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Everything posted by BaconShelf

  1. I guess I'm a bit of a weirdo then.
  2. They all use large ammunition; 102mm HEAT rockets, 14.5mm rounds and a Railgun projectile are all pretty heavy and ale up considerable space- IRL soldiers only carry up to 3 rockets alone. Halo's M41 is actually a bit too much ammo compared to what were used to.
  3. Blur, te guys who did H2A's cutscenes and the animation for the Avengers films vs. Axis, the guys who did Halo 4's prologue, epilogue and Spartan Ops. Personally, I still think Blur is the better option, but not by much.
  4. Here's te patch notes. I would quote but mobile site sucks. It's mostly multiplayer if you care for that sort of thing- which I don't. However... ODST NEXT MONTH ODST NEXT MONTH ODST NEXT MONTH ODST NEXT MONTH ODST NEXT MONTH ODST NEXT MONTH https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/community/blog-posts/4-21-15-halo-the-master-chief-collection-update-notes
  5. Update 21/04/15: Spartan Strike released, added to games. Updated both Spartan games to reflect their simulation status. Gave Spartan Games' game it's proper name Fixed some minor stuff that was bugging me
  6. Back on the old waypoint community Q&A's, I had like, five questions answered at various points. If you follow te canon fodders every friday and look out for when they're opening questions, you can get yours in. Plus I've had a few conversations via twitter with Jeff Easterling (Grim) and Matt Forbeck, and Greg Bear often answers questions regarding the Forerunner Trilogy. Grim often pokes around the universe section of Waypoint and clarifies stuff, so your chances to get a conversation from him are pretty good compared to most devs.
  7. Everyone will get the HUNTER armour; http://i.imgur.com/sxNOUVH.jpg Also, those are pretty dam sexy for in game assets.
  8. Welcome to the club, I too have all the LE's. It sucks for me that I'm not even in the same country as the offer...
  9. I agree. I just want to play H4 and a side o H3 get every boring option in BTB is always H2(A)
  10. I'm confused why this is 3 and a but years after release. Is Skyrim still relevant?
  11. http://news.xbox.com/2015/04/games-spartan-locke-showcases-deadly-skill
  12. Do you need a lore guy? If not, then please don't use halo nation for lore info. That's all.
  13. Literally the only thing I are about is the Halo 3 forge fix. And I don't even use H3 forge. I'll wait for some actual details, I'm hoping they reduce how often H2 appears in te BTB playlist because otherwise I will be banned so hard for quitting. That game is awful.
  14. Halo 4. Great story, spartan ops, a decent (for halo) multiplayer and a decent forge
  15. The Chrome trooper has a resemblance to BFII's Dark Trooper project. Just saying, it may not be necessarily new.
  16. For windows 8 tablets only. http://apps.microsoft.com/windows/en-us/app/halo-spartan-strike/7a2d6436-ba93-4a90-aa57-d3433416b7c3 Finally, now we can finally use the kestrel. Screens:
  17. I got the limited edition years after its release, but I had the game on day one. Likely same here.
  18. Short answer? No. Long answer? Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Also, you really don't understand games development. "Adding more pixels to servers" doesn't even make sense.
  19. It probably expired. I got a limited edition code a couple weeks back unopened and it didn't exist according to XBL.
  20. The knife doubles as a USB stick, as said in the art book. Blood would affect the connection. Plus it's quicker to club someone or snap their neck than pull out a knife.
  21. This is wrong on every single level; The Covenant encountered humans on the colony of Harvest in 2525, and in the next decade proceeded to destroy several hundred worlds that made up the outer colonies including (But not limited) Sargasso, Arcadia, Jericho VII, Chi Ceti IV and more. Reach was the second-last planet to be attacked in mid-2552, the book canon stating this battle to be over in a day and resulting in the destruction of the majority of the UNSC Navy, the SPARTAN-II's and UNSC's primary shipyards. Te game canon instead shows the UNSC to be fighting on the planet for a number of months and engaging in active warfare on a continent the size of Africa with barely a whisper of Orbital Support or reinforcements from Earth; with literally no Naval presence to be sighted despite the appearance of a CSO-Class carrier, a 27 kilometre long vessel. Yet Reach's extensive network of satellites, Naval Defences and outposts do not pick this up or relay it to FLEETCOM, instead letting SPECWARGROUP/3 take care of it. Another discrepancy occurs in that the Pillar of Autumn is not a vessel rated for atmosphere, and was stated to be in combat aboe Reach (with Cortana) at the time of the mission of the same name- raising questions as to how and why Cortana and the Autumn got to the planet's surface for many years until 343i's Data Drops, coupled with the reprint of The Fall of Reach, answered some of the discrepancies. In addition, Halo Wars is set in 2531, making that the first Halo Game, if put in Chronological order. Going back to your original comment, it would appear that you do not know the story. I would suggest actually paying attention to things before making stupid comments.
  22. I would argue that a five minute job is less time wasted than waiting a few weeks. Also, anyone who looks at the achievements would see this one, and they'd probably go look on halopedia or something first.
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