because I don't have any adequate lighting setup.
  10. Just decided to mess around with my Halo MB stuff. I imagine this as blue team. Left to right: Fred (DMR), Linda *Sniper), John (Halo 1 pistol!) and Kelly (EVA) I also imagine this as Daisy-023, she's the only SII to be seen using CQB. Red CQB at that. The Team- Blue+Daisy A really bad viginette of Homecoming, near the end when Daisy is shooting all those Sangheili This is my little ODST squad,Bravo-3, and the Spartan that routinely accompanies them on missions as sniper support- snipers are given M7S smgs in The Babysitter, perhaps this is that team? Nah, left to right they are: PFC Aaron Davis (Marksman and Spotter), SGT Jared O'Neill (Squad Leader), PFC William Urich and 1st Lieutenant Jessica Ward, an ONI mission handler. The Spartan-II is Warrant Officer 1st Class Steven-030 This is my elite squad. In my mind, they were assigned to hunt down Bravo 3 (WHo were in turn trying to hunt them down) when the great schism was enacted. From left to right, they are Minors Zek 'Terolm, Jhet 'Uran, Major Kjal 'Votram and Banshee Pilot Terul 'Leron. This is the Jiralhanae squad assigned to kill Kjal's group. This pack is Tenabius (Stealth Spiker), Conabus (Hammer+Brute Shot), Arkimus Stealth+hammer) and Denus (Plasma Turret) Some reports indicate that two bonded hunters accompany Kjal 'Votram's forces, while others suggest they fight alongside the brutes. Whatever the case, they are hostile to ODST squad Bravo-3.
  11. Literally the only thing it does best is backwards comparability, and that's because if it isn't have it, it would have about 5 games.
  12. 2013 was really a bad year for games. I mean, Battlefield was good and GTA is okay, but the rest... Bloody hell.
  13. Are Nintendo consoles still relevant?
  14. I'm trying to make the lore section, y'know, have lore discussion instead of Fanfiction spam. But any campaign section I guess, otherwise.
  15. Or they could fix and finish what they already have. Why did another topic have to be made, anyway? Microsoft own the game an everything related to it, thus so do 343i. Technically, they didn't even need to put Bungie's name on the MCC box. It's more of a courtesy than a requirement.
  16. I won't be much help in code, then. I'm currently self-teaching java right now.
  17. I will help with lore. In sure you know me enough to know i can help out with that^^ Also, what is it coded in? What devices will it be available for?
  18. Oh, no. Don't stop writing, the only way to improve is by doing ****. 343 encourages fan-works, but do not acknowledge fan suggestions and/ or ideas for legal reasons. It sucks, but it's business. They can't risk people suing them over stealing ideas (Like people have done for other works before)
  19. Quadwings. They have been confirmed canon twice; Halo 2's Conversations From The Universe booklet, and one of 343i's Canon Fodders that confirmed they still exist in the Covenant space- we haven't seen them yet. They likely exist as part of the Covenant Fringe alongside the Yonhet (Axl from Nightfall)
  20. You don't need the registered trademark symbol after Halo. Anyway, they would contact you if they wanted a book, not the other way round. And the chances of said occurrence for someone go has never published a book before a quite literally nul.
  21. 343 doesn't have much to do with Reach- they only maintain the servers. Which only have until next year to live anyway, so...
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