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Everything posted by BaconShelf

  1. Would be at any time. So you can do spartan for a bit, then go elite if you are bored. If there was a SP/Credit system, they would be interchangeable between species however.
  2. Looking forward to halo 5's dedicated servers... Anyway, it's not that bad. Go read a book, forge a map, play spartan ops. Anti-cheating measures are there to stop people cheating, my advice; stop quitting. But yeah, there is a lot of other things on that game alone than online play. Go use them
  3. It doesn't matter. Judging from comments (including one particularly hurtful one considering the effort I have put in to this) I am calling it off.
  4. *Prepares for hate mail* My least favourite was Halo 3. Matchmaking was boring as heck, custom games are nonexistent and fairly repetitive. It's rare to find fun ones and forge is crap. Reach is the runner-up hereas I hated online play but forge/customs were the best undoubtedly. Campaign was good. For campaign, least favourite is Reach. It completely rewrote established lore that was around for ten years.... Problems? I can think a lot of you will have.
  5. Yes, I see what you mean. Did I mention they would be leveled up separately? Adds more playability and an incentive to play Elite.
  6. &Wolfy, you have my promise that I will reply to your submission:D
  7. So, I would like to start by saying this thread is NOT for discussion about 'how' you level up unless its relevant. Otherwise it will turn into another complaints thread and I'd like to avoid that. So, this presumes both Sangheili and SPARTAN ate playable. Now, expanding off Reach, there would be two separate level systems; one for Covenant and one for Human. These would be leveled up separately(depending on species being played during that match(Games such as invasion where it switches would default to the players preferred option in settings) Players start on Recruit with Recruit armour. Elite system; Recruit,Minor, Major,[Officer Minor, Officer Major], Ultra, General, Zealot, Field Marshall, ShipMaster, Fleet Master, Fleet Admiral, Kaidon, Councillor. Each one would earn the player a set of armour named after said rank after finishing that rank (levelling up). Recruit would be H3 Combat harness, Minor would be H4 minor Major would be Reach/ Wars default. Officer minor is the Reach limited set. Officer Major is the H4 officer set Ultra would be the armour from reach with the corresponding rank. General-Field Marshall also all the same from reach. Here is the cool stuff. ShipMaster would be like the gold elite from Halo Legends;The Package(Image when I can get one) Fleet Master would be a Halo 4 general (or whatever the gold one is) Fleet Admiral would be Stylised after Jul 'Mda (without handprint markings) Kaidon would look the Storm zealot Councillor would be based off the guys you save in Halo 2 from Brutes. Everyone with me so far? Good. After Councillor, you would choose pathways (PT) Not unlike Halo 4's specialisations. I have provided how i see a bonus/perk for loadout a but ignore that if you don't like loadouts. Each PT. has three ranks- Minor, Major and Ultra. Each PT provides an Emblem, Perk and Weapon as well as two sets/variations of armour. Pathway #1 Ranger Ranger specialises in ranged combat. This pathway boosts sniping skill. Weapon- Carbine/ Needle Rifle skin Perkthing; Jetpack boost.(Allows jet packs to fly longer) Emblem: jet pack symbol Armour: Reach and 4 Ranger armour. Pathway #2 SpecOps Specialises in stealth Weapon: Plasma Rifle Skin Perkthing: Camo boost (Allows user in camouflage for longer) Emblem: Camo symbol Armour: Reach SpecOps armour. Halo 3 Commando armour PT3 Honour Guard Specialises in melee combat Weapon- Red Energy Sword (it's sword appears red when picked up/spawned with in game types) Perk: Increased resistance to blades Emblem: Sword Armour: H2 honour guard. H3 Aestetic armour PT4 Flight Increases effectiveness in Banshees, Seraphs, Tarasque and Giga fighters. Weapon: Plasma Pistol skin Perk: Dodge. Aircraft tricks done quicker Emblem: Banshee silhouette Armour: H3 Flight and Assault After all Pathways completed, players have one more rank to do... Arbiter. Once done, You can wield arbiter armour. Now, armours would include deprecate shoulders, chests and helmets and legs for increased customisation. It would be extremely difficult to level up. Each rank has an emblem to go with it. What do you think? I will get images of stuff when I can^.^
  8. Custom paint jobs would be nice, like Red Team on HW. But not designing armour; hit boxes too complex and it would be as small as possible to avoid being shot by most people.
  9. They never got past Deacon; even they were still treat like crap by the rest if the species.
  10. IMPOAHTANT OOPDAT. It doesn't have to be an MP£. I have a file converter. MP3 is preferable but not necissary.
  11. Granted, but it harasses someone else and they kill it out of frustration. I wish to be a Legendary member!
  12. Huragok are/were peaceful. They DIDN'T WANT to kill things. So I can't see that. BEst keep them as they are. Those colours messed up my colour blindness... 1500th post, woo!

    1. Donut


      Saw a "back to school supplies" commercial just now. I hate people.

    2. BaconShelf


      I've just finished today. I feel your pain though!

  14. I won't be able to join,it's too late at night:(
  15. I really hope I can read this. If what you said is true, you have much more determination than me! Anyway, good luck in getting recognised. One way may be posting on Halo Waypoint and hope an admin sees it, or email it to [email protected] (me thinks) and hope for a response. I know of fan ART that's been recognised as official canon so there is a CHANCE. Seriously, I hope to read this!
  16. This is especially annoying since there is already an "Arbiter for halo 5?" thread. I have noticed this also with forging Firefight, campaign and Spartan Ops to the point of not even looking at the thread. It's things like the Flood one that Backdemeon did that we need more of, not crap.^.^
  17. Jacob rushed to his comrade. He quickly ascertained where the bulletin had come from and shielded the body with his armour. He pulled a Flashbang, counted, let the primer go and threw it in the vicinity of the attacker. No point killing a fellow serviceman, was there? Turning back, he put his gloved hand on the wound as he looked around until he saw a medkit. He removed the biofoam and injected it into the hole. "Relax, buddy. It's gonna sting but it's for your own good." He instructed to the barely conscious marine. He then moved his patient's hand over the wound. That would be enough to stop him from bleeding out. Searching the wreckage, he found their assailant stunned on the floor. He knocked the guy out and tied his hands and legs before dragging him to his temporary shelter. He then just watched, as he waited for the marines on the floor to respond.
  18. Transfixed, Jacob couldn't understand exactly why they were advised not to use them. They were energy weapons, they seemed useful enough on Humans.he raised his hand; "Why exactly should t we use them. The plasma has been more effective than bullets, from what I've heard?"
  19. It was like this on 3 AND REACH, that I can remember. Vehicles are there to be a deciding factor, and all the maps(Ragnarok not included) have plenty of spots for both long, medium and short ranged combat. Trust me, if you combine fire on vehicles, they go down quickly And I never FInd the Losing team quitting.
  20. I think in terms of tech(From their adaptations of Covenant and Forerunner tech), they are starting to possibly rival the Covenant. At least in Naval combat, not as much on ground. In terms of territory, considering the Yan'mee Queen, High Council, Master Cheiftains etc are all dead, ther eis most likely a massive power gap in space that used to be the Covenant. @J L, the UNSC have Sol system, Venezia(An outer colony), ONIRF Trevlyan(Onyx, which the inside is a shield world as big as a SOLAR SYSTEM inside a slipspace bubble. I.E, if necessary, they have the ultimate fortress.) Considering they will almost certainly make more Infinity-Class ships, the UNSC may well have the most powerful fleet around.(I don't imagine many Assault and SuperCarriers being around)
  21. Granted. You yodel so high-pitched that your ears explode. I wish for world peace.
  22. [Can I keep my post about the Banshee? I never character controlled or went against this skull. I'll post proper after a response so I know what course of action to take.]
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