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Everything posted by BaconShelf

  1. Scratch last post; I go for scientist. My accent makes me sound smarter. I didn't see that part open.
  2. [sorry if I sounded like a prick, but i was making a point. I would advise just leaving your post and instead making nthem fit with what is happening now. ^.^]
  3. Would have been better if SOMEONE wasn't complaining every two seconds... By flag thing, you meant trench warfare? Still, hope everyone enjoyed my Star award Battlefront map!
  4. I think that Chief will be in a difficult situation; there is a good possibility he may be sent to retrieve the Janus Key and/or assassinate Halsey. This presents obvious problems for him that may lead to him rebelling. Add a (as of now, most likely) return of Mendicant Bias and the Flood, we can expect him to be torn between loyalty to the UNSC and someone who's pretty much his Mother. Add the rumours of Insurrectionists and Marines being enemies in 5...
  5. Having looked into this before (My passion is to go into concept art) most major debs require you to have worked on at least two successful game titles previously. Can be indie etc but at least two. Google 343 industries jobs or something for details.
  6. [in-lore, the Sangheili DID. NOT. KNOW THE LOCATION OF EARTH. It was only Regret's fleet that knew about it, kind of, and they didn't k ow it was the Human home world. Regret attacked with a fkeey of only fifteen ships and almost the entire fleet, including one of two Assault Carriers. Truth, however, had secretly been assembling a fleet of OVER FIVE HUNDRED warships, the fleet at reach was three hundred. This fleet was all-brute and destroyed by J-117 before they could support Regret, who subsequently jumped to Delta Halo. In short, a month before the artack on earth, THE SANGHEILI DID NOT KNOW. Play the campaigns, read the books. Hell, go on the wiki, but don't make statements about stuff if you don't know about it. Their home world is on the other side of the galaxy, even they took months to travel slipstream. They didn't know about humanity until the war started! That was a really stupid idea there. ] Jacob approached behind his CO. he tapped him on the shoulder as the shotgun shell was pointed into his cracked visor. "Woah, easy there, what next, we regrouping or..." He left the sentence unanswered. It didn't need to be said.
  7. Dear Halo Wars, please put me in a game where people DON'T quit ten seconds into the game. Thank you.

  8. Halo 4 had best multiplayer. Didn't enjoy 3 and Reach was terrible.(Matchmaking, the other features of those games were brilliant.) So apart from wars, halo 4 is the best online experience for me!
  9. I've always thought it would be cool to have stuff like this, other Covenantvampaigns through the war and OPERATION TREBUCHET. Though I see people getting tired of the flood very quickly.
  10. Yeas, because in the middle of a war zone you're going to dance on the bodies. Halo is a serious game and this idea.... I can't even describe how stupid it sounds. I'll stick to pressing the left stick many times in succession thank you.^.^
  11. Bit disappointed no one has joined Conquest. COME ON PEOPLE, I HAVE BEEN WORKING ON THIS FOR MONTHS!

    1. Eisenhower


      Hey I asked how to join in and got no reply.

  12. Invasion isn't in Halo 4. Or is there a modded game type?!
  13. I have already done solo but will still help if needed.
  14. Okay, I will answer. It's not at all interesting; I used to use SgtTeasp00n as my usernames and stuff. When my friend bought me Minecraft, he encouraged me to make a new one. I looked around his bedroom for inspiration to see my half-eaten bacon sandwich on his shelf. I'm sorry it didn't include cats and universalimplodingblackholesthatshootgruntseveryehere but I said it would be boring. If you like, I will come up with a fictional story to compensate?
  15. Never been a fan of top-down shooters. And this doesn't appeal to me enough to spend upwards of £100 for it. If I HAD a W8 device, I would get it. But I don't.
  16. I mean the update sizes. I like Halo 4. BF3 updates are 2GB+ last time I checked. I dont have enough room on my hard drive.... And my internet speed is crap, i roughly calculated while downloading Forge Island to it being 0.4mb/second. I was going to get Fable III but I left it on overnight AND through school and it was 67% done! That is why I don't get it, not everyone ahs amazing internet speed. Personally, I want another Halo Wars playdate...
  17. School science makes me want to kill myself. Why does noone want to learn about Quantum/ Theoretical Physics or Astronomy?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. BaconShelf


      BUt it's... Actually interesting!


    3. Azaxx


      And it's not useful to the majority of students.

    4. Maestro


      Don't forget, most people find physics very difficult, and both subjects are heavily physics-based. Of all the people I know from high school, only three would be able to handle it.

  18. I go firefight on ODST. I need achievements and honestly, I want to play a game I own; I refuse to play BF3 because of the ridiculous updates and I do not own CoD, AC etc.. And what's 'Shifting Gears'? I voted for all Halo apart from Race. Another idea could be on an INVASION playdate on Reach? And congrats Dan, your next post is your 2000th!
  19. I hate lockdown and leave any game it is; It is essentially whichever team successfully camps the middle quickest wins. They control all vehicles and weapons. Tip for JIP; If you are joining a game and it shows player stats but not 'Incoming Player', press START, go down to NETWORK SETTINGS and switch to MY XBOX 360, and then back to XBOX LIVE. It doesn't count as quitting and you are removed from JIP before you actually join! I really, really hate lockdown. It isn't fun.
  20. [sangheili didn't know the location or name of Earth?]
  21. The halo games were brilliant and that was why I got xbox at all. SA doesn't look that good, and I am not buying a new computer/ OS/ phone just for one game. I'll pass thanks.
  22. Not everyone has a card to pay with, MSP is easier to do with people who do not have a credit card. In other words, no more DLC for me as my mum doesn't care about buying games.
  23. Your units are designed to have strengths and weaknesses. Choosign weapons may make it OP- THese are chosen for the fact it will be difficult nough for me to do the calculations and keep track of this. This may end up as a test version, but I doubt it.
  24. 1. There is a duplicate of 343 guilty spark that took control of an ONI ship and put the crew in cyrosleep (forgive me if that isn't what it is called). From what I understand, the clone is looking for the Librarian. I played spartan ops, but is she dead, or does Jul M'Dama have her? Unknown. There is a possibility that she escaped Requiem in the conflict or had a slipspace 'bubble' similar to Onyx. OR ONIRF Trevlyan. 2. Will Jul M'Dama even have a role in the next campaign? If so, what? Obviously he has Halsey and all, but what will he do? He most likely will, the Covenant will almost certainly make another appearance in H5, and Halsey being AGAINST the UNSC will be a factor. 3. What will Halsey's role be in the campaign if she has one which I think she will? Most likely some kind of antagonist. She has half of the Janus key, so I can see a UNSC mission into getting that. However, Chief may also have 'Personal' Reasons to see her. 4. What will happen since Requiem is gone? Are the prometheans gone too, or are there other shield worlds where they are? I doubt we have seen the last of the Prometheans. They may have been indoctrinated into the Storm, or be at other Forerunner installations. 5. What happened to the Didact? I don't think he is dead because when MC put the pulse grenade in him, he didn't disintegrate, so he isn't dead. He fell into a slipspace portal. He is most likely dead though there is a chance the Iso-Didact may return (ANother Didact who fired the Rings) 6. When I watched the trailer, was chief on the arc or planet reach's moon? I think the arc, but other people say reach's moon. It's The Ark and that is the widely accepted theory; the mountains look similar to Halo 3 and the moon in the background does look like the core. If it took 2 months to build a Ring, it's not unbeievable to believe the Ark has been nearly repaired. 7. When will the war on Sanghelios end? What will the result be at the end? Will humanity get involved? It ended before Halo 4. The Sangheili Civil War was in 2553, Halo 4 is 2557. Humanity sent the Infinity on a test run to help the Arbiter. 8. What will happen with the arbiter and rtas? Will they meet up with chief? Will any of them die? I hope they do not, and I doubt they will. Arby and The Chief never really liked each other, just fought together. 9. I know this is off and all, but where is the spirit of fire? From what I have read, it is only MIA, but from 2553. Halo 4 was in 2557. MIA. It is unkown if 343 ever intend to tell their story or not. 10. The flood. Are they gone for good or are they just dormant somewhere on another planet? For various reasons, the Big Birdy in the trailer is believed to be Mendicant Bias, who is said to only return with knowledge of how to defeat the flood when it is needed. If he's back, the Flood are. 11. Another off one, but the precursors? Are there any left? I know the gravemind said he was the last one, but maybe they are in a different galaxy. THe Precursors fled the galaxy, the one who survived the Forerunner's genocide. However (Silentium spoilers) 12. The forerunners. Are they all gone? Just like the precursors thing above, are they in another galaxy building up a fleet to go to war with humanity? There is a possibility that there are still forerunners still out there, on shield worlds, slipspace bubbles etc. This is not out of the question, but unlikely. 13. This is a really off one, but is there another form of humans on another planet? No. All the ancient humans were composed into Prometheans, the only species that survived is the one that has the UNSC. Us. 14. Reach. In the epilogue of reach, there is clearly a ship that landed on reach by noble six's helmet. From what I understand, reach was only two thirds glassed. Will humanity re-expand out to reach? Most likely, The UNSC terraformed Reach as early as 2582 and was recolonising. THis is a possibility, though it will not be a major factor for a long time. 15. Rings. Will the next installment have anything to do with another ring? I doubt it. Beta, Gamma etc will probably be mentioned but ot would be too much like CE/2 to do again. Best to stick to the plenty of unexplored locations in the Universe for now. 16. The covenant. Will they get any new species maybe? Will any old ones return? Here did the buggers go? No. The Covenant are a minor player in the story now, the 'Reclaimer' Trilogy is focusing more on the Forerunners. As much as I would love to see this, the Storm, remember, is just a remnant, it has nowhere near the power of the original empire. 17. Brutes. Will they return? Same as above, ther are nearly extinct through war with themselves and other species. They are still around but most likely won't be a major faction. 18. New species. Will there be any new alien races that are not in the covenant or whatever and just start a war with humanity? Boring, repetitive and unoriginal. Humanity roughly controlled half the galaxy, and the Covenant controlled around most of the other half. I doubt there is any major space-faring species left undiscovered now. Hope this helps!
  25. BaconShelf

    ty 343 i

    August 2oth, to be precise. At least, I hope you were referring to the Champion's Bundle and not some unknown DLC I am yet to hear of...
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