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Everything posted by BaconShelf

  1. I'll join. However, I'm less enthusiastic after remmebering the last forge thing you tried organising.
  2. I saw a post that was pretty much word for word this over on Halo Archive and I can't remember who posted it there. Was it you? If not, stop plagiarizing. Edit: Yes it was. Nevermind, I just checked ^-^
  3. D-38 and Meteor (Or whatever the hell JL is calling himself now. I wish he'd settle on something consistent.) hit it on the head. I can count the members here who I considered decent on one hand, and bar one or two, have all left/ aren't active enough to keep it going.
  4. This is a known isssue that 343 has stated they are investigating. It happens with the Get X kills with X weapon type achievements across all first 3 packs. The common theory is that once you start the tally for the achievement, the game counts all of those certain kills wether you're on the required map or not. It won't unlcok the achievement as you may eb playing on Ragnarok (Example) but when you then get kills on Outcast, it's now counting as 7/6, 9/6 so forth, meaning it will never unlock even though you have reached the required amount. At least, that's the theory. In short, if you encountered it, you just have to wait until/ and hope a patch is released.
  5. Seventy years ago, humanity was the dominant species of this galaxy. We held the largest empire ever seen; warlords, kings and presidents would all bow down to us. We ruled all. But what changed? Many blame the arrival of the S’pher, but I refuse to believe this. The collapse of the Imperium has not left us worse than ever before- what threats do humans have? The UOS? Comprised of bitter resentments and ancient technology? The CLA? Barely living off scraps that the UCE throws to the dogs? The...

  6. You clearly don't know anything about the lore. Come back when you understand what people are talking about.
  7. With 343's lore, they are anything but.
  8. Bright Wind of Eternal Stars? Also, edit post is at the bottom of your post
  9. 4 ODST Wars 2 CE(A) SA Dog turds CoD MW3 Halo Reach Halo 3 Going off story of course. My only switcharound for multiplayer would be Reach in 2nd and Wars in 3rd. So you love plot holes, breaches of canon, uninteresting characters and an otherwise sub-par plot only rivalled in horribleness by H3?
  10. I can confirm I was the one who got said question answered.
  11. Learn how to spell simple words, and I'll take you seriously. Besides, all skulls are timed pre-order bonuses. Everyone gets them eventually.
  12. Before I begin a lengthy explanation; let me clearly state: HALOFOLLOWER IS A HORRIBKE SOURCE OF INFO! He has admitted multiple times to NOT READING THE BOOKS and uses wildly inaccurate information and clickbait to spread misinformed ideas to his fans about Halo's story. Do not use it as an accurate source. (Shameless self advertising, but I would highly recommend The Halo Archive for lore expertise) Anyone who takes the lore seriously is less likely to give you credit if you use HF as a source. Now that's out of the way... The Flood will undoubtedly return. This has been observed through multiple sources; A) Halo 3- despite a mediocre campaign at best, the Gravemind does reveal some references. While I can't remember exact quotes (And don't have access to my Xbox), he makes some direct comments that halo 3's events do not destroy the Gravemind, but merely delay him. Terminals- Mendicant practically screams at you in H3 that the flood will return and only Bias' knowledge can help stop it C) The Forerunner Saga makes very interesting points; Ci) there are at least 12 Proto-Graveminds formed on Installation 07 Cii) The Flood's attack on The forerunners was to test if they were worthy of the Mantle. It is stated that Humans will be tested when they become too strong and sure of themselves- exactly what we see in H4 and related material D) Spirit of Fire E) There are still possibly thousands of Flood Research facilities in the galaxy. The Janus key- if used- could potentially reveal all to the wrong side. F) there was a radical Covenant group that believes the Flood should be allowed to be set loose to relive the fall of the Forerunners G) The Ark wasn't destroyed. This can be backed up with reports from the UNSC Rubicon in 2559, before being hijacked by 343GS. It is entirely possible that Flood remnant survived. The Master Chief was wearing MJOLNIR armour. In CE/ The Flood, 343GS remarks on how his suit is only a class 2 combat skin and that he should be using a class 12 minimum. As the supreme leader of all Forerunner militarise, it isn't out if reality that the Didact's armour was more than 6x stronger than Chief's. He is seen talking to some sort of council post-halo 4. 343 does not do things as coincidence, and they have confirmed he has a part yet to play in the reclaimer saga. He is alive.
  13. As long as I get a Reach/ H4 style one for unlocking armour, I don't care. I just don't care about a number.
  14. I only do it if I feel the post deserves it. Therefore, a like from me is rare and should be cherished.
  16. Updated the list with upcoming material.
  17. A lot of this is based off the ideas I had for my forge-based project. However, I have realized it would take a lot of customs lobbies to get working invasion maps running, and good testers are hard to find. Therefore, I am adapting it to how I imagine it would work if it was implemented in a game. Oh, and I used part of Escalation #1 as it sums up the S1 narrative quite well, I believe. Spartan Ops S2 script Prologue Scene pans over the HIGHCOM of the UNSC- General Strauss, Hogan and Deller, Admiral Hood and Osman all sit at a table in the shadows, silhouetted by a light behind them. Before them stand Lasky and Palmer. (This scene would serve to remind players of the events of S1. Taken from Escalation #1) Hood: As I’m sure you’ve already guessed, we’ve asked you here today to discuss Infinity’s involvement in the events sounding the Requiem mission. Osman: More directly, Captain Lasky, members of this committee have some significant misgivings over the handling of the campaign. Lasky: Sirs- not to be contrary, but I was led to believe this wasn’t an official inquiry? Hood: Tom, relax. Nobody’s pointing fingers. Osman: Be that as it may, Admiral Hood, there are some lingering questions I think many of us need answered. Lasky: Of course. Whatever we can do to help, Admiral Osman. Osman: Captain Lasky. Infinity’s mission was to reconnoitre the Forerunner shield world- Requeim- and determine if another Forerunner attack on Earth was imminent. Lasky: Admiral. Forerunner or Covenant. We’d heard a lot of chatter about Jul ‘Mdama’s Covenant entering Requiem’s vicinity. Osman: And what part of that mission, exactly, necessitated the request for Catherine Halsey- One of the most dangerous assets we have in custody- to be remanded into your care? Lasky: Infinity became tethered to Requiem’s surface by a Forerunner Artefact. In order to sever the link, we required Doctor Halsey’s expertise. Osman: Yet under your supervision, that ‘expertise’ was allowed to conspire with ‘Mdama and his new Covenant. A breach which resulted in the good doctor’s escape and the complete destruction of Requiem! Lasky: Jul ‘Mdama’s fleet was forced to flee, and further access to Requiem’s technology was denied to them. Our mission was to stop another attack like New Phoenix, ma’am. Which I believe we did. Osman: Commander Palmer, you’re aware that Captain Lasky was ordered to neutralise Doctor Halsey. You, in fact, were assigned to the task. Palmer: Yes ma’am. Osman: It’s my understanding that after giving you the assignment, Captain Lasky dispatched another team to prevent you from accomplishing that goal. Is this correct? Palmer: No ma’am. Osman: It’s not? Palmer: After the captain conveyed your orders, he left it to my discretion how to proceed should the opportunity arise. The second team was- to my knowledge- a contingency. Osman: So your attempt to kill Catherine Halsey- Palmer: -Missed, Admiral. I missed my shot. Scene cuts to black, then shows the text FOUR DAYS LATER. Text (On screen): Shortly after the Second Battle of Requiem, a peace conference would be held on Ealen IV to negotiate peace between the Arbiter’s Sangheili and the Jiralhanae. The negotiations would be attacked by a rogue Covenant faction, leading to the death of Spartan DeMarco. After the battle finished, the Infinity would be attacked by ships bearing the markings of the long-lost Spirit of Fire. Tracking where they came from, the crew would instead find only a Covenant space station belonging to the same group as the previous attackers. The battle would end with Infinity taking extremely heavy damage and the unveiling of a traitor in the UNSC ranks. Amidst this, signals originating from the destroyed Ivanoff station would be recorded and a task force would be compiled to head to the source of the Signal and investigate. Show Infinity at a repair station above Earth. In the background, several MAC platforms can be seen orbiting the planet and several new and old UNSC ships can be seen in space. Earth has a small ring of asteroids surrounding it- composed of the wreckage of hundreds of ships- UNSC, Covenant and remains of the Mantle’s Approach. As the camera slowly pans away from the flagship, an Autumn Class cruiser is seen heading towards the planet. On its side is the markings UNSC MINUTES TO MIDNIGHT. Cut to the bridge. An AI- resembling a Roman Centurion- is seen on a holotable. AI: All SPARTAN teams- Crimson, Sledgehammer, Iridium and Pathfinder- are aboard and ready for deployment, Captain Wolpet. HIGHCOM has approved request to make the jump to the Halo. Ready to jump on your command. Wolpet: Thank you, Anton. Spin up FTL drives, set course for Ivanoff station. He moves to the front glass windows. He watches as space begins to distort in front of him as a portal appears, and the ship moves into it. Wolpet: Estimate on arrival time? Anton: Approximately 38 hours, sir. Would you like me to run a simulation for on-board Spartan teams? Wolpet: Do it. Pull simulation of Installation Control Room. Make it a flood gametype, We need to be prepared for the worst. Inform me when ETA nears ten minutes. Wolpet walks off the bridge. Anton’s projection looks back at the now-closed door for a minute- flashes green from its usual-red state. Anton: Yes, captain. Text on screen fades in as the camera shows the ring, with the title HALO: INSTALLATION 03 appearing in the foreground. As the final scene fades to black, the activation index can be seen floating in space, along with the wreckage of Ivanoff station.
  18. As a member of the Halo Archive, I highly recommend it to those who care about Halo's lore. Also, what's your username there OP? You may want to add a link
  19. Well, this Shipmaster clearly regrets his actions in the war. He is horrified when he sees human skeletons in the bunker, and constantly expresses guilt and sadness at the glassing and taking orders of a prophet. However, what becomes a slightly more mysterious part is the end. For those not in the know, SM (I'll be referring to him as this) sees a human encampment under fire from Jackal troops. He kills the invaders and ignores the sole survivor to go and look in a tent. He finds schematics and info about Monitors. He ends as he explains that he still knows how to interrogate a human as he takes the survivor. However, why is this significant? Well, the novel Halo: Primordium is set on a UNSC ship- the UNSC Rubicon- sent in 2559 to the remains of the lesser Ark. What it finds is extraordinary; they find 343 Guilty Spark amidst the wreckage (Monitors can self-repair) and he begins to tell the memories he experienced as a human on a Halo Installation. This comprises the majority of the novel as it mainly is told from Chakas/ 343GS' POV. At the end of the novel, Spark takes full control of the Rubicon, claiming he now knows where to find the 'Elusive Librarian'- presumably Chant-To-Green (Although he believes it is the Librarian which died on Earth) and hijacks the ship- we have no information on what happens next. (Note that Halo 4 takes place in 2557, with Spartan Ops and Escalation in 2558- presumably placing H5 in late 2558/ early 2559 which coincides perfectly) Anyway. Notice the similarities? The Return shows the UNSC having schematics of a Monitor and one is shown captured in Primordium. It is likely that with two additional H2A cutscenes, terminals and the newly announced Halo: Broken Circle coming out this year all of which will tie into the events of the next game, you simply cannot believe it's a coincidence. 343 has been planning the story since 2009- and were only just starting to see references in Legends that are starting to come true now such as the Ark and Absolute Record. 343 knows what is going to happen In the future, and to say the two events are not linked in any way is idiocy. Hope that shed some light on the overall story, though most of it was irrelevant to the question you asked. One of the Storm, and Jul's- primary beliefs is the eradication of Humanity. The Shipmaster expresses regret and guilt for killing humans.
  20. This is brilliant. Thanks for adding some humour to my day. It is not cover art. Just a placeholder. Agent Locke. Wrong. The Reclaimer Saga is confirmed to have an explicit focus on S-117's story. Locke will likely be hunting John, so being a 'hero' is unlikely. Also, a current theory is that Locke was the interrogator in Halo 4's prologue. If so, this would give light to Halsey's statement; You're trying to replace him, aren't you? While originally thought to be ONI replacing the II's with Spartan IV's, the possibility is that Locke is literally replacing John (Remember that the widespread UNSC doesn't know he is alive). However, it can be seen that his attempt to hunt/ replace John can never succeed due to something said by the Arbiter; You have to forget the stories, and walk in his footsteps. I tell you this, Agent Locke, not because I trust you- but because of all our lives are at stake. And the future may be buried in the seeds of his past. Or something like that. However, Thel is referring to that Locke did not undergo the training that John did, not his augmentations (Remember that SIV's were adult volunteers) nor face the Covenant for 28 years. He needs John's mindset- he needs to know where John will be going. Brilliant. Just brilliant. I just spilled my water from laughing. We have known this for some time.
  21. You also see him briefly on the right when Locke steps over to the window. The Reclaimer Saga is confirmed to be a story about Master Chief. Unless I've missed an important update, we will not be having more playable characters in a Halo 2-Esque fashion, nor co-op. Thel has an entire planet to keep in line on Samgheilios, and Locke is hunting John and could serve as an antagonist or protagonist but not as a playable.
  22. These will be friendly to Britain and other times, right? Also, I don't see a sign up.
  23. On the MCC trailer uploaded by the Xbox YouTube channel, there are 3 annotations throughout the video that take the user to a website for MCC. Here, clicking all 3 will unlock a prize. However, I feel it necessary that you find them . The numbers are posted in the comments, so you can look there if needs be.
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