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Everything posted by BaconShelf

  1. Or just disconnect the console from live and modify the date setting. It's literally that easy. Same for Zanzibar.
  2. A) Kilo-Five (Commonly regarded as the worst set of books in the series) Halopedia is your friend
  3. You probably won't be able to get any limited edition content seperately anyway. This kind of stuff is pretty cheap pre-owned hence why some stuff is a bit worn, H4 was £5, Reach was £13. It's literally just the books and a bunch of mega Bloks stuff. And a Promethean knight figure. I don't actually have call the books- I read most of them in the school library before I left and I'm sort of buying them back one by one. I have the 2010 reprints, Broken Circle and the digital only new Blood. And the DVD's of Nightfall, Forward Unto Dawn and Legends.
  4. Having 50 accounts is really quite sad.
  5. I am now the proud owner of every Halo Limited Edition; Halo 2, 3, 4, Reach and Wars. Or, Conversations From the Universe, Beastarium, Infinity Briefing Packet, Halsey's Journal and Halo Wars: Genesis. My reason for not having legendaries- MJOLNIR helmet and NOBLE Statue- is simple; don't have the space. All the contents lain out;
  6. "Lasky: Infinity's mission is to find and disarm the remaining Halo rings. We have based around installations 05 and 03 set up, but.. Rio: A science teams was zapped, trying to excavate a Forerunner Artifact. This sensor data was all that was left."-Infinity, Halo 4 mission Plus the direct appearance of Gamma Halo in Halo 4, and later Escalation, yes, Halos have their role in H4. But it doesn't mean they te the main plot point- that would make the story incredibly stale incredibly quickly. The Sangheili and Jiralhanae hae multiple factions friendly and unfriendly to humanity-just like the many Human factions growing in the postwar period. Thel 'Vadam's faction, the swords of Sanghelios is by far the largest and most powerful an allies with humanity. Some groups like Jul 'Mdama's, Merg 'Vol, Sali 'Nyon and Luro Taralumee and their respective Covenants still believe Humanity is an affront to their gods- the latter still believing the Great Journey and keeping the -ee suffix on his name. Galactic politics are not an 'us vs. them' scenario- every species now has multiple disparate groups each with their own ideals and enemies.
  7. To weaken the Covenant by making them fight among themselves rather than come for humans, and let humans have fine to rebuild.
  8. The multiplayer is functional- you can get a game but it isn't ideal times yet and games are prone to ending early and so forth. It works but it's not perfect yet. But if you play any mixed playlist, have fun trying to find a game that isn't Halo 2 because that's all anyone votes for. If you like forge, campaign or spartan ops, it's a must-buy.
  9. Te Swords of Sanghelios- arguably the most powerful faction in existence led by Thel 'Vadam. Without Thel as an ally, humanity woul have been wiped off the map by pretty much any faction out there by now. ONI tried to instigate civil war and engineer bioweapons to force them into famine- not exactly a great idea. Kig-Yar have always been pirates an were largely employed by the Covenant as scavengers. As soon as the Covenant ended, they quickly resumed being pirates and mercenaries. Yes, that event in particular was from Escalation, though. 11 and 12- my useful links thread has a link to read all of escalation online. Not really. If the UNSC decided to abandon ONI, they could do it; ONI has done more to hinder the UNSC and controls many politicians and such through backdoor politics. Plus, the UNSC has handed control back to the UEG and is no longer the war government.
  10. Spartan-II's equal roughly 7ft tall because they were given treatments during puberty. Spartan IV's are fully grown adults and this likely wont be given anything that messes with their bone structures, therefore giving them an average height of 6ft.
  11. I already pre ordered. I mean, limited editions are limited, after all. Also, what's MMC?
  12. You can mod HWars? Holy ****. Do you need a JTAG?
  13. Because the story actively disregards the book at several points, and stretches a quick, decisive battle into a 3 month long campaign that the UNSC decided not to bother doing anything about until a 300-strong fleet showed up. Reach was in no way believable.
  14. That's not how a Geas works. John was given resistance to the composer and a natural ability to understand Forerunner technology- of course there are other effects like Shadow of Sundered Star talking in his head. Things like growing taller make no sense; what reason is there? That aside, the prologue and epilogue cutscenes used Prerendered CGI while the mid-game cutscenes were done in-engine. It's a simple matter that they were made differently. Similar to why the prologue shows Spartan-II's wearing John's modified MK VI and having energy shields when they didn't or Locke having a BR55 Rifle in H2A despite the BR85 having replaced it before that point; resource sharing and such. Also, the camera angles in the second video never give a clear shot of the two standing side-by-side. So there's that to account for.
  15. You really need to work on paragraphing. New character speaking is always starting a new line, preferably tabbed in, too. New subject, same again. Also, the speech doesn't sound natural when read aloud. It sounds forced and artificial. Use commas, semi colons and hyphens too; having everything as a simple sentence reads pretty bad and makes te work look like it's written by a five year old. Instead of; "The hologram appeared. X turned around." Have "The hologram appeared, X turned around" Joining sentences does a lot to improve writing. At the end of speech, don't put a full stop before the closing speech marks (IE "Hi." He said) Instead it would be "Hi" he said. Split speech up; instead if having 4 sentences in one, split it up. "The thing happened here earlier", said George, looking around before continuing "and it was pretty cool." Reads a lot better than some of the blocks of text. The main thing is the blocks of text- everything reads badly because it's difficult to read and looks awful.
  16. All loadouts weapons and armour are unlocks from the start anyway so there's no reason to port over rank and such. Statistics are universal so there's not much point porting them either.
  17. Tht was never a direct mission; that was something he chose to undertake himself. His direct mission from the moment he was given Cortana; a day before the Battle of Reach; was to infiltrate a Covenant Cruiser and capture a Prophet alive. Then it was what e was ordered to do; te only point has it been a priority of his was the mission Cortana and the first three levels of Halo 4. After that, Cortana is, at best, a secondary objective- coupled with his own life. Using a line from a person who was not only in another branch of the military (John is in the Navy, Johnson in the Marines) but also a lower rank (Master Chief Petty Officer vs. Staff Sergeant) is not a good example. Cortana is not John's primary concern. In Halo 3, most of your objective was to kill Truth and end the Covenant. The Cortana moments aren't actually Cortana, you know.
  18. -ONI causing/ attempting/ supplying civil war between their only ally -ONI engineering bioweapons to wipe out their only ally -ONI driving away the only woman who knows how to operate Forerunner technology on a competant level -ONI lying to the Navy about Jackal pirates to try and get rid of a minor threat (Note this has caused Lasky to vow never to trust ONI again, if it and to Civil War, Infinity would not be on te side of ONI) Also, we will be seeing the flood. "The forerunners have been tested and have ailed, humanity will be tested next, when they rise up in arrogance and defiance" ^ a paraphrased quite from the Primordial basically saying when humans become powerful again, they will be tested in the same way the forerunners were. Humanity is becoming arrogant and defiant now, and te Flood will soon return in force.
  19. Everytime I play co-op on any AI based game i get framerate drops and intense lag. That shouldn't be a thing, right? My friend and I enjoy spartan ops but the lag is so bad...
  20. Eh. I see too many people who want 343 to make all EU non-canon or give it out for free or waste time in-game explaining it again because they're too lazy to go even look on halopedia.
  21. Because Mendicant was the leader of a massive army of Flood in the late Forerunner-Flood war- he was in control of millions of vessels and in co-ordination with the keyminds an Graveminds. Mendicant knows the full knowledge of the Flood and will be a vital part for when they return in force. Well 343 uses all relevant media in their games. Halo 4 used the entirety of the Forerunner saga and Kilo 5 wa the explanation of how Jul's covenant started up. Escalation is all about setting up the plotlines to be followed in Halo 5 like Brute/ Elite relations, the UNSC and ONI slowly growing distant, Spirit of Fire and so forth. Just because you're too lazy to read, that doesn't mean they should cater the story down and ignore the expanded universe.
  22. Even better idea; make the Rhino have the standard 310mm gun, and the Zeus cannon an upgrade. The Zeus cannon of course being the Plasma Mortar experimental upgrade. 343i confirmed last week that the UNSC has begun renewed interest in te Rhino system after it fell out of use during the war.
  23. That's not a species; it's a human brain used in the creation of an AI matrix then implanted in a robotic shell. The SPARTAN-II commandoes (Or at least John-117) are classed by the Forerunners as a separate species (Ref: Beastarium) Most likely Sangheili; the dominant species in the Orion arm as of 2558 and have a great deal of resources (Such a Hesduros or Swords of Sanghelios) that allow them to continue developing weapons technology and feed their populace- as opposed to the Jiralhanae who are facing all-out famine.
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