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Everything posted by BaconShelf

  1. c: We still have to follow up on Mendicant Bias; he directly communicates with us in Halo 3 via the terminals and deliberately chooses what to tell about the Forerunners. It's basically confirmed that Mendy, after reuniting with his fragment on the Keyship, closed the portal on the Dawn with the express purpose of sending John to Requiem. So what reasons does John have to go AWOL? He needs to find Mendicant; the Geas implanted in him by the Librarian will also have as of yet unseen effects on John and he will likely be trying to find the absolute record be it on his own or by siding with Halsey He is starting to find his humanity; after Halo 4, John experienced the first defeat he has ever had (Spartans always won ground engagements) and that will affect him. At this point in time, everyone he gives a damn about, aside from his squad, is for all he knows dead. John is beginning to stop being a meat robot who blindly follows orders and is instead beginning to question what he sees and honestly it isn't good. The navy spends all their budget on one ship which can barely take down an assault carrier and has been faced with destruction no less than a good 5 times in one year and capture by three people before it was even commissioned, a ship that bankrupted the UNSC and took two decades to build. ONI is trying to undo all the work being done by Hood and Thel by instigating civil war among their only allies to weaken them. John swore loyalty to humanity, he knows about the flood's true capabilities and what is at stake regarding that and the forerunners, the UNSC is working against the better interests of humanity as a whole now and has been for years, intentional or not. The insurrection popped up from the diet almost immediately after the war and once again the UNSC is facing major interplanetary war trying to keep control over its territory from the URF and NCA instead of trying to unite the species into a new covenant and preparing to fight the flood. He thinks Halsey is dead, he thinks most Spartans are dead, he has no reason to stay with the UNSC now.
  2. Not just MCC- Halo 3, ODST, Reach, CEA, 4 and now MCC campaign, firefight and spartan ops all had really bad co-ops; frame rates would drop into the negatives ad the lag was worse than trying to play et without suffering mental health problems. Is it just the lack of dedicated servers and reliance on P2P networking that has caused Halo- a game with a good focus on it's co-operative play, mind- to have an extremely bad coop experience that Dice somehow managed to do better in battlefield 3? Twinreaper, I'm looking at you for this one.
  3. Awesome, consider me proved wrong. You should totally add the M145D Rhino as a unit at some point. Zeus cannon optional.
  4. I really hate when people say expecting the UNSC to evolve and adapt to new threats and technologies is too much like a real ******* military. Like, most of the infantry weapons introduced in H4 were designed to fire a larger caliber of round due to the fact a Spartan can handle it, but apparently having many variants of the same rifle type is too much like "cull uf doody" I mean, the UNSC is already hideously underpowered for the 26th century- their tanks and grenade launchers have been around for centuries! They still use NATO rounds! Yet if 343 introduced technological innovation like, say, making all weapons linear accelerators instead of bullets- not even any gameplay change, just make the firing effects different- that would be bad because "it's not halo" to have anything other than bullets. The fact that UNSC weapons hold a dominance over the covenant arsenal and forerunner arsenal baffles me anyway.
  5. No, but it encourages the stereotype that all Spartans are the Palmer/ Majestic-esque "HUMANS **** YEAH" type despite the clear differences seen through Buck, Romeo and Mickey in New Blood. People don't like the Spartan IV program because its candidates actively talk down other personnel and have an entire deck of Infinity just for them; they are secluded and instea of trying to get the feeling of being real people this jut encourages them to act like dicks. We should be seeing more professional-esque Spartan IV's in media, or at least see officers starting to take note of the arrogant nature of the new Spartans, such as how Palmer is very likely to be demoted from commander after Escalation 16.
  6. So despite the fact that it would go against everything that has been established and would make for horrible story overall, you want that? Go read contact harvest or somehthing for love stories, I'd prefer that we continue with the overall story arcs regarding the Timeless One and the Forerunners.
  7. So, four well established characters; featured in multiple pieces of media before? Or three characters we haven't seen in six years? Tough choice. Then again one of red team has an M247HT so I don't know...
  8. It has the best story and lore contnet in the series- well, maybe paralleling Halo 2 for being able to see the Covenant side of the story- so that's all I need from it.
  9. A) I don't care They've been removed anyway No, that's a bad thing. We're supposed to be finding ways to make the IV's look good, not like a bunch of pasty white l33t quickscoper boys who joined the military.
  10. ONI to be disbanded Palmer to stop being a thing Jul's Covenant to overpower the UNSC and start taking steps to unite every species A new Covenant to arise, with every species, for when the Flood inevitably returns in force Halo 4 had more than that- Kilo 5 Trilogy Forerunner Trilogy Forward Unto Dawn Terminals Halo 5: Nightfall new Blood Broken Circle Saint's Testimony Shadow of Intent Last Light Hunters In the Dark Spielberg TV series
  11. The weapons are different models- The Battle Rifles in halos 2, 3 and 4 are the BR55, BR55HB and the BR85 models The Assault Rifles through halo CE, 3, reach and 4 are the MA5B, MA5C, MA37 and MA5D rifles The DMR in Reach vs. 4 is the M932 and M935 models of DMR. Shotguns have gone from M90 (Halo CE-3) to the M45 (Reach) and M45T (4) Hope tht clears stuff up; it simply different models of the same gun, similar to how the M16A1, M16A2 and M16A4 are te same gun but different models, each with different functionality.
  12. Really? Just really? John loved Cortana as he did Halsey; as a mother figure. That's it. Spartans do not feel attraction sexually and were basically dispose of all emotion to make them efficient in te field. Having any kind of love story completely kills the story and flat out breaks established rule.
  13. It's not like its official anyway. It's more of a thing I wanted to do; comparing the general consensus to people on archive, as most people on archive prefer the Hesduros Covenant an don't like John and The UNSC as things, so it's interesting looking at how this compares in general. Here's the link to view results if anyone is interested. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1snTa2zxtnkCYZyeVrGn5z6IVnhA_j7SVAnOEEzYDdL8/viewanalytics?usp=form_confirm Except it could have easily been some random Spartan-IV Pioneer Group that we know has been exploring the ring since discovery. Black Team was last seen facing a Covenant armada on a Line Installation, and all of a sudden they're appearing again for te first time in 7 years IRL then they're killed off. It's a waste of potentially interesting characters and Spartan-II commandos. We still don't have an explanation for how they returned. I really hope that's one of the new books is about, more specifically Last Light. Same goes for Team Grey.
  14. What? That literally makes no sense. What? That literally makes no sense.
  15. No. Killing off one o the most important characters in a comic is an idiotic idea, look at te backlash to Black Team being killed off. Also, be was surrounded by six composers and quite clearly shown with a composer effect. It was pretty obvious he wasn't dead, not 'hinted'.
  16. He wasn't killed- Brian Reed has confirmed him composed and very much alive.
  17. It said disregarding Escalation. And he isn't dead.
  18. Eh. I was more referring to making Spartans the military and regular humans a less seen branch maybe on outer colony worlds and the like.
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