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Everything posted by BaconShelf

  1. "No betraying" Team-killer for sniper right here They don't have to do anything to reach. It isn't their game, they have more important things to worry about.
  2. Sure. About same as Zhak but Kjal is the leader. No one above Kjal Councillor would basically equal high fleet master
  3. Yet people won't read this or take anything away. I've tried before, people don't listen. Nice guide though, I was thinking of making one, maybe do a lesson on past tense for some members.
  4. This is it, my final post. Enjoy. Two Banshees screamed overheard, followed by a few dropships. Jacob looked at the retreating Falcon, clutched his dog tags in his hand and pulled himself on top of the pelican. Blood loss was of no concern now, of course. He pulled out his flares and shot all three in the sky. Three red fireworks signalled to anyone in the area where he was, and sure enough, the patrols diverted course to investigate. He threw the gun away, and equipped his MA5K. He wasn't going down without a fight. Out of the fog of the early morning came a Minor Elite that was out down swiftly. 56 rounds left. An Officer and two more minors followed, he dispatched the blues. 34 rounds. He took a needle to the arm and wasted his remaining magazine on the alien. 26 rounds. More followed, too many to count. Finally, the sight on the rifle read 00, no ammo left. He let them get closer in, taking out a grenade and fumbling with the detonator. "You may take Reach, but we won't fall. Tell that to your 'gods'." He whispered as he removed the pin. Suddenly, he felt pain in his chest. Twin parallel blades of light stuck out of him, blood trailing down his black armour. With his final remaining ounce of energy, he unclutched his hand and let the explosive fall onto the stockpile of missiles, grenades, ammo and fuel at the bottom. As the blade was removed from him, and he was thrown off the roof, he saw orange. Then the Spec-Ops that had uncloaked. Then nothing. As the grenade fell, it exploded above the crates. The ball of fire began to let loose the ammunition inside, hundreds or founds flew off in random directions and splintered through all that got in its way. Followed by that was the rockets and grenades in the storage as the force of a dozen detonations connected with the crash sites fuel lines and rocket pods. The ship blew, incinerating the ground near it and destroying the platoon around it. In the early morning sunrise, the mini nova temporarily outshone Epsilon Indi as the Falcon gained altitude away from the explosion. They had little time left. And lots to do.
  5. Uploading the second half of the chapter. Thats all for now:D Will be edited into OP.
  6. The Carrier had tool one to the midsection, that stung. "Shields charging, 35%" "I need a report on Tal's invasion! We cannot hold then forever! " "Unresponsive, we are being jammed or ignored. Signal is too weak." Double-crossing slime. "Transmission inbound." A few seconds later, Zhak stood up and drew his blade. "We would rather those ruins be blasted to rubble than you slime get your hands on one unit of that data. If you flick that switch, we will unleash the full might of our fleets upon you. You are but one world, we are if many and have an infinitely larger army. Lieutenant, charge the Gravity Cannon." "Aye sir." The tables are turned, even now, reinforcements are on the way. You cannot defend forever." He cut off the transmission. "Acquire a lock on their flagship, disentegrate it!"
  7. "There's no time, unless there's a med centre somewhere near with life support.." He coughed blood onto his visor,"Im done for. Hey, may as well take down some of them with me eh?" He de-polarised the silver faceplate, his blonde hair covered in blood. Go. Quickly, they don't know about us yet, you need to go now."
  8. "All ships on my command, target the nearest battlecluster. Prowlers will go from behind and hit the engines as to cause reactor breakdowns. My Carrier will lead the attack, form a defensive cluster around us and we can protect you, as soon as you can, deploy boarding craft and get close to the ships, I doubt they are stupid enough to risk destroying their own frigates." The Carrier's energy projector began to charge, plasma holding up under the cannon. "Fire in my mark... Mark!" A purple energy beam sliced through space, cleaving through two smaller ships. The fleet began to move in, exchanging fire and dogfighters. The goal was simple; get close to the fleet, they would not dare fire on their own men!
  9. "I'm not sure I'll be able to make this one. Look at that." He looked down at his mangled leg, the biofoam was already wearing out, blood seeped through the wound rapidly. "I'm using a rifle to walk and I'm losing blood. I'll stay here. Draw the Phantoms. Pass me a flare, give me five and I can make sure they won't get to you." Jacob began to turn around as he limped to the crates of grenades. He took the fuel tanks from the Flamethrowers; there was barely any left anyway; and made an impromptu explosive device. Under the fuel lines of the wreck, it would incinerate any troops in a landing party to finish him. He got a flare gun and aimed it up high. "As soon as I see Phantoms, the flare will go off before igniting our rockets and explosives. Get onboard now, I can only stall then for so long." He finished as he felt the full force of his injury, his skin was almost white for lack of blood. He kept back tears inside his helmet, he knew what he had to do. And there was no other option, he could at least go down taking his revenge with him. He felt weak, he had half an hour at most, he was too far gone to recover.
  10. "Fine. Transfer control of your ships to me. I will attack the main fleet here above the planet. You will use the opportunity and distraction to slip in and land your troops. We have identified several large power sources consistent with types seen on UNSC ordnance platforms, destroy them and we will send in the cavalry." He folded his arms and leant back in his throne."I am taking an enormous risk here, you had better fail. To use a famous Sangheili quote, the troops are more scared of the general behind them than the enemy in front. If you fail to destroy those guns, you will feel the wrath of the Talon on your world, we will not stop until we stand over your barren planet. You have been warned."
  11. Two functioning DMR's, Three MA5B's and an MA37 Assault Rifle, one M6D pistol and one Jackhammer launcher, with four rockets useable. Seven ammo clips for the rifles and six for the assault weapons. After packing some grenades into an ammo canister, the sound of Falcon rotors interrupted Jacobs scavenging. Exiting the rear section of the ship, he saw a heavily damaged, battle scarred ship descend into the impromptu courtyard. As the scout exited the ship, he walked over and waited for his conversation to end. "I've managed to scavenge what weapons we can. It's not good, few em-ays, DMRs and a few pistols. We also got a launcher but most if the ammo was ignited in the crash, only a few clips left. I also managed to scavenge two SMG's from the ODST's and some armour." He put on the scavenged helmet, the VISR flicked into life. "What now?"
  12. 1) I agree, they said that a beta would have meant a late march release, and MS wanted it out for Christmas. Not 343 to blame there. I would have liked a beta. 2)Weapins disappear in 12 seconds because it gas been tested on higher times and it turns into a literal power-fest. That's a balancing factor. 3)This doesn't really matter. They change every few months. My best guess is that they want to allow players with only one or two packs to play (and ALL halos have had a ALL DLC or NO PLAY thing in playlists, not sure if technical) so it's overall better 4)Your choice. At least they have said 'we screweed up, we air that. We can use this and community feedback to make 5 better!" So keep your spirits up. It was their first attempt, no one gets amazing on their first try. You need at least 5 posts to edit I believe btw:D
  13. Just ignore them. Enjoy what you enjoy, leave them to be miserable.
  14. [Are you here or not? Until you decide if you're leaving or staying, don't post.] "Very well, I hope you heed our warnings about betrayal more than these worms did. What is it you are expecting out of this? As I recall, you rarely do things for... Charity."
  15. More like confirming they are canon, and will most likely appear in sone sort of EU.
  16. "It is an interesting proposition. The problem being, of course that upon arrival in atmosphere, you would destroy what you are helping me obtain. Give me evidence that you would not break this alliance, and I would... Consider it."
  17. There you go; isn't that about what LE costs in America? It's exclusive for a reason.
  18. Brilliant. Have to go away on stupid holiday instead of going to my exam results day...

  19. So basically, you're saying you hate a company for a game they didn't make, and don't focus in be side it's an older game in the series? Logic here is plentiful. That's like saying "I HATE 343 BECAUSE THEY WON'T UPDATE HALO 3!" It's stupid because other games have been released since right? That's essentially what you're doing.
  20. "Right, well I guess we're going to be here for a while. I suggest we use this as a base of operations until we can recon the local area properly, if we can get a base camp of sorts, we can then find a place to go when we find evac." Stated Jacob as he struggled to stand up against his 'crutch'. Good thing it was a broken rifle anyway, it wasn't missing anything."Ike, you keep watch for incoming Covenant patrols while building fortifications. Ash, get into the cockpit, monitor orbital scans and update the others on stuff ahead. I'll try to look in the cargo bay, see what weapons we can scavenge." With that, he tried limping over to the split-off rear section of the ship.
  21. "F***! Arrgh that hurts! Could t get any morphine then?" Screamed Jacob in agony as the pipe was pulled from his leg, along with a considerable amount of blood, bone and muscle. He fought the urge to cry, he had known pain but this was too much. "Put me down! I can't scale a cliff! Someone pass that DMR, I can use that as a crutch. Be quick, this stuff isn't going to hold forever! I'll... I'll set up some shelter. I'll just slow you down. If you find transport, get out while you can. I'll stall some advancing forces." He breathed heavily, Unclipping his gas tank and flamethrower. Someone take this, you'll get more use than me. I'm expecting that back though" he continued as he leant against the clipped-off wing if the ship. "Just go, now!"
  22. "Incoming transmission, Covenant calligraphy. It's one of ours!" "What? Bring it up, split screen the two COMMS. " ordered the shipmaster as the screen halved in size to create a new one. "Tal... What do you maggots want from us this time? Take a look at the graveyard here before making a... Rash decision."
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