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Everything posted by BaconShelf

  1. Are you seriously suggesting selling a for-profit Halo work? That is such copyright infringement- a publisher would simply laugh and tell you you can't do it. If you self-publish, have fun. The last guy I saw trying to sell Fanfiction got taken off amazon within the day. So good luck with that. Are you seriously suggesting selling a for-profit Halo work? That is such copyright infringement- a publisher would simply laugh and tell you you can't do it. If you self-publish, have fun. The last guy I saw trying to sell Fanfiction got taken off amazon within the day. So good luck with that.
  2. I'm just saying. I know , like, the site is basically dead in all halo discussion (which is weird for a halo forum) but I don't think using people who just go in the shout box is a good idea. I mean, I didn't recognise a good half, maybe more, of te people on that list- I use mobile so my guess is try just use the shout box. I'm confused why you reward activity instead of rewarding those who actually try to post. Just my thoughts.
  3. So do you pick people who just go in shout or something? Because half of those barely post.
  4. I refuse to support halofollower in any way. Even Halo Nation is a better source.
  5. You can't be sued for a place name. You've already used Construct and Last Reaort and a bunch of others. Besides, if you're not making money off it they wouldn't sue you anyway.
  6. It's cool, but I want to see soemthing new. We haven't had any new information yet and it's really frustrating. Even Castellaneta being a beach resort was mentioned in New Blood, as was Ben in SSONM, ONI Chawla Base from ilovebees (alongside chatter net) and Sully being from FuD. It's cool but I want to get info we haven't seen yet. Tht said, the meta between Ben and ONI is pretty good. A) Sanghelios It's almost certainly the Ark. We've seen Sanghelios in at least three depictions now; concept art, E3 MCC trailer and potentially the H2A bookends. The desert is more orange whereas the E3/ New poster is white, fine sand. Like ash- the desert looks cold like the one in Antarctica as opposed to Sanghelios being an Earthlike planet. Plus Sanghelios' sky has a red hue. E3 didn't. Not really. John and Locke won't be with each other for the majority, if at all. You'll be spending more time playing as Locke than John. Romeo is one of the two ODST guys still alive/ in service. One retired, one is a traitor and one is dead. Romeo and Buck will likely have a close bond and I can't imagine them separating squads like that.
  7. You have to reach a certain number of posts. I'll be buggered if I know what it is, but it's there. It's like 5 I think.
  8. Both 343i an Phil Spencer have expressed interest in continuing Console RTS and Halo Wars, and we have never been given a solid no. Take tat how you will.
  9. Absolutely disgusting. They have completely destroyed why Battlefront is; a class-based ame. Not Star Wars Battlefield. 40 players feels right for star wars? Bull. *******. **** Speaking of Geonosis, Clone Wars-era has been completely removed as has space combat (It's okay guys! It's DLC!). Yeah, I'm not getting this. I've waited 10 years or my about its game series to get another instalment, I can wait a little longer for another installment, not an abomination. It's really quite sad that a game on the PS2 has somehow managed to have more content than a game for 8th gen consoles. Did anyone ever complain about having a few hundred AI at one on the PCs then? No. Why would anyone complain about it now? What justifies removing content to either repackage it as DLC or just pretend it's not there? And to think I was the one trying to persuade people this game was going to be a faithful adaptation of the originals. Eugh.
  10. Fileshare has not been fully operational since launch. ODST and Relic are released in May, and only available for free if you played before Dec. 19th, 2014.
  11. I want Reach on X1. But I'd rather them get ODST, H5G an MCC working first before tackling a vet large game with another multiplayer, forge, campaign and armour selection. 343 is trying to do too much at once already and it's showing that they're biting off more than they an chew. Let them get some stuff out of the way before adding more workload to the pile.
  12. Hive, over and super have never existed in-lore. Where the hell do you get those from? It's Proto-Grave, Grave, Key an then the Primordial.
  13. Eh. Halo 5 was the first multiplayer in the series (discounting Wars) that I really enjoyed. Which is saying something considering it was small team.
  14. Update 23/04/2015 Added a much better link that includes all media- including campaign materials and such at the bottom of the list.
  15. It was modders that found that. OT- Hayabusa was piss easy to get. So was katana. All you needed for Recon was a reliable group of friends.
  16. Notice this hasn't been mentioned here, nor is there really an other section to put this. That's said... Spartan Games is making a fleet wars tabletop game in the Halo universe, here are some useful links for anyone interested; http://www.spartangames.co.uk/from-the-halo-universe-to-your-tabletop https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/community/blog-posts/canon-fodder-in-the-loop It's nice to being seeing the visual depictions if the ORS and Epoch class at long last.
  17. It got pretty fr into modelling for Halo 4. There's a good chance it may be back.
  18. For MCC? You had to play before Dec. 19th- the extension to XBL was applied automatically, ODST and Relic aren't out yet. You likely won't get an account transfer, and there is nothing to do with Reach in it.
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