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Everything posted by BaconShelf

  1. Simple opinion survey on Halo's current lore, appreciate some responses, thanks. http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/40196-survey-the-state-of-the-halo-universe-post-2553/

  2. Most of them actually came from either Halo 2:anniversary's bookend cutscenes or the HunttheTruth campaign, more specifically the Locke and chief trailers.
  3. http://goo.gl/forms/r0KtFIQm7R Is a link to a simple survey about the opinions of the community- IE this is simply opinions, not a quiz- on various factions and characters in the Halo lore, post-2553. There shouldn't be any major spoilers and all questions are multiple choice/ choosing from a list so it shouldn't take long. This is purely for my own interest, and isn't official. You should be able to view results at the end if you wish. Thanks for looking. (Not posted in universe because it will never be seen)
  4. Going AWOL- IE deserting your post- in the military is grounds for classification as a Traitor. Nothing more, nothing less. 3)"The Master Chief has gone AWOL and I'm here to bring him back." "...as our saviour, and not our betrayer.." "...the one who was supposed to save us all! But now I must save us from you. "Everything you've comprimised, everything you've done..." As well as an interview with Frankie that confirms that John's E3 cloak was because he was hiding from someone. And the end of Escalation #10, in which two ONI agents evaluate Blue Team's psychiatric state and remark that John is outright refusing orders to take R&R an is constantly accepting mission after mission after mission. *insert hunt the truth comments because I'm too lazy to type them up"
  5. High-Altitude, Low Opening jump. I wants me a ******* helicarrier.
  6. No particular order; Nerd^3 Cynical Brit/ TotalBiscuit CGP Grey SciShow/ Crash Course Vsauce MinutePhysics Halo Canon Zero Punctuation (Escapist) Strife Games (As he was known previously, though some people may know him as Yogscast Will- I was subscribed to him before he joined YC) Senpai Kush or Snipars Good man, Toa's a pretty cool guy. Btw, Arbiter617 is a **** IRL.
  7. We already have the Vulture, Phaeton and a new variant of MBT being produced for the H5G sets of mega Bloks. The Phaeton being a Promethean aircraft.
  8. Cortana has been confirmed to have a part to play in the Halo 5 story by Mike Colter, Locke's actor in both Nightfall and Halo 5. This doesn't mean she is back per se, but more likely to appear as either a flashback, Cortana moment or disparate quotes while playing John's part of the campaign- not as a character fully but a memory. Cortana was the only AI created using a live (Cloned) brain by cloning Halsey then removing the brain from the clone body and this killing it. This took 20 attempts. . The rest are created using brains from dead/ near death scientists and engineers. AI are never created from live samples due to the UN Colonial Act Mortal Dictata; simplified it completely outlaws cloning of a live human or anything past cloning replacement organs for use in medical procedures. The Flash Clones grown by ONI to replace SPARTAN candidates and create Cortana are completely illegal, but that is the reason Cortana is naturally more brilliant than most other Smart AI. It has been confirmed to not be Cortana's chip in the e3 trailer.
  9. The Bungie devs and play testers, I imagine.
  10. Also, spacecraft and augmentations are literally the only advanced thing the UNSC has; everything else is either inferior to or on par with modern day technology. NATO armies could go toe-to-tie with the UNSC Army, Marine Corps and Air Force and hold their ground easily (Note the absence of the Spartan and Navy branches)
  11. The Master Chief, or Master Chief Petty Officer Spartan John-117 was born on Eradinus II and surveyed in August 2517 by Lieutenant Jacob Keyes and Doctor Catherine Halsey, before being taken later that year and replaced with a flash clone that would die soon after. These are known facts and have been known since before the release of Halo: Combat Evolved with the book The Fall of Reach. Everything that is being said about the SPARTAN II project is true.
  12. I literally buy the games exclusively for the story. I have read all the EU, I'm not in halo for the matchmaking- i am the guy who made thr two threads on this board called "Useful Halo Lore Links" and "Compiled List of Halo Media" Most MM players don't even know what IRIS is. Like I said, I just don't see a point. That's basically it.
  13. I know what HtT is. But you're basically trying to rip off an existing thing? Seriously? I mean, if I were trying to start an ARG, I'd do it with purpose. Plan out the full story beforehand and how it will be released; at least in brief. Then decide why? For a game, film, TV how or something else release; why? Because otherwise there's no point. By not giving insight into something larger tht is coming to work, there is literally zero point to any of this because it does nothing; campaigns are built around hype and if there's nothing to be hyped about it will never take off. I'm calling it right now this will never work, or it will just turn into a really bad rp.
  14. So you're trying to do an ARG? An ARG doesn't work without a preset storyline and connection to something deeper; IE ilovebees, IRIS and Section III. They didn't change according to the fans and were very successful.
  15. While not directly official (Though 343i has referenced it many times), A Fistful of Arrows gives a lot more characterisation to Noble, and is viewed by many as official canon, though it isn't.
  16. There were multiple companies working; Certain Affinity, Saber Interactive, 343i... Even the menus were outsourced. Going through and compiling code from hundreds of different authors and making it work 100% isn't an easy task, especially with a time limit.
  17. This game is no longer in development. should this really stay pinned?
  18. I made an index of useful links for sources for anyone wanting to learn more about the Halo universe. http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/40169-useful-halo-lore-links/

  19. This thread serves as a depository of useful links you should consult if you wish to know anything about the lore and universe of Halo. All PDF links are online and are not necessarily downloads (Except for the Halo Comic Set link) The Halo Archives Although still currently in-progress, the Archives serve as a reliable, accurate source of information about various subjects (Though not as in-depth as say, Halopedia) written by some of the most knowledgeable lore-ists out there. They cannot be edited by just anyone. The Absolute Record HaloArchive also manages a directory of online links and backups to every interview and online lore source they find; their youtube channel uploads every Vidoc, trailer, interview and any other official content produced by 343 Industries, Bungie or Microsoft regarding Halo. Their text-based directory includes online download links to every Halo cutscene, information like the Eleventh Hour Reports, Data Drops, Catalog Waypoint posts, 'Canon Fodder' articles written by 343i and much more. Links to all terminals and the audio of Halo: Rebirth, included with Silentium, included. HaloArchive HunttheTruth The Archive's record of HtT and their analysis' of the campaign every week A record of all the video content produced by 343i, Bungie and Microsoft (And related parties) regarding Halo. Halopedia This is probably the most definitive Halo encyclopedia out there, and the most accurate that can be edited freely. It also has in-depth articles on basically every subject in-lore. HunttheTruth The official Hunt The Truth campaign homepage on tumblr Halo Waypoint- Universe Articles These are perhaps THE definitive source of information there is on the Halo Universe, coming from 343Industries' own lore team. 4 new articles are uploaded every week, between thursday and saturday Halo Waypoint- Canon Fodder Weekly blog posts written by 343i's writer GrimBrotherOne, which subjects in the lore and exclusively the lore are talked about, including regular community Q&A sessions. Halo Waypoint Bulletins- HBO backup Older Halowaypoint links do not work anymore, fortunately, halo.bungie.org backs them up. This includes all waypoint bulletins, not just lore related ones, though there's a handy search box... Halo Literature order /r/halostory's index of Halo literature and links to some online resources The four Halo: Evolutions stories converted to motion comics, The Return, Mona Lisa, Midnight in the Heart of the Midlothian and Headhunters Halo Legends The eight Halo: Legends anime shorts Halo Escalation An online link to view Halo: Escalation ongoing comic series Halsey's Journal An online pdf of the journal from the Halo:Reach limited and legendary editions Halo: Combat Evolved Manual A link to view the manual of the original Halo: Combat Evolved Halo 2 Map Pack Manual The manual for the Halo 2 Map disc, not much lore info outside of map descriptions Halo Game manuals Xbox's own library of Halo game manuals, Halo 2 (Both versions), 3, Reach, ODST, Wars and CEA Halo 2: Conversations From the Universe The booklet included in Halo 2 Collectors Edition Halo: Comic Set (Community Dropbox) Downloads for Halo: Initiation, Bloodline, Graphic Novel, Uprising and Helljumper Halo Wars: Genesis The comic that came with the Halo Wars limited edition. Stephen Loftus' articles Stephen Loftus' work has been used on several occasions and he is often consulted as a lore expert by 343i including work on the Halo Encyclopedia. These are his analysis' of various parts of the Halo universe. Dialogue Database Archive of in-game dialogue from the original trilogy (Halo: Combat Evolved, Halo 2 and Halo 3) If there's anything you feel I have missed off or (Mods think) should be removed, just say below. My own list of Halo media can be found Here!
  20. I'm not, but Tyrant's guides may be handy. http://halo.bungie.org/gameplay/halo3_slaso_2.0/ http://halo.bungie.org/gameplay/halo4_mythic/ He also has ODSTand Reach but I linked the ones that are in the Collection as of now.
  21. Of course, there's the 60fps/ 1080p deal; I went back to Reach a couple weeks ago and you can really tell the difference in frame rate after playing an Xbox One. Aside from objectively superior graphical fidelity and thus a more enjoyable experience, there's the simple issue that I don't have the space to plug in two consoles at once; and the fact I play most of my games aside from Bethesda RPG's on XB1, I would rather not have to deal with an objectively worse experience if I don't need to. After all, I couldn't care less about Halo's multiplayer; as someone who reads every book, comic, Waypoint article and interview related to Halo's story, you probably see where my allegiance lies; I'm not a multiplayer fan. As for the latter point, Halo 5: Guardians will have very deep ties within Halo's lore and expanded universe; for people new to the series, the MCC is the perfect choice for people who ultinately would otherwise enter Halo 5 with no idea who Jul 'Mdama, Thel 'Vadam, John-117, GSgt Edward Buck, Romeo, Ur-Didact, Librarian, Cortana and many other events and characters were and have a worse experience as they wouldn't understand what was going on. In fact, I'd say the master chief collection is more important to a new player, story wise, than an older fan.
  22. I have four (Soon to be 5) campaigns and Spartan Ops alongside 3 forge modes. Multiplayer can bugger off, I've barely touched it. When I have, I was immediately put off by the fact everyone always votes for Halo 2 (Anniversary) in the BTB playlist, which is just... Terrible. Either way, what amounts to over 100 single player missions was enough to keep me interested. Now if they'd only port Reach and Wars over, then it would be perfect and I could sell my 360.
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