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Everything posted by BaconShelf

  1. This issn't official forums. Your best bet is trying halowaypoint.com/forum. PM bs agngel and hopre for a response:D
  2. Lurkers be lurkin'... >.> <.>.>

  3. The way I see it, if you care about the story enough to complain about it, you should at least attempt to get some knowledge about the lore. The fact 4 feels fit in with the books rather than a random thing on it's own is one of its best features.
  4. Am I alright to post in the forge stuff about mods? I know Waypoint locks threads about modding gametypes and maps.

    1. Church


      This isn't 343i :P. go ahead!

    2. Tommy


      Mods are the best!

  5. Is this even a question? Forerunners without a shadow of a doubt, considering the UNSC had the entire Home Defense Fleet (at least) and a lot of ODP's in Earth's orbit sent to take down ONE. FORERUNNER. SHIP. (Including Infinity) yet lost a lot of ships. Also, see what happened when 3 frigates and some Longswords attacked the keyship on the portal? Not. A. Scratch. These are the guys who had fleets that could destroy a planet if necessary. Finally, to quote Ripa 'Moramee;
  6. Dovahkiin, Dovahkiin, Naal Aak Zin Los Vaahriin!

    1. GryffinGuy007


      Not a thing, not a thing, not a single sardine!

    2. BaconShelf
  7. Yeah, it's SLASO- Solo Legendary All Skulls On. Also known as 'Mythic' difficulty. There's a pretty good guide to it here- http://halo.bungie.org/gameplay/halo4_mythic/
  8. Tip: different people enjoy different things. A lot of people do like AA's, would you deny them fun for your sake? Anyway: if you basically want H3, go play it.
  9. You do realise how OP the M7/S is, right? I.E H2/3
  10. They swap on a regular basis. Just the latest map pack generally stays up longer. They rotate them regularly (Every 1-2 months I believe) so just wait it out.
  11. [insert clever, witty update here]

  12. Keyes. The guy who purposefully nearly crashes his Destroyer into a CCS-Class Battlecruiser... And survives. Oh, and Keyes has the same first name as me so Kudos to him :3
  13. What experience do you have with card games? I played Yu-Gi-Oh when I was a kid but I'm pretty good at unit balancing anyway. What are some of your skill/talents? Writing. Unit Balancing. Screenshot capture (Capture Card), How would you like to contribute to this project? Whichever way is necessary Cheese or Pepperoni? Pepperoni Favorite Halo game? 4. Deal with it. On a scale of 1-10(117) how well do you think you know Halo(This can be anything from concepts that were cut from games to overall lore)? I know lore very well. Bit less so for Forerunner/ Precursor stuff but fairly well. Are you rebel scum? I am a part of the Rebel Alliance and a Traitor. Take me away! Liked purely for that.
  14. *Watches a ball of dust roll across the floor on the wind*
  15. Yeah. This forum is nice but everywhere else, it's just constant flaming over differing opinions
  16. I'm just going to call you out on community. The Halo community is a horrible community. Outside this forum, anyway. Other than that, basically right. I haven't ever seen a more splintered and divided fanbase.
  17. I can only thnk of the Crimson ones- hijack and kill a mantis.
  18. The achievement just said get a kill while on a man cannon. Mantis was never in it
  19. Gonna have to explain that one to me.
  20. Was exploring Point Lookout in Fallout 3. Went in a motel room to see lots of skeletons and blood. Walked in the bathroom and there was a bath full of gore and that Pint-Sized slasher mask just staring at me..., I am scarred for life. That thing is scary. I can add it to Dunwhich building and Sierra Madre on my scariest fallout experience list...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RedStarRocket91


      The Sierra Madre is the worst, man. By far the most terrifying bit of any Falout game, especially on Hardcore!

    3. BaconShelf


      Madre was tense. But the Old World Gourmet, Light Step and having a high melee/ unarmed skill helps.


      Oh, and there is a trick where you can get Van Graff armour in there by having it marked as quest related. That makes it a lot easier.


      Still, I don't tackle it til around level 30 anyway.

    4. RedStarRocket91


      True, but the quest-related glitches just ruin the atmosphere, it's way more exciting when you're down to your last thirty HP and have six bullets in all the world! I think my first run was around level 21, won't be making THAT mistake again.

  21. Read da novels. In all seriousness, it's designed so people who read the novels feel like they're actually part of the story (most events never get a mention) and make people think "This is interesting, I may get a book and see how it goes."
  22. Okay. The Boeing has stopped. You may return to whatever you do. DO WHAT YOU DO. Unless you want to carry on bowing, that's fine too!
  23. Try Waypoint forums. PM BS Angel and hope for a reply:D
  24. [@Helljumper it's mainly because of general post quality declining for the past few months. I just don't have any ideas. I'm probably going to take a break for a bit, maybe look at some if the Fallout stuff on Bethesda. I don't wan to name anyone but there are a few posters in the RP's who I probably won't accept due to general crappiness. I hope I'm not sounding elitist, but if you look back at the original RP's, then the recent ones, the overall quality is declining.] [Tl;DR I have got bored of crap RPing. For those who can't be bothered reading.]
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