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Everything posted by BaconShelf

  1. Pretty cool. Though when did H4 have lunch?
  2. Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me, happy birthday to BaconShelf, happy birthday to me:D I have been on this site do a year and am now a veteran. You shall all bow to me today> Problem?
  3. One year of this forum. Happy birthday to meh.

    1. BeckoningZebra1
    2. Cooliest


      Hey we both started on the same exact day. But.... it's tomorrow?

  4. Brutes were not a part of Jul 'Mdama's Remnant. Plus, they were nearly wiped out through fighting anything they saw. Including themselves. Drones/ Y'anme probably left the Covenant or just returned to Palamok, not wanting anything to do with anything. Flood. Requiem (Most likely) did not have Flood containment facilities; therefore they were not in the game. A Gravemind took hundreds, if not thousands of years to fully develop to the levl of H2's GM. They will most likely not return for a while. Monitors. The game was not set on a Halo, therefore no monitors. ODST's (I make up my own explainings for these kind of holes) were deployed on a different part of the Infinity that the Master Chief and Crimson was not deployed on. Though Halo: The Flood shows how all the Marines you see in Combat Evolved were in fact ODST's, just wearing non-standard armour. So it is possible ODST's were encountered but not in their Helljumping armour? A) The story was explicitly about Chief and Cortana. The story was not about the UNSC. Plus, they had a prescence in a few of the missions anyway becasue it wouldn't make sense in the first and last few missions. Master Chief wasn't on Infinity for long; a day at best. Plus, simple game/ technology limitations block large battalions of hundred+ forces taking on the enemy like in Halo Wars or StarCraft. The Halo games have never been about large battalions, they were always about being part of the smaller teams. If you get what I'm saying. Halo 4 has had no more or less AI in any one location than the previous ones. All in all, I'm getting a 'I want a Halo 3 campaign in fancy graphics" feeling for you, that the actual story doesn't matter as much. Meh, if you took time to think about the story or even read the EU Novels, yo might realise some of these?
  5. Go on the forums and PM BS Angel or Forum Team or something. However, posting a thread in the 'bugs' section there could gain a response or helpful suggestions from their admins. Though I'd change the title. It makes it sound a little ragey.
  6. That's a bit of a gray area. I'd suggest asking 343 about that one. I'm sure they wouldn't mind but it's best to be sure.
  7. If I'm in a good mood, I may post some screenshots of my Fallout-themed Minecraft map tomorrow. More specifically, Vault 41.

  8. They're not like Waypoint mods xD Seriously though, I would be surprised if they didn't at least reply to a PM. I'll PM you the list of all mods if you like?
  9. That would be Twam you're looking for. Though he isn't on as much, so you'd be better off contacting the moderators Absolute Dog or RedStarRocket91. -BaconShelf, Halo Waypoint forums.
  10. Tip; spawn your vehicles further away from everyone else. And this isn't 343's forum. But you knew that anyway... Right?
  11. Though if you're looking for Campaign and Spartan Ops, you'll need a capture card to get them. And Waypoint also has your Reach files on too, which is pretty nice:D
  12. Downloading Champions is seperate to Bullseye, Infinity Armour or Steel Skins in much the same way as War Games Map Pass. Anyway, you may have a VERY stable connection, but if the majority of people don't have as good for whatever reason, they may not be able to connect to you so it removes you. Like backwards lag, I guess. Obviously, the population of DLC playlists is lower than say... BTB or Flood so there aren't as many people with similar connections to you so it just pairs you with whoever you can. Of course, this is my speculation, but your best place is to go on halowaypoint.com forums to contact 343. And 300 odd MB is the size of Champions, That's what I got a download as.
  13. Pretty much the above. It would be too easy to camp the objective so it is Slayer only.
  14. It's the TU for Champions, it reset my loadouts and I spent 15 minutes looking through armour and weapns as they had little gold stars on them. If you've only just updated, that's probably it.
  15. [Leaving. Ledgend or Omega can control Mal, this is getting boring for me. Sorry. If you really want me to explain more, PM me]
  16. Leaving all the RP's, between a mixture of bad writing by a lot of members and just general boringness, I can't be bothered with it. Maybe if a paticularly interesting one pops up... Omega can control my character(s) apart from War for the Stars.

  17. IC is a power weapon and should kill infantry one shot. However, unless all shots (First and the follow up ones) hit a vehicle, it will more than likely drive away. Damaged, mind, but certainly not killed. The IC isn't OP. Ghost I feel is good as people are able to dodge the vehicle.
  18. This. This all the way. FGS people, it's a number, surely you don't need a friggin' number to tell you if you're good at the game? No, the people who want it visible are the ones who want to be able to glorify themselves as masters at the game 'skillwise' instaed of just playing for fun. I'm pretty sure being able to point and shoot someone before they shoot you can tell you if you're better than them...
  19. They look pretty much like they used to. Except the ODST's round, rather than pointed, visor. However, they all look almost exactly like the originals (Minus scratches and paint erosion) Prefect is based off Forerunner tech so it looks all nice and Forerunner-ey and Ricochet is based of fairly smooth 'armour' anyway.
  20. Forerunners Telekenisis glove thing Disentegration Armour up to (At least) 6 times better than MJOLNIR Inter-Galactic travel (Silentium spoiler)
  21. That's wheelman alright.
  22. Ohhh, you have to kill an oponent? Well that just seems misleading...
  23. However, it would need to take into account accents, language, slang etc. It wouldn't be possible to do.
  24. That's the LE version? I though you got a DVD with LE.
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