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Everything posted by BaconShelf

  1. I also added in Halo Wars Risk for the funnies, and because the fleet game that Spartan is doing means there will *technically* be a category for tabletop games. Cool, huh? Still want this?
  2. The Halo Lore list has just received a massive overhaul to reflect newly announced content by 343 Industries in the past few months. Go check it out here: http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/35200-full-list-of-known-halo-lore-sources/?view=getnewpost

  3. Updated for 04/04/15. Added newly announced and released content -Halo: Broken Circle -Halo: New Blood -Halo: Hunters in the Dark -Halo: Saint's Testimony -Halo: Last Light -Halo: Shadow of Intent -Halo 2: Anniversary/ Master Chief Collection -Halo Online -Art of Halo 5 Guardians -Halo: Spartan Strike Removed reliable/ unreliable Added terminal section for Halo CEA, 2A, 3, 4 and the collectibles found in Halo 3: ODST, Wars and Reach Added a useful links section with links to other sources that would be unfeasible to cover here.
  4. Yeah, Jeff's a kewl guy. A lot of the guys on archive consider him the community manager as opposed to bravo. Who does jack all tht isn't related to the multiplayer side of stuff.
  5. Well I actually listed some 343i employees; GrimBrother is the community manager for the universe/ lore stuff and writes the Canon Fodder articles. Actually, the universe section of the site with the index has a great deal of info, with 4 articles added/ week.
  6. Working on updating this, removing the silly reliable thing an adding the novels announced by 343i for release this year.
  7. I don't know about you but I've had many PM conversations with BS Angel and GrimBrotherOne, the latter is also very active in the universe board. Grim is a pretty cool guy.
  8. You may as well have just chosen Anvil Station an the ANVIL Initiative then. Woul hae required a lot less explanation. Besides that, I had a look through the other thread. All of my wat. That said, it's not my place to have a go at everyone for something they would enjoy more, it just seems very odd for an rp.
  9. That's the terrible film. The true book is literally nothing like it, taking viewpoints from dozens of characters (Like the Song of Ice and Fire series) across the entirety of the war.
  10. The Armour used by Cmdr. Locke is the GEN2 Hunter armor. I don't k ow how you managed to miss that one.
  11. -It specifies them as a case. A plasma torpedoes isn't anything physical until it is fired. In MD, they blow them up before firing. -Source. Plasma pistols have given marines extreme damage, and one needier round was often a death sentence (Not technically plasma, but meh) and so forth. In addition, plasma rounds can melt the titanium of the MJOLNIR armour. -Where is it stated they can hover? It is repeatedly stated that they do not have antigravity (Gravity on ships is generated through rotating rings, rather than the covenant) and no UNSC ships (Exception; vindication, strident, infinity and autumn class have covenant and forerunner tech in them and are postwar adoptions) have vertical thrusters from what is seen. Also, the fact that the Sangheili are portrayed as helpless and humans a ******* superpower, despite the fact that most of their fleet was obliterated at Earth and Reach, with the Sangheili commandeering most of the fleets and battle. The fact that they are shown as almost a tier 6 species is ******* stupid and promotes the idioticness that humans are now the most powerful force despite the fact that pretty much every species could roflstomp them in combat. Hell, Vata Gajat nearly destroyed the infinity with a small station and a corvette- a fleet with several RCS class cruisers and CAS class would completely destroy the human fleets. Also, Halo Landfall. While not stating the speed, it clearly shows banshees using their maximum speed. While nothing is saying they can't slow down, you seem to be making a point they can't go at a higher speed. Once again, it is stated that games =/= lore, as a fuel rod would be creating a huge crater, and a wraith would destroy half a ******* map. But that would make the page take ages to load. I might put them in spoilers.
  12. The Didact's plans in Escalations #8 and #9 do not come to fruition, as Chief is alive months later in E3 2013 trailer. However, we know the cause of the cracked visor is due to the Didact crushing his helmet. Ala, Shadow-Of-Sundered-Star is alie and kicking bottom.
  13. They're helmets only. Make sure you're not looking for nonexistent shoulders or something.
  14. (Quote) -snip (-quote) Provide one instance where the ancient humans have directly broken canon. There are none. (Quote)-snip-(quote) To quote Halo 4 terminal 'War' "Lord of Admirals, shouldn't we warn the forerunners?" "And give the parasite time to spread? No, warning them will take too long." Paraphrased, but you get the picture. Put them on Installation 07, where they were later composed* wat The Gravemind(s) were known to be able to turn AI's against their masters (Case in point; Mendicant Bias- an AI designed to fight the flood. What makes sentinels less susceptible?) Well done. You can recount a story. A) The Covenant advanced so quickly due to the high numbers of Forerunner artefacts on their home worlds, including a keyship on Janjur-Qom. This had not been intended, and was the only reason they were as advanced as they were- they reverse engineered. Why do we keep viruses like Ebola, Smallpox and Spanish Flu around today? To research them and hopefully create a vaccine or cure. Halo 3- the game that created more questions than answers. How did High Charity get through a portal that was smaller than it? Why was Earth not infected when it did this? Why did Miranda try ramming a pelican into the citadel instead of shooting the place up? Reach- Are you seriously saying a good story has the UNSC in open warfare on a continent the size of Africa and fighting a ship that is 27km long and doesn't send a fleet to investigate for a MONTH? So your opinion? Also, the fact you admitted that you didn't understand the plot is troubling. Jul's fleet primarily relies on civilian armour and other scavenged materials as opposed to the covenant's numerous resources. Thel still used the Halo 3 era armours in his faction. Regardless, this isn't story related. Halo Waypoint is free. It was a **** move not to include them in, but I'm sure they had a reason. Also, the fact you can't listen to the characters speaking shows you have a very poor attention span. It was well established years ago that Cortana coul only lie seven years. Face it- she was going to die. Use your head canon if you like, but don't use that as a basis for an argument. Altogether, it sounds like you have the attention span of a five year old who has just eaten blue smarties or you're an idiot. However, I would recommend actually researching a subject before complaining about it, lest you make a very poor argument that is easily countered.
  15. K-5 makes many simple mistakes that shouldn't be happening if the author did the slightest research. IE- calling a plasma torpedo a physical object. Also, the games have been admitted to be toned down. According to the lore, one plasma bolt should melt your face, and banshees fly faster than modern day fightercraft. Bullets are near useless against covenant soldiers and marines are physically inferior to all but grunts and (Maybe) jackals. Also, UNSC ships can not hover, they do not have anti-gravity or external thrusters.
  16. I'll put all these up on one pic later today :3
  17. All good. Huntington, the hat needs to be part of the ball.
  18. I hope she's dead. It would be incredibly cheesy and bad writing to bring her back- she needs to stay dead to allow John's character to develop.
  19. Maybe I should clear it up. You can use them. However, I will not edit your picture into the collection if there is a prop- hence making a propless version too. I'm doing a uber image when more people submit so I can add them together. vaulting frogs ball
  20. Come and make your 343iCFball! http://343i.org/248

  21. 343iCFball is our own version of r/polandball on reddit. The idea is that users create comics and 'balls' (Teehee) based off your avatars and forum events. I will be adding all the 'balls' (Teehee again) to a big picture when we start getting more of them. However, use the example above- based off my avatar- as a guide. There are some rules to me actually getting a picture on the list; -Circle must be hand drawn, not perfect -No props (Guns, wings etc) outside the ball -Only use black outlines on the eyes and overall outline of the ball. -Eyes must be white with a black border (Unless used in a comic for say, anger) -No limbs (Arms, legs, hands etc) You can cretae props, but you must provide a propless version to be used like the one below (Based off my b.net avatar) Here is the inspiration; bungie.net's collection;http://www.bungie.net/en/Groups/Post?id=66044562&groupId=113418 That's it! Have fun and create comics and your own ball (Try and base it off your avatar!)
  22. The story arc is The Next 72 Hours, actually. Also, why clans?
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