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Everything posted by BaconShelf

  1. You've only just found this? Bit late there.
  2. I think of snow first. Seriously, that looks nothing like sand.
  4. m Imagine an entire game like SO (But not every week and slightly longer) where every mini campaign involved you dropping onto a planet and doing stuff. Just with regular size missions.
  5. No. Ensemble never had the rights- Microsoft had them from the minute they announced HW would be their final game before shutting down. 343 didn't buy the rights.
  6. Or maybe because it will not be out for at least another year and the £70 price is filler for the fact that the bloody price will not be announced until June earliest (Presuming it releases 2014 at all.) MS have stated that all X1 titles will be the standard £40 that they are now. You can go home people.
  7. Halo 3's storyline was one big pile of clusterf--- that didn't start until the sixth mission.
  8. 12+ hour storyline on normal. At least 15 missions so the story gets time to actually explain itself.
  9. I love people who don't bother researching a topic and then complain about said topic. Nice work, OP. I love Teh Spearhead. I have his second GT on my friends list^.^
  10. The way you go about stating your opinion as fact/ insulting others who have different opinions gives the impression that that is your thought process as you type.
  11. You clearly do not understand what I'm saying. Why should they support a feature they obviously didn't/ don't want in the game? You're just saying they should, not addressing the point I'm making.
  12. I'm going to be honest. I've never seen pure-white sand.
  13. O NOES TERE IS A DIFWENT OPINON TO MEH I NEED TEH USE BAD INSWULT! If you are going to insult someone for having a different opinion to your (May I say, badly thought out and worded)one, at least use a decent insult. I also believe that the quote- Implies that you want to hear what everyone thinks. Clearly, you are too childish to accept different opinions and instead expected to have wave upon wave of posts agree with you.
  14. The no-weapons glitch is exactly that. A glitch. Why should they put in support for something they didn't put in the game? If it was an officual feature such as Halo 2, then it would be different, but not supporting a glitch and complaining about it is downright retarded.
  15. The power can dictate the damage of a weapon, not just the Caliber. The fact that bullets pierce MJOLNIR armour at all is ludicrous in it's own right.
  16. There needs to be a legitimate ranking system like a combination of halo 2/3 this CSR ranking system in absurd. Define legitimate. AKA this is opinionated nonsense. The assault rifle is wayyyyy to strong period. "O NOES I R KILLED BIE AWTO WIFUL"- OP. Add in dcope with some dedicated servers No arguments here.
  17. You're looking at things from the point of view here. Most of the fans have gone "Well F--- That" and abandoned the franchise as a whole.
  18. No. It went kablooeyboom before bogging off to hang with Requiem.
  19. So when will this be posted. Bumped and I don't care, this needs to be seen.
  20. That's like saying "I hope the moon stops changing the tides". Won't happen, no matter what you do apart from destroying it.
  21. 343, they will never be accepted. If they made a pixel-perfect Halo 3 remake, they'd get flak. I'd rather they do what they want, not what the community wants.
  22. Well this place is still dead so I'm going to go and play Skyrim.

    1. Buns


      If you think its dead then obviously you havent seen a "dead" forum

    2. I_Make_Big_Boom


      Like Halo4Nation. Now THAT is a dead Forum.

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