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Everything posted by BaconShelf

  1. 343 will not read your work, it is in theirs, and microsoft's T&C's. This is to avoid any non-343 ideas being allowed to form and thus avoid legal action. Even if it wasn't that, the idea sounds ridiculous, the ORION project was deemed a failure for a reason; namely for the fact that most individuals gained various diseases such as Avery Johnson gaining Boren's Syndrome. Furthermore, the SPARTAN-II and SPARTAN-III augmentations are practically the same (Minus the higher casualty rate in the former) and could only be performed on children, whose bodies were still growing and could adapt to changes, as opposed to a fully grown adult (IE the SPARTAN-IV program.) The concept of an adult joining any program aside from ORION and S-IV is quite ridiculous; one used children kidnapped, the other used children orphaned by war. Neither would allow an adult to join. Furtherfurthermore, the SPARTAN-IV augmentations do not increase strength, they increase bone density, replace several organs, modify the blood to allow the soldier in question to be immune to most toxins and pathogens and modify the respiratory system to allow the soldier to breathe methane, if necesary. The MJOLNIR-GEN2 armour does most of the heavy lifting.
  2. You don't need to be an old fan to know what a Thorn Beast is. Just have looked through the cut content page on halopedia. That said, based on how the Blind Wolves are now a canon creature, I'm guessing there's a good chance this thing will be soon, too.
  3. Give me some time, then. Either way, you obviously don't give one about the story, so I don't see why you care.
  4. -Skirmish aboard the UNSC Circumference=1 level -Blue team defending ODP -Blue team stealing banshees and infiltrating covenant camp with a nuke -play from the numerous Spartan-IIs assigne to differen tasks; -One team rescuing Whitcomb -One team helping/ rescuing Charlie company -One team heading to CASTLE -Skirmish inside the CASTLE bunkers/ T-A mines *cut back to 117 POV* -Skirmish aboard Ascendant Justice -Liberation of Halsey and castle base (extracting them) -Boarding and destroying Unyielding Heirophant -End That's ten levels. You could even throw in a level showing John's training and/ or getting the MJOLNIR MKV armour as a tutorial level, too. Anyway, you misinterpreted the statement, being that games override book canon where applicable. Problem is, thi was only said around the time reach came out- the time when it was readily apparent that Bungie didn't really giv a **** about their lore but rather a Things! Excitement! Story.
  5. So I'm in the wrong because I don't want something added in 'for teh lulz' and want something taken seriously? The grunts take all immersion out of an otherwise serious plot revolving a round the themes of genocide and galactic extinction.
  6. Gameplay does not equal canon. In lore, banshees can easily best a modern jet for speed, and grunts and jackals feed upon humans that they're attacking- hunting them down like a wolf pack. Otherwise, the game would be far too gory- a plasma pistol should cause third-degree burns at a glancing shot, and bullets should be near-useless. But that wouldn't be fun to play (unless you're a mythic kind of guy) so it's toned down. Plus, both times John has fallen from space, he had a heat shield- A forerunner door from the Keyship in H3 and a action of the Dawn in H4. Noble Six had a reentry pack desogned to help him fall into the atmosphere.The only other Spartans to fall from space were Blue Team, and a good four of them died on impact, another few were heavily injured and a couple more were minor injuries. Most of the story inconsistencies in reach come from times/ dates and the Autumn; the former stretching te battle (inexplicably) to several months and the other saying the ship was in two places at once. Changing the Autumn to an ODP generator and having an officer get Cortana's fragment would not change gameplay in the slightest (unless the skybox is gameplay) and allow the anon to be consistent. As for te times, condensing the entire game to a week instead of three months would be ample time for a battle of such scale; have WC and ONI on two days, Nightfall, ToTS, LNoS, Exodus and NA to take place over the next two days all following each other and then have The Package/ Autumn/ Lone Wolf on the fifth an sixth days. Done and done- story affected? Nope (Not for those who don't care anyway) but the people who care about this are happy. The crucial difference between this an Xmen is that the films are not a part of the comic continuity; if they said Reach was not part of the mainstream continuity, nobody would complain. But the games and expanded universe are one and the same so demand that both be kept consistent. Anyway, Reach could have followed TFoR and First Strike to the letter and given lore fans a good retelling of those events while giving te non-hardcore fans a good introduction to other Spartan-II's, Johnson (Aboard the Circumference) and explain how they got back to Earth and destroye Unyielding Heirophant; this would have probably done more good at allaying a lot of confusion over John's return from I04 and Johnson's Survival as well as introduce Blue Team, who some fans genuinely have never heard of until the recent H5G poster.
  7. BaconShelf

    Map help

    You need a hill with the object tag "INF_HAVEN" regardless of if you're playing safe havens or not. To do this, you'll need to load te map up in forge in the infection gametype, then place a hill anywhere and press X and go to advanced options
  8. Why? Again, this is a franchise that I love (story-wise) and I'm going to take it seriously. Namely, the complaints which are baseless and unfounded. What's worse? The fact that 343i have actually built the Sangheili language (IE what you hear in H4 is not jibber ish, it is a language with words and syntax and other rules) or tht your grunts don't say stupid stuff? Personally, I'd say the latter kills immersion completely. One doesn't have to work for 343 to know a lot about the lore.
  9. Pilot was basically Orbital from H4 without the skull. Anyway, why big armour? It doesn't serve a purpose- big silhouette= easier target. Really, you want armor to be as small as possible (Most MJOLNIR protection is provided by the gel layer, nanocomposite bodysuit and shielding, not plates themselves) to reduce the area that the enemy has to land a shot. It's basic, really.
  10. I'm not taking it too seriously at all; when there is fans who have sunk hundreds of pounds and hours into buying books, comics, games an othe media, being told by a company- indirectly (Like Reach) or directly (Like Disney and Star Wars) that everything was worth pretty much nothing is a giant "**** You" to those fans. Conversely, falling from space makes sense; MJOLNIR armour is equipped with a gel layer that hardens on impacts (Like bullets, falls eye) to absorb shock damage while retaining mobility. -Read and watch halo media -MCU -Write my own science fiction -Do physics stuff
  11. Because Marvel is amazing. Marvel is love, Marvel is life. In serious, though, the MCU is a thing of beauty. And preplanning; releases are planned until 2020. So that's cool Regardless, Ultron was undoubtedly one of the best films I have ever seen. I can't wait for Infinity War now. Also, I couldn;t do more poll, but who watched Daredevil? Not the crappy 2003 film, but the Netflix series? Personally, I love the grittier outlook on the MCU, and I can't wait for the rest! (Jessica Jones, Luke Cage* and Iron Fist, all leading up to the Defenders series) *Luke Cage being played by Mike Colter- more commonly known as Jameson Locke's actor from Halo: Nightfall and Halo 5 (And beyond) Also, Avengers 1, Avengers 2 and Cap. America Civil War for me.
  12. Don't lie- the reason Bungie cut Covenant levels from Halo 3 is because of the outcry over the Thel 'Vadam levels in Halo 2, and that people hated it. That said, I loved being able to play from an alternate perspective, until I got to the flood missions, then picked up again as I played Uprising and The Great Journey- even though H2 brutes are just damage sponges. totally not ripping off the other thread
  13. It isn't an instant change from cold-hot or vice versa. When the sun rises in the morning, does it go from being -2 to 20 instantly? No. It doesn't. It's a gradual process, which would have taken minutes; the heat wouldn't set him on fire, anyway. The liquid water in his body would begin to boil, and the ground would begin to bake, burning his feet. He would be unconscious in a few minutes, dead a few minutes later. Regardless, he literally looked at the star for a few seconds then detonated a thermonuclear weapon. This is the equivalent of saying stepping into space causes you to explode. Total exaggeration. What we should be more worried about is the shocking amount of inconsitencies regarding the 'element' from Nightfall; Called element 120 in one Second Story, a compound in another, a pathogen in yet another source and then somehow the UNSC can scan an entire galaxy for one element. An element that would be highly unstable and quickly (IE in a few seconds) decay into smaller atoms, such as Uranium or Lead. There's a reason elements 111+ have not been confirmed; because we can only create them by smashing atoms together in facilities like CERN before they decay almost instantly. The Autumn would not have high temperatures sufficient to fuse elements to get to 120; a star can only reach temperatures hot enough to fuse up to Iron, when it is going Supernova (IE greatest heat and pressure that you can get outside of a quasar or black hole) and it still can't fuse two irons together to make something new. So the thing is just a complete cluster**** of 'we don't know our science' going on. GG Mr. Scott. GG. Now go make Alien 5 good.
  14. Yeah. I would like to play Halo 3 or 4 BTB without encountering any of the other games in there. I swear 90% of the time all 3 options are Halo 2, which is a subsequent restart of the game for me.
  15. Do you even know the timeline between the games? You're saying an entire empire of near a trillion citizens learned a new language in two ******* weeks? are you ******* kidding me? UNSC translation technology exists, yes, but considering that the Sangheili and Unggoy and Kig-Yar seen in Halo 4 come from different worlds; they speak a different ******* dialect!aube you should actually go and read some pages on halopedia before making assumptions about subjects you don't know about. He was only 'defeated' because Cortana used his ship against him, trapping him in Hardlight bonds that he still managed to break. Without that, John would have died. They're playing the hand that Bungie dealt. Don't like it? Feel free to get off at any time. Ultinately, they're making an effort to make the alien anatomy look 'realistic', and show off that not all aliens look the same; the Sangheili are just as diverse as humans; there is literally nothing wrong with showing that off. It only expands te universe, which is never a bad thing.
  16. It has already been confirmed we will not be seeing any more of N6, nor noble in general, aside from Jun who has appeared in Initiation and New Blood as the recruitment agent for the Spartan IV's. he recruited Palmer, Buck, Mickey and Romeo into the SIV's. otherwise, the only media we're getting (Which is a lot) is the stuff relating and building the Reclaimer saga. Add to the fact that Reach and Noble were almost universally hated among the lore community and it's very clear it's a subject 343 is anxious to forget about and move on. What we do know of Noble Six is that he (Yes, he. It is confirmed) took on a URF base single-handedly during the war and eliminated key leadership. That is it. If you want info relating to the events preceding Reach, I'd recommend the book Halo: The Fall of Reach and Halo: First Strike and the ONI Data Drops released by 343i to tie up the vast amounts if inconsistencies between the book and game.
  17. Because making the aliens speak alien is totally a bad thing, right? The fact that the Covenant client species spoke English at all in the first trilogy was stupid in the first place when considering that speaking the language, outside of decoding enemy transmissions, was a heresy in the Covenant. And are still canon. Each fleet master had different styles and tactics, explaining the difference in designs. Te biology of the spices is literally a different phenotype- the same thing that dictates things like eye colour and such in humans. Asude from the Kig-Yar, where the ones from H4 are Ruuhtian Kig-Yar and are from a different continent of Eayn to the Ib'iesh Kig-Yar from the previous games. IIRC, anyway; there's three subspecies of Kig-Yar and I always get the names mixed up. What character design? There's only two characters from Bungie-era- one was basically a meat robot before 343 with no personality or emotion and the other was followed up on perfectly. Cortana's rampancy is something that has been dealt with since The Fall of Reach, and you see this rampancy all throughout Halo 3, Forward Unto Dawn and Origins. See above. Rampancy can cause AI to change forms. Blur* 343 did the Cortana that was in the in-game engine on the level Gravemind. Everything else was Blur. Yes. Didact* Because the Didact's armour is at least 6 times as powerful as John's- he was told to upgrade to at least a class-12 combat skin by 343GS, and that MJOLNIR only registered as a Class-2. Presumably, the foremost commander of the forerunner military would have a lot more protection than a class twelve. FYI, the Forerunners would be absolutely OP to fight in-game; this is a civilisation whose standard warfare includes blowing up entire star systems easily, and using infantry weapons that can dismantle a continent. There is no way any human not using a War Sphinx or something similar could even begin to fight something of that magnitude. Plus, the Didact wasn't killed in Halo 4, not was he killed 3 days later when an entire section of I03 was detonated and sent into the gravity of a gas giant, with six composers going off around him after being stabbed right in the eye by John. The Didact would be too difficult/ impossible to reperesent in gameplay without ruining his power and turning him into a destiny 'boss battle' that is literally just waiting for something specific to happen and then spamming bullets. And Tartarus wasn't fun to fight.
  18. Update 3/05/2015: Added PDF download links for Initiation, Bloodline and Helljumper. If anyone has Uprising or the Graphic Novel, links for those would be gladly appreciated!
  19. I you can share the uprising and bloodline PDF's I'll add them to my pinned Thread.
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