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Everything posted by BaconShelf

  1. [iT was abandoned. Didn't you read the post?]
  2. Simple enough achievement... Succesfully camp a location for sixty seconds without dying. So I find a nice little quiet spot on Pitfall and just sit there. A minute goes by but no achievement. So what are the requirements here? Kill enemies while in the area? Not touch a button at all? Certain gametypes? I'm stumped.
  3. This is an FPS. Not a crappy kinect game. *Shrugs* I don't like motion gaming.
  4. Tip for the achievement requiring resistor and recharge active while when recharging shields, DO NOT use a regen field. It doesn't count

    1. EliteSniper


      You can also use a Plasma Pistol overcharge at a wall or the grounD xD

  5. I would imagine you can use it as long as it's non-profit. However, you may be best off emailing them/ posting on Waypoint to be sure.
  6. I'm sure more than one Sangheili was ambidextrous. The Trilogy Arbiter was in a ship at the time if not already in slipspace, pursuing the Pillar of Autumn to Alpha Halo
  7. As a hater of Grifball, Ricochet surprised me. I managed to score five goals in one match o.O Nice review:D
  8. StarCraft II + Minecraft = Minecraft II or Starcraft
  9. There isn't a paticular reason I hate it. I just don't have fun on it. Might be lack of vehicular combat (Which I believe) that is integral to 8v8 play. Plus it's about DMR's and BR's, I just get cross mapped all the time
  10. The game was made in 2001; they made things that they thought were futuristic. Remember Aliens? They had laptops as a just-invented thing in the 2500's or whatever it was. We are very close (More than you'd think) to making Halo MJOLNIR armour- without need for augmentation and is stronger. It's based off tech available at the time, and how we believe it will be; we'd say FTL travel in next few hundred years, but if it's sooner, we'd say "FTL travel was in X, why is fictionn not saying it?" Besides, bullets have more of a kick than plasma, they fill a certain niche in the game.
  11. Learn programming/ coding language Get some expensive software Find a game engine (If it has graphics) Start writing/ doing buttons (If text-based) Do your concept art Convert this concept art toin-game pictures Find a way to host it on the web. If you're expecting a Halo-like AAA title, it's just not happening.
  12. As long as I get my X1 and Halo, I don't care who is CEO:3
  13. The only 'What I want' list I don't have extreme flaws to point out. I presume Scarab would be Campaign, I don't see an easy way to implement multiplayer Scarab unless it's like SWBF AT-AT's, pretty useless.
  14. Worst map. Period. It's the only H4 map I despise to the point of leaving if it's on. Should have stayed in spartan Ops.
  15. The the thing is, the community requests forge maps... Then complains about them. Off topic, if you hate the game that much, why do you play it? For that matter, why is almost all of your posts complaining on a forum 343 doesn't own/ read?
  16. Female; I RP as Army/ ODST troopers and it looks better. Plus the really bulky armour looks better as female
  17. Just scored five throws in Ricochet o.O

  18. "Sure..." Mumbled Mal as he ran out of the room. He wandered the corridors, making sure he wasn't followed before making a left instead of a right. He jammed radar systems in the area around him and snuck through the facility. He turned into the medical lab, unscathed by fighting and got to work.
  19. "Oh there are more, that's what the outside racket is. I don't suppose you know how to deactivate this thing do you? Unless you like being in an alien cell, that is." Replied Mal as he searched the Covenant equipment in the room. He didn't see any obvious control panels.
  20. Stepping off the Pelican, Mal quickly ducked out of sight of the pelican. He was looking for the central command room. He entered a corridor. He turns left, right, right. He was sure he was deep inside the glacier, with a temperature drop to prove it. A doorway, closed came up ahead. He shot the lock and opened it. Inside was a few grunts that were focused on some monitors showing a feed of outsides battle. Four shots rang out, and four dead aliens hit the floor. Then he saw something he hadn't seen before; some kind of blue energy field. It shimmered in the doorway, casting light in the area around it. Inside was a marine. He walked over, he didn't know if she had seen him, or even if the field let sound through. He let loose a few rounds into the shield to gain her attention.
  21. Define 'Wrong'. Glitches? Bugs? Something you don't like? We can't help if you won't let us.
  22. Recieved my World Of Tanks Beta code:D Happy Bacon is happy:D

    1. Composite Armour

      Composite Armour

      Fresh loltraktor victims for the taking bacon!

  23. Tomorrow, I get to meet (For the first time) my eleven year old cousin:D

  24. 4 Campaign has actually been planned out for future games (Bungie made it up as they went along) And fits with the EU novels and stuff, plus there is a above average story in nthe camapign for once. Multiplayer- I actually enjoy it, I don't often enjoy online play so enough said. Forge- Not much to say other than very good. Customs- Same as forge SpOps- Betteer than FF as I get a story and reason to do it apart from achievements. For the record, H3 is my least favourite.
  25. It would have even destroyed in the explosion caused by me
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