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Everything posted by BaconShelf

  1. The Shades and armour below we're certainly a problem. "Looks like our intel isn't up to days then, someone's moved in." "Should I open fire?" "Go for it." The first salvo of missiles hit the armour, each hitting a single tank. Five Tanks down. The second salvo hit the guns and made sure to incinerate the husks if the tanks. All support down. "Go ahead and land, I think these guys will need to warm up." "Descending." The ship descended into the central courtyard, the troop bay opened and the fun began.
  2. You know what? You've seen my RPing. Need proof that I can do multiple characters? Ask Boss, Gerk and Ledgend.
  3. "There. That looks good. That looks real good." Said Mal as he pointed on the viewport to a location on Requiems surface. Magnified, the sector showed up to be one of Infinity Science's bases; Aristotle Base. "Last I heard, it was wiped out a few days ago." "Exactly, take us down there." "Going. ETA thirty minutes." "Good." He opened the door into the troop bay, and walked in. "Listen up, best landing site we could get, considering fuel reserves, is a Science Base to the north. It was raided by Split-Faces a few days ago so be prepared. And turn up the heaters in your armour. Arid titles in the Frozen North of Requiem. We have about half an hour so do whatever you do. Thank you for taking Phoenix airways, this is your co-pilot Mal speaking. We hope you enjoy your trip. Over and out." Of course, he wasn't exactly lying about fuel reserves; the base would be a welcome resupply to limited fuel carried by the ship. However, there was plenty of fuel to reach another inhabited base in the area, it's just that secrecy would be required for what Mal was planning..
  4. "I don't forgive people that easily.. " he glanced towards the one who started the fighting before."...Admitting mistakes is a step closer to that, I guess. Still, gotta hand if to you; you took in a well equipped Fireteam. Well done, that takes guts." He depolarised the visor. "At least you're not a cocky little b***h like sone people." He continued. His social graces had never been the best.
  5. Mal ran to.. He actually didn't know the guy's name. "We need to go now. I don't care if you're puppy isonboard, we're leaving." He saw angry faces. "You have two minutes, that's all I can spare. Gree! Show those Hunters a taste of superior firepower!" "Happy to oblige" Boom. One hunter exploded in a trail of blood and worm. The other blocked the rocket with it's shield. "There's always a bigger fish." He muttered under his breath. "Murphy, right? The tank guy? I have a job you may like." He shiwed the marine the gunner seat if the ship. "Pretty straight forward, you can at least feel useful here. Got it?"
  6. "Oh. Him. He doesn't look injured, if he can chat up girls, he's fine. The medical corps isn't exactly forthcoming with supplies."
  7. "Darman, Jess, cover me. This will take a minute." Ordered the medic as he charged the drop shield. A bubble appeared in the bay, lighting up the area. He diverted shield power to increase time available. "Keep still, I need to stitch this." Shouted Mal as his helmet alerted him to a MgaLekgolo pair entering the bay. Automatic weapons opened fire on the beasts. He concentrated, stitching up the wound before applying biofoam to it. "It's going to sting, but I can't work fully until we can get away. Okay?" He asked, before picking up his patient and carrying her into the Dropship. "Get this bucket out of here!" "Give me a few seconds to recall the engines... Done, everyone get on now!"
  8. He was torn between bitterness and desire to do his job. He keyed the radio; "There should be biofoam in the corridor medkits. Apply it and get down here, I can work properly." He paused, and waited until he was out of earshot of Phoenix. "This doesn't change anything, but I am sorry for earlier. I overreacted, but don't think I forgive you. Either way, we have transport. Get here. And don't think about trying again."
  9. "That was... Unnecessary. Seriously, is that how you treat all your neighbours, too?" "Only the ones who piss me off." "Well maybe we should focus on getting away from this ship." "Agreed." That was what was agreed. A sign was illuminated in the darkness; Deck G-5, Hangar 45-C. The door hung by its hinges, allowing a brief glimpse of the darkened bay beyond. Moving in, they saw a welcome sight; a Pelican Dropship. Carbon scoring littered the hull and numerous bodies lay around it; it had been a slaughter for marines rushing to evac. The distant rattle of gunfire was the only thing that broke the silence in the hangar. "Wonder if this baby works." Joked one of the squad, Greeson. "Like you know how to pilot that thing Gree" "Hey, the VR sims are a load if crap and you know it." "Just start the engine. Send a beacon for survivors." "Beacon online, it'll be a good ten minutes for me to repair the engine." "Crap."
  10. Mal then shot the door lock multiple times to ensure there would be no one coming back down to stop him.
  11. Great. Another idiot trying to take four people on. As she stepped off te elavator onto the deck and tackled him, she met the full force of an entire fireteam. They picked her up by the arms and threw her into the awaiting lift. The three other members were visibly annoyed with the stop of their progress. Before she could get back up, the doors were already closing.
  12. Sighing, he turned around. Too much time was being wasted. "Don't." Advised another member of the fireteam over their radio. "This is personal." Running once more, he slammed into the cocky one who was running. He punched his head with force, the deck buckled beneath the impact. Blood smeared the inside if the visor. "Wanna be cocky now, huh? Think its funny do you? Try this." He shouted before removing the helmet of the guy he pinned down and prepared to make another high-impact punch. Someone grabbed his arm. He retrieved the tag for a third time and attached it to the hermetic storage unit in the armour. "Try anything again... Don't think I won't kill you. I've had enough BS for one day, I don't even consider you deserving a regen. Maybe then you can learn to stop being a cocky little s***." The squad backed down the corridor, away from the group. Two aimed forward, two watching the six. They continued until they were round the corridor and in the lift to the deck below. Where they found a miniature war going on the the Infinity's vehicle bay.
  13. Mal got up and tackled the man to the ground. Plasma bolts screamed overhead. Mals squad, Phoenix, ran over and restrained the guy. Mal once again snatched away the tags, and equipped his rifle. He then hit him in the ribs with it, knocking the wind out of the Spartan in front. "I, don't. Care." He asserted his point by head butting the crying SOB in front. He reeled back from the shock as Mal spat on the floor in front of him. "Don't try that again. It won't work out well for you." He growled, before walking off. The squad members followed.
  14. Mal had to fight the urge to pin the idiotic little ***** in front if him to the wall and cave his skull in. He waited while the machines assembled the armour pieces, setting the scope level of his rifle to 2x magnification. CQC combat had no need for 4x. "We'll it seems you have this under control, I have a ship to defend, not waste time putting our necklaces on. I'll be taking these with me." He said as he added his fallen brothers tags to his own chain. Before he could get a response, he stormed out if the armoury and sprinted to the hangar where he joined the fight. Two Phantoms departed, leaving a boarding party on board. He let loose a volley of shots before regrouping with the ret of Phoenix.
  15. Mal took off his helmet. His dirty blonde hair fell to shoulder length; his face bore remarkable similarity to the man whose tags were in his hands. "I hope you're telling the truth. I don't take kindly to family jokes. Now, you guys need armour. Happens I'm headed that way to the hangar, I guess I could help clear the way." He put on his helmet again and raised his rifle, aiming down the corridor ahead. "Let's get going." He stated
  16. Mal rushed to where the shouts came from. He'd already started to charge his medical field before realising there was no point. He readied his Assault Rifle, peering down the scope at the hallway. An explosion rocked the ship, the lights went out temporarily before being replaced with red emergency lighting. "All Spartan Fireteams report to Deck Twenty-Two. Fireteams BANSHEE, CANYON and PHOENIX assist repelling boarders in hangar A-13." Blared the speaker as the ship came to life. He headed to the hangar in question to meet up with the rest of Phoenix before he saw two people in the corridor. He activated his flashlight, temporarily blinding them. "You guys need help? I need to go, now." He asked, as he saw some tags on the guys neck, He picked them up. "These you..." He asked as he read the name. Stokes, Jacob. Service tag HB-23341-18325-JS. He looked up at the guy in the room. "Where did you get these?" He demanded, oblivious to the radio as his squad rushed to fight intruders. "Tell me. Now." [i was typing as this updated. Crap]
  17. Your spelling is atrocious for some of these Saber* Banshee* Warthog* Guass* Several others I can't be bothered correcting* You need to add Broadsword Which warthogs? M12 LRV or M12 FAV? Rocket Hog-CE Rebel 'Hog Oliphant Anyway, this is pointless. Everyone knows the main ones or can go on the Wiki.
  18. [You were not accepted. Don't post. PM me if you want exactly what to change.]
  19. BaconShelf

    Halo 3

    You can't get Recon. You had to have played Halo 3 before March 31st 2012 when 343 unlocked it for everyone. You cannot get it, sorry to dissapoint
  20. [Anyone on the Council is effectively the same. ] "Roh. Link up with Tal' and begin the ground assault. I have nothing for you right now."
  21. Full Name:Corporal Malakai Stokes(Shortened to Mal usually) Occupation: S-IV Medic(You trust me enough to be balanced S-IV right?) Armor Aesthetics: Brown CQC helmet with a CQB right shoulder and his squad's Phoenix emblem painted on. Security left shoulder with an Elite skull painted on with the words SPARTAN- 1 ALIEN- 0 written underneath. ODST chest with backpack attached with numerous ammo clips, pouches and belts attached. RG-50 BULK legs and Grenadier knee pads with white secondary markings all over the armour. Forearms are BREACH (Shotgun shells) and TACPAD(left) with a Frost visor. Facial Appearance: Unnaturally blue eyes with pale skin (Too much time in armour)/center] Equipment/Weapon of choice: Prefers a Drop Shield with a regeneration field equipped to affect healing power. This suits his role as squad medic. Also carries a Grenade Launcher and MA5B Assault Rifle attached with an extended barrel and 4x magnification scope for target aquisition. Also attached is extended magazines doubling the ammo from 60 to 120 rounds a clip. A Carbon Fiber frame decreases weapon weight and he carries numerous other attachments with him. Ammunition choice varies depending on situation with most common being Splinter rounds for maximum damage on infantry. He has field modifications in the armour to bypass the speed limit and sprint for extended durations of time and also modified the armour to allow motion sensor to be visible in-scope.
  22. My character was stabbed in the back by anEnergy Sword so I'm making a new one.
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