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Everything posted by BaconShelf

  1. They aren't doing a season 2. And they weren't going to do Champions originally.
  2. I'd buy on LIVE. Who knows? They may release it on the One eventually... Of course, it will have 1/360 pad functionality so it can't be THAT hard for a port
  3. Granted, but you lose your memory and re wish te wish I wish that this thread was never made!
  4. Granted, but Microsoft wishes for Xbox One o have all the DRM back and all that crap. I wish for this wish to not be corrupted!
  5. Depends. If getting armour isn't done by getting achievements or certain levels, I don't care. If it is for level, I want to be able to do it via forge, customs, SO and campaign as I rarely play. I'm not competitive and just don't play MM in general. I prefered Reaches ARMOUR system but have no no preference on Ranks.
  6. Granted, but it strangles you in your sleep and you choke to death. I wish for no one else to make wishes. EVAH.
  7. "It's a grenade. Like what he threw in the hall earlier." Jacob said while listening to the talk. He got a feel for the objects weight, pretending to throw it in different styles. He then passed the grenade on. He noticed the new image. "Damn... That's, not what I was expecting.." He muttered under his breath as he waited to be taught about the alien.
  8. I won't be able to attend until next week; I'm on my last week of school.
  9. Can't believe I am about to enter my final year of school. Rest of this week then my summer holidays...:o

  10. My list; My first playdate, and getting told off for joining in the middle of a game... The first RP... And the many after with Boss, Geek, Helljumper and Many more... My first time in the shoutbox where I got told off for spamming GIF's without realising... And so many more that is too many to list and I can't be bothered to list because there is too many
  11. You beat me to the punch.I'd give i a while after august so everyone can get their armour. I've already done legendary so I'm fine :3
  12. I vote reach but try to make times available to the UK! I really want to join this!
  13. [Please don't do abbreviations. It doesn't look good. Sure, I'll do a character for her:3)
  14. [PAST. TENSE. And what the hell is b/c?!]
  15. What would the new areas be?
  16. Mendicant Bias was in the Forerunner Warship at the heart of High Charity. When The Covenant found humanity, Bias attempted to launch the warship from the station to apologise to the reclaimers. He was disconnected by Huragok and Lekgolo before it did any damage.
  18. Jacob realised it was the only chance. Even now, radiation levels were raising. They couldn't stay. Another Destroyer slipped through the clouds, letting loose a volley of Plasma Torpedoes. It was followed by a Stalwart-Class Frigate, carbon scoring littered its armour as it took the damage. It's engines failed and it began to drop. It sailed past their heads and crashed in front of them. "Or, we could find something in that ship. Its, I'd say,15,20 klicks? It we head off now, we may be able to rescue the survivors and maybe some aircraft! These guys are clean out. There's nothing we can do for them. Dead weight. I'd say take the supplies and go while we still CAN."
  19. Complete Halo Wars Missions on SLASO with only infantry (ODST, Flamethrower, Spartan, Forge)
  20. Would you mind linking it for me? I loved Invasion!
    1. Is not JL

      Is not JL

      I would, but I don't want to spend my day maneuvering 40 units on a 100x100 grid......

  21. I'll edit you into the list. Also, buildings added in.
  22. Rising Tides is a machinima I am creating. It is my first one and more of a test to see if I have it in me. Anyway, these are a few voice acting parts. If you would, just record the part you wish, save as an MP3(Will not be looked at if otherwise) and send it to me at [email protected] Parts- UNSC Colonel- : Marines. As many of you know, Archon patrols and supplies have been regularly hijacked, stolen and destroyed. We suspected the URF, but we did not know. We know know that the group responsible is a local militia, operating out of a previously abandoned Flood defense. Rebel Soldier(Lieutenant)-Sir! UNSC Falcons en route to our position. Numbers unknown but estimated to be high! Rebel#1(Guard, only one line)-Hey, I think I saw something Rebel #2(Likewise)- Really? Remember what happened las time? You wasted half our ammo on a sand dune. I think I’ll take a look at this one Spartan- III(Name chosen by actor)- not much defense wise, just a couple of idiots arguing over a sniper. Coast looks clear for attack, ready when you are. Spartan- III Squad Leader- Good, radio command, bring in VTOLs, Echo can begin infiltration. This list will be updated with time as more parts are needed to be filled. I have the role of the rebel Insurgent Leader. Any questions? Ask them here! ^.^
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