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Everything posted by BaconShelf

  1. m Next time you're online, well have to try:D
  2. And remember, ALL Halo soundtracks are available to use in machinima, thank you Microsoft!
  3. Thank you Spades. I (and I'm sure Boss) are pleased about this news. I would recommend weekends around midday/ morning for America so other time zones can get on. I'll PM you. I hope this can work for everyone else too!
  4. I like halo 4..... Well, I miss sword block. Still, it would be a nice option for customs.
  5. I'm skipping to turrets as I agree with most of your points above. Chaingun should be an anti-infantry turret. Not amazing against vehicles but devastating to infantry. IMO, the gun itself needs a longer overheat(Reach/gunner support upgrade style) so you can kill stuff. The accuracy needs to be drastically improved as the current cant even hit anything. The range also needs an improvement. Guass should be Anti-vehicle. Good at long ranges and armour but not against aircraft and infantry. The accuracy needs to decrease at closer ranges (which don't matter against vehicles anyway) and just be less effective on infantry in general. Rocket should be AA. The lock on should return to 3's missile pod/REACH rockets style. So you know you have locked. The tickets should travel faster too, with a charge up enabled. One feature I would enjoy is firing one rocket at once, and charging it to fire all six.
  6. It's the final area, that open one with the hunters at the end that got me.
  7. You don't l ow what you're missing out on. Who doesn't love the grind battles?
  8. Fal. He wiped out an entire covenant army that was thousands strong with just an energy sword including Wraiths, Ghosts, Banshees and 50-foot hunters. An grunts and jackals and elites. Speaking of which, Energy Swirds should be able to deflect plasma bolts
  9. Well I am looking for some... Head to he offbeat section. There's 3 topics asking for actors:D Equipment needed Xbox Game A map forged and ready to play on Body actors Capture card A large hard drive(depends on capture card quality) Video making software(for gods sake don't use windows movie maker unless there is no other choice. That's bad voodoo) A script written out Hope this helps!
  10. Damn. I had a cool idea for Perdition... Ah well. Will have to alter my idea a bit
  11. I understand. Still, hoping I can attend the next one! I'm not allowed on games after 11pm. My parents have to work so they have to get up:(
  12. Okay, was wondering. Second question; can map packs be used or is it restricted to defaults and FI?
  13. Does anyone here play Lego Star Wars III or TCS? If so, would anyone be interested in playing sometime? I know it's a really short OP but there isn't much else to be said.
  14. They do, it's called XP You only get it for completing games, quitting dies not change your stats apart from your games quitter stat.
  15. I consider 4 to be my favourite. Followed/equal to 2. That campaign makes up for its lack of multiplayer(of which I never played)
  16. Rookie. I like knowing I am vulnerable and not an invincible super soldier, I must pick enemies off or avoid them altogether. And let's face it; wandering round mombassa is just fun.
  17. See if it works well on foot. Vehicles may not be needed if it is small enough?
  18. Spades, I hope this doesn't sound rude or anything but can these be done earlier? As I, and I'm sure many other members, have missed this due to timezones; it was 2 AM when it started for me:( Just a piece of friendly advice, this can make the next even better!
  19. Was a good play date today, played by myself because it never happened:(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Fishy


      We invited you to play with us Bacon!

    3. BaconShelf


      It was a Halo 3 play date, not Wars though:(

    4. Fishy


      That tells the community something, lol. More people would rather play Halo Wars than Halo 3.

  20. Playdate started yet?

  21. Mongoose and the Shade Turret base. Though the screens and displays in the warthog can be changed
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