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Everything posted by BaconShelf

  1. So I dug out my copy of The Art of Halo 4 to find some very interesting designs. The ones featured here are but a few notworthy examples but I would highly reommend this book. It's friggin brilliant! First, this is one fans of Halo 2, Halo 3 and Halo 3: ODST will like; A concept that shows the M7 SMG was originally planned to make an in-game appearance. Considering the other designs on this page look almost identical to their in-game counterparts, I'm guessing it was cut as a last-minute change rather than early on. What do you think? SMG Another design is What appears to be a Railgun Turret (Which is where I got the idea from in my other thread). The overall silhouette/ profile look very similar to the railgun weapon. Now, one thing that obviously came extremely close to being in game is these on the side of the Mantis. I call them the 'ears'. These can be seen on the Dominion Mantis vehicle pad, adding further evidence to support this. Also of note are the initial designs that included tracks and tyres as well as some pretty interesting designs that would look very nice in some sort of game in the future. Finally, this page is one big picture of armour designs. Most of these are as appeared but there are some interesting pieces outlined in RED or WHITE circles. Two pieces of note are what appears to be a MK V design that was originally planned to be in-game. This can be seen on the far left. This stands alongside concepts of Halo 3 styled MK VI and Halo 4 Master Chief MK VI. On the top right, the FOTUS armour can be seen. What's so special about this? Look at the 'horn'. What are those wierd glyphs/ holograms? The helmet seems to be giving off some kind of energy, possibly hinting at a Forerunner based technology. So what do you think? Would you have liked to see the SMG in the game? The FOTUS to have the Forerunner glyphs? I certainly do!
  2. This is a copy pasta of the last thread, rules not updated here. See IOC thread for that updated It is the year 2578, and humanity has made great advances in they years following the Wars that nearly caused their extinction and is now much more powerful than ever! Recently though, remnants of the Insurrectionidts that plagued the UNSC over fifty years ago have resurfaced, with new technology of their own. Recent Fighting has caused many colonies to break away, and begin their own ideals. This is where you come in- you must create a faction(using the faction sheet below) and join the battle between hindreds of worlds in an attempt to gain control of one of the largest empires since the Forrunners. Rules- -The flagship of a fleet can be no bigger than the Infinity or similar size. -Slipspace travelling can take a few weeks for nearby planets, and months for further away planets. -Humans cannot jump accurately and must exit millions of kilometres away from a planet -covenant can arrive next to a planet -No OP faction -No forerunner/precursor faction UNLESS it is done EXTREMELY well (Sentinels, Prometheans, monitors from installations are fine though) -Same with Flood and Ancient human factions -it would take weeks, if not months to conquer a planet. GLASSING IS PROHIBITED AND MUST BE AGRREED UPON! -invading an occupied planet/system must be agreed upon -there should be two-three people operating a faction- one as a higher up person and two normal people/soldiers - remember the powers if weapons. A CCS battlecruiser can not take a MAC round from an ODP and survive etc Kjal 'Votramee looked upon the 'Votramee keep. Many species were hard at work within the concentric circular structure, building and tending to ships, artefacts and buildings. The place was a fortress, he had the luck to have an entire temple in his backyard! Since discovered, his clan had warred until the place was a fortress, establishing the 'Votramee dominance in the area.
  3. Posting thread now. I'm using same characters as last time All accepted so far
  4. After last time, I have updated the rules slightly but it's basically the same. Quite simply, this is a roleplay i thought of after reading Sykos fanfic. So here is the setting; It is the year 2578, and humanity has made great advances in they years following the Wars that nearly caused their extinction and is now much more powerful than ever! Recently though, remnants of the Insurrectionidts that plagued the UNSC over fifty years ago have resurfaced, with new technology of their own. Recent Fighting has caused many colonies to break away, and begin their own ideals. This is where you come in- you must create a faction(using the faction sheet below) and join the battle between hindreds of worlds in an attempt to gain control of one of the largest empires since the Forrunners. Rules- -The flagship of a fleet can be no bigger than the Infinity or similar size. -Slipspace travelling can take a few weeks for nearby planets, and months for further away planets. -Humans cannot jump accurately and must exit millions of kilometres away from a planet -covenant can arrive next to a planet -No OP faction -No forerunner factions unless done EXTREMELY WELL. No Precursors. -Same with Flood and Ancient human factions -it would take weeks, if not months to conquer a planet. GLASSING IS PROHIBITED AND MUST BE AGRREED UPON! -invading an occupied planet/system must be agreed upon -there should be two-three people operating a faction- one as a higher up person and two normal people/soldiers - remember the powers if weapons. A CCS battlecruiser can not take a MAC round from an ODP and survive. -will add more as time goes on Now the fun part- FACTION SHEET, if you do not use this, you will be denied instantly though you can reapply Name: World of origin: Primary Species: Other member species and their roles: Flag: Fleet sizes: Population: Other information: CHARACTER SHEET Only use this if you want to create a character Name(try to keep it similar to existing names for a species): Age: Species: Faction: Physical appearance: Personality: Height: Preferred weapon and vehicle(if any): Backstory: Other information; I will post mine in the thread for everyone to see. If you are stuck for planets/systems- Installation 1,2,3,5,6,7 Requiem Reach Harvest Eradinus system Earth Mars Jovian moons Jericho system Covenant home worlds Madrigal The asteroid belt where the Rebel base (was) Again I will add more and remove the taken ones. You can make up your own planet as well though. See you on the battlefield! I will begin the RP at five accepted factions. Remember, existing factions can be played! Faction name: Talons of Sanghelios Origin: Sanghelio Primary Species: Sangheili Other species: Huragok, Jiraelhanae, Yan'me, Unggoy, kig-yar, human, Lekgolo Flag: Crossed swords above a forerunner glyph Fleet sizes: approx 34 fleets of varying sizes, ships from all species make up the fleets Population: approx 140,000 Information: this group, led by Sangheili, welcomes all species to join them. They are dedicated to researching and protecting Forerunner artefacts while destroying those who threaten them.
  5. Should we start from scratch or keep going? Now we have Astronautics and Helljumper, (If they want to join) I think this will be better than before.
  6. MyM pretty much done, just need/ want help with testing. Any takers?

  7. Just playthe DLC playlists as they come in rotation. Next is probably Castle DLC. right now It's Crimson
  8. Does anyone want to restart this from scratch? I enjoyed this one probably one of the best (With the exception of the first one that HG made) and I really want to get it going again! Yes, I revived a dead thread, just getting opinions.
  9. IT's BAconShelf, if you don't know yet. Got bored so I changed.

  10. The idea is not to let them do the work for you. And the Tank rampage is really easy, you do t need them anyway. Consider S-IVs to be Marines with shielding; not very good.
  11. One dd thing about the halo community is that no one ever gets DLC! So don't expect to get DLC in standard playlists much.
  12. I lied here, this is like, half of the first chapter. It's gonna be 20 overall though
  13. SECTION ONE Chapter One EPSILON THETA SYSTEM// EPSILON THETA III(ARCHAYUS)// NEW ORSENI 14:23 HOURS// NOVEMBER 23RD 2541// Plasma fire filled the air. Blue bolts of energy streaking through the air and melting the targets they hit. New Orseni was in ruins; what sections of ground that weren’t rubble were few and far between. Almost all the skyscrapers in the city were levelled; smoke and fire filled the air. Vehicles and bodies, Human and Covenant, Military and Civilian, filled the streets. Death hung in the air. Amidst the rubble, fighting still occurred. Eight black-armoured figures stalked the shadows of the streets. “Why are we still fighting for this place?” Moaned the second in the squad. “It’s not like there’s anything left to defend here anyway!” He continued, much as he had done for the past hour. Another slugged him on the shoulder. “Because every colony we save is one less win for the Covvies, got it Marshall?” he replied as three grunts rounded a corner. Eight weapons opened fire on the aliens, clad in orange armour. Luminescent blue blood sprayed out of the small pitiful aliens, accompanied by shrill screams of terror as their bodies were ripped apart from the impact of dozens of armour piercing rounds. “Doesn’t explain what we can do with a planet made of lava and rubble. We’re just wasting our resources here, defending a defunct planet with no resources le-“ “Shut it” Ordered the squad commander as he let loose a volley of automatic weapons fire down the barren street. Pulling back, he looked at Warren. His body language said it all; That includes you, too. Before the recruit could argue, the radio crackled into life. “Sergeant, it’s for you.’ Reported Davis, the Comm Officer. “UNSC Minutes to Midnight to Griffin Squad, there are multiple Phantoms headed your way. Suggest taking cover in the Corpus building until evac arrives, no use fighting now. Glassing's begun, Cole Protocol's in effect." The squad fell silent. "We're pulling out, Anton out.” “We can’t pull out now! We’ve not finished evacuating yet!” Cried Mal as he noticed three small dots in the sky. “Doesn’t matter, orders are orders. Doesn’t mean they’re good ones, but we’re soldiers. We follow orders, got it?” Answered Marshall as they ran down the street. A neon-green explosion impacted the ground in front of them, melting the framework of several cars near by. The purple silhouettes of several Banshees screeched overhead. “Banshees, 7 O’clock. Rockets away!” shouted Greeson, as he launched two 102mm HEAT shaped Anti-Tank missiles at the group. Reloading, he watched as two Banshees turned into mini-supernovas. The shrapnel then embedded itself in the third, sending it tumbling into a nearby building. “Good shot!” “Thanks.” They reached the building. The two-story factory was badly damaged. Sandbags littered the stairs leading up to the main building. There was a lone machine gun turret guarding the top where the barricades had fallen. A fallen marine lay behind the gun, face down on the floor with plasma burns up and down his body. “Griffin to Command, we have arrived at the designated location, I don’t see much of any transport here. Are we supposed to jetpack there or something?” “If you’re volunteering, that would be appreciated. Pelicans are unloading last flights of Civvies. ETA five minutes, I’d suggest bunkering down and making a defence in the Corpus Building.” Replied the AI. “Phantoms touching down two-hundred metres north of your position. Clear the lane, we can take out the air.” He continued. “Roger that, Griffin, we have about thirty seconds to rebuild these sandbag barricades. Get to work.” Ordered Mal as the dropships began to unload their payload of troops.
  14. You didn't realise from my sig? EDIT: Changed my sig.
  15. Did you know that BaconShelf changed his name to Minutes to Midnight?
  16. Top favourite weapons in games (No particular order) 1. 'Fat Man' Mini-Nuke Launcher (Fallout) 2. MA5B Assault Rifle (Halo: Combat Evolved) 3. Bozar (Fallout and Fallout: New Vegas) 4. Holy Hand Grenade (Worms 3D) 5. Guass Turret (Halo 2, 3, ODST, Reach and 4) 6. MAC Blast (Halo Wars) 7. Carpet Bomb (Halo Wars) 8. Alien blaster (Fallout) 9. Gravity Hammer (Halo 3, ODST, Reach and 4) 10. Spike Grenade (Halo 3 and ODST)
  17. I would like this, but a system would need to be implemented so they pick up weapons on the battlefield.
  18. Need some names for my fanfic. Not stupid ones like kevin, realistic names

    1. Maestro


      How about Smitty Werbenjagermanjensen?

    2. BaconShelf


      HE was number 1!

    3. Maestro


      DO IT. I expect to read about Smitty Werbenjagermanjensen in your fanfic sometime in the future!

  19. Do you mind me using this in a signature? It is just pure epicness. I'd give credit to you, obviously.
  20. Looks like one of the concepts Bungie did for ODST, you create the image in the OP by yourself?
  21. Your best bet would be to look at halo.wikia.com or halopedia.com, the two existing wikis:D However, Cutter is mentioned to have served in the 'wet' navy and several aircraft carriers are seen on the Longshoreman map of Halo 3, showing at least some kind of sea based navy.
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