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Everything posted by BaconShelf

  1. Those maps are wrong. The entirety of the Human-Civebsjt war was fought in the Orion arm of the Galaxy, and most of the Covebant empire only covered that rough area.
  2. It makes no sense within the lore. Why make vehicles when you have Cimbat Skins (At Least) 6x better than MJOLNIR armour (Halo: The Flood), the ability to create full AI on a whim and teleportation? Plus, handheld weapons more deadly that some mounter armaments. It would make more sense to insert a Prometheans AI into a tank 'shell'c but a Knight Commander is already able to go to-toe-with a Mantis. Additionally, it is seen in a cuts end on Reclaimer, that there were many star fighters in use in the a forerunner-Hunan war, and Halo Legends shows tank-like Sentinels in war. Halo 2 also shows Sentinel Enforcers which can Shrek Scorpion and Wraith tanks. Short answer- no need for vehicles. Sentinels and AI can fill most heavy combat duties, and Forerunners already carry heavy weaponry as a handheld (See: Incineration Cannon)
  3. Note- I take no credit for these. All credit goes to Haruspis for writing these. Likewise, I'll only quote the one, but I recommend reading all of them. Links will be added. Prologue- http://haruspis.wordpress.com/2014/02/11/halo-4-level-by-level-analysis-prologue/ Dawn- http://haruspis.wordpress.com/2014/02/16/halo-4-level-by-level-analysis-dawn/ Requiem- http://haruspis.wordpress.com/2014/02/24/halo-4-level-by-level-analysis-requiem/ Forerunner- http://haruspis.wordpress.com/2014/03/02/halo-4-level-by-level-analysis-forerunner/ Infinity- http://haruspis.wordpress.com/2014/03/08/halo-4-level-by-level-analysis-infinity/ Reclaimer- http://haruspis.wordpress.com/2014/03/13/halo-4-level-by-level-analysis-reclaimer/ Shutdown- http://haruspis.wordpress.com/2014/03/18/halo-4-level-by-level-analysis-shutdown/ Composer- http://haruspis.wordpress.com/2014/03/29/halo-4-level-by-level-analysis-composer/ Midnight- http://haruspis.wordpress.com/2014/04/01/halo-4-level-by-level-analysis-midnight/ Epilogue- http://haruspis.wordpress.com/2014/04/03/halo-4-level-by-level-analysis-epilogue/ I seriously recommend reading some of the other stuff he has written, particularly if you are interested in Halo's lore.
  4. So, forcing me to spawn with a BR is good, despite the fact I'm awful with it and some people are amazing is fair? Well, that luts me at an immediate disadvantage. Alternatively, I could spawn with a DMR, and have the opportunity to go toe to toe with people who are good at a weapon with a weapon I'm good with. I rarely like multi-shot weapons, which is why I don't like H3. I'm all for bringing back classic game modes, but not at the expense of the ones I enjoy. I feel it important to care to everyone, not just the elite or new- sprint as a feature and more playlists at launch would have helped this. Asking for things like AA's and spring to be removed for classic play is one thing, but removing them entirely is another. Hold on, hold on. Ten minutes later... If it's any consolidation, I find H4 mm quite boring, too. Just better than the rest. As long as the story remains good (And in 343's hands, the story is safe), I couldn't give two ****s about multiplayer. Titanfall and Battlefiekd are much more fun to me anyway- therefore, I will take your advice and play a game I enjoy playing. I suggest you take your own advice- if you enjoy the previous games so much, there is nothing stopping you playing them now.
  5. 4. This is getting ridiculous, though.
  6. It's a commendation game type, as far as I'm concerned.
  7. I find chart music repulsive, so I don't listen to the radio. However, the most modern song I have liked was Guilty All The Same by Linkin Park
  8. You'd be better off doing this on Reach due to Elites and Invasion. Unless you plan to use mods to have a flood campaign.
  9. I should probably mention that these maps all have a few thousand budget left on them.
  10. The reason they have little armour in 4 is because there is little armour to go around. Most covenant anything has been destroyed in the Schism, so the Storm (And other factions) are quite literally using scraps of what they can find/ produce themselves. In the EVU, it is said that some of the armour isn't even military, suggesting they were returning to civilian/ training origins. Also- Halo 3's are shorter/ slouched as they use the same hitbox as a Spartan. Keeping them the same was easier on all fronts. Reach changes this as they introduced dedicated SvE game types where Elites were stronger, and they could use the models from the Campsign (Which were designed to feel stronger and more alien) As for order: Reach 4 Wars CE/2 3
  11. You do know how powerful a .44 is, right? You wouldn't be able to dual-wield them.
  12. It's already confirmed to be only on the new gen.
  13. Oh, is it? I rarely listen to chart music.
  14. Attack- 30 Seconds to Mars
  15. >tells people that they shouldn't be allowed to do something if they disagree >calls those people idiots I sense hypocrisy at the highest level.
  16. I disagree on every point. The amount of times people have EMP'd and blown up my vehicles, or hit me in the back to cause me to miss a sniper shot, or stuck me to capture a flag, there is no point and no advantage apart from allowing idiots to piss off everyone else because "you took my snipuh"
  17. However, loadouts offer newer players a chance to start with a weapon they feel comfortable using. For instance, I shrek in Titanfall with the Spitfire, but others do the same with Longbows or EVA's. giving people a chance to play how they play best means that there aren't as many unfair advantages who know where to camp the weapon spawns.
  18. OOC* Mojave not Mohave* IC: A fresh click resounded as a new clip of 5.56mm ammunition was inserted into the large assault rifle. It had cost a fair few caps at the gun runners- bordering on 20,000! But it had been undoubtly worth it. Moving on, satisfied with the state of the rifle, an autopistol was laid, disassembled on the table. It took little effort to go through- inspect each piece (And replace a firing pin), clean it, and reassemble the weapon. Finally, she attached the silencer before putting the weapon in it's holster. The weapons check was done, helmet optics worked, and was ready for another journey into the wastes. Jessica had heard rumours- some guy being taken down in Goodsprings- a couple days back. The guy who killed him took something: and now an assassination order was out on him, "order of House, Robert. Reward of 10,000 caps or more." Anyone would be crazy to turn down that offer! Finally, she undertook the gruelling task of counting out at least 2,000 bottlecaps. She wondered why nothing had been offered as tens, hundreds or thousands yet- especially when most high end weapons were costing tens of thousands. Nontheless, the check confirmed 2,500, she was ready to go. She picked up the rifle leaning against the table, and pulled the Bowie knife out of a Legion helmet (With a mannequin head inside) that she had used for target practice. With all her gear ready, she opened her door and stepped out into the wasteland, briefly pausing to adjust her eyes to sunlight. She had been lucky with the find- this ranch, and a small sign that roughly inscribed 'Wolfhorn' had everything she needed: a farm outside, a water pump and being far enough from the road that no one bothered her, but she could watch the valley to the west- thanks to a handy sniper nest. She set off, to the north. It would be a two day journey to Vegas- she aimed to be at the El Dorado petrol station by nightfall.
  19. A series of purely aesthetic maps created with machinimas in mind on Reach. Not pictured are Port, Floodgate and a larger Aircraft carrier. I decided to boot up my capture card and do some screenshots. All of these are available in my file share- GT BaconShelf And a sneak-peak of a project I'm working on
  20. If you want a Halo 3 clone, okay Halo 3. Nobody is forcing you to play 4. There are a lot of people who like the features you listed. Quite frankly, you just seem buttmad that people don't confirm to your gameplay style- you aren't willing to change tactics or style, so you think everyone should adapt to you.
  21. Ich Bin Spinne Panzer

    1. Rue


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