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Everything posted by BaconShelf

  1. No. Only Bungie could give it away- as in I'm not sure if 343 can give it. Should've been there on July 7th, 2011, kid.
  2. Is a decen-length campaign. Seriously, how hard is it to do a H2/ Wars length campaign? Advantages to a 12+ hour story- -Not cramming story elements into missions *Looks at Infinity, and how the jungle and ship sections could easily have been both lengthened* -More easter egg oppurtunities -Much, much more oppurtunity for different firefights/ engagements- Sniper, massive vehicle, CQ, boarding action etc... Story >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Multiplayer.
  3. I doubt an employee of 343 would use grammatical errors like that.
  4. Oh. Look, another Halo 4 hate thread. Nothing to see here people, move along.
  5. Uhh okay... Lets see what carnag- I mean wonders! Can Gryff pull off?
  6. I get averaging 20-30 kills a game. Last time I checked, I don't cheat. U WOT M8.
  7. As above, there are still possibly thousands of Forerunner installations dedicated to researching the flood such as the Heretic Gas Mine in the orbit of Threshold. Warning! Silentium spoilers!
  8. Like it or not, halo is slow and boring. Most people don't want that.
  9. Halo 3 sucked though. They can only make it better, I'm all for it.
  10. Thats funny. Ever since MW2 came out, Halo has become less popular overall in the gaming community.
  11. Halo has been dying since mid-2009. Admit it.
  12. I'll be honest. This sounds like a bunch of crap. Anything leaked by 343 would be swept up pretty quickly by Microsoft. Sorry to rain on the parade but it just sounds too far in development considering it'll be late 2014 release at best.
  13. Why not? Should be fun. As long as we get some Wars stuff in, I'm fine. I bought the game modes pack:D
  14. You thought I was gone forever?! I'm offended!

  15. Banned is harsh. I say make this the new thread! Side note- it's very late but I've had a lot on. Here's the screens you requested in my fileshare- https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/players/baconshelf/halo4/fileshare# Is the thread going to be unlocked when you change things?
  16. The machinima logo at the beginning makes me cry blood in disgust. Other than that, I can't wait to do my part in the series!
  17. Thats right, I'm on 500 likes. Admire me you fools!

  18. They rotate DLC regularly. You just need to wait a while
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