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Everything posted by BaconShelf

  1. I can provide a tutorial and what to do for modded maps if you like. I have a lot of experience using them.
  2. Wekks of hard work completed, it's finally here! Conquest is a turn based strategy game, similar to Halo Wars. At the moment, only UNSC units are available to use but Forerunner, Flood and Covenant will all be playable in the full version. Rules Infantry Light/Scout vehicles Units- Mechs MBT Depot Special vehicles. These vehicles are not direct offensive but support. Air pad Buildings If you need anything, do not be afraid to PM me! If a certain stat(Train time, etc) ask me for it! I need THREE additional players for the test mode. I will update stats for anyone via PM, and can give locations of units etc. Fourty units are allowed. This can be 40 ODST's or 40 Vultures. ODST's can be hot-dropped indefintiyly to make up for this. Once the round begins, I will create a new thread though stats can and will be updated here. Player list- BaconShelf Eisenhower _______ _______ To add in more tests- Launch pad; space combat, bombing runs and larger fighters are made here Silo- Nukes, Cryo bombs, distruption bombs, healer missiles and MAC Strikes coordinated from here. Siege Bike (For UNSC Forces) Forerunner, Flood, Covenant forces. A map we can look at. For now, I just have an Excel document with a 100x100 grid on it. Any specific units or ideas to add? Suggest them below! I'm open to comments!
  3. Open the Vault Door! Vault G has people living in it!
  4. I think those are concepts. I can't get those colours for my spartan. Still, we had a less than a second glance at the helm so we can't tell.
  5. I guess I'll try ATOM 2&3 because my parts were taken:( I was slow sending, sorry!
  6. Hey! I was not cheating! I stuck to my promise of Scarabs, you broke the rules as much as everyone apart from me and Jl!
  7. They rotate DLC every few months. It went from castle, back to majestic and I'm guessing crimson next.
  8. Thanks I will! I honestly don't care about K/D as I don't play matchmaking too often, out of a preference for Forge and Campaign. Note how you sound like a whiny 11 year old; you're conduct in posts reflects that. I've seen 11 year olds with more mature posting. But yeah, I love how you use K/D against people if they disagree. I could probably raise that if I actually cared^.^
  9. Welcome! And you have to install the second disc.(Sorry if that sounds patronising, I know people who have forgot to do that!)
  10. I swear I'm the only person who didn't like halo 3... I find it repetitive and boring. Nice interview Spades!
  11. I demand my Weekly Update! And what is the next play date?

    1. Is not JL

      Is not JL


  12. I demand my Weekly Update! And what is the next play date?

  13. It was terribad as it is now. One thing 343 did wrong was a beta, or lack of. Don't hate this idea; Amount of points affecting ordnance. 100 points= Needler, grenades, powerups, loadout weapons 200 points= Sticky dets, Shotgun, Railgun, Scattershot, all of the above, Swords, SAW 300=Sniper, Rocket, Incin, Binary, beam rifle 500+ = Obe-time-use target locator, MAC blast capacitors at the ready! However, if you guy a drop at the start, you reset.(buy the Needler at start, you have to get an additional 200 for next tier. Get 200 without buying gets you a better tier.) this encourages people to save up for weapons rather than use it then. Once they cancel a drop, they cannot get it back. You know what, I just want Carpet Bombs, MAC blasts and Cryo Bomvs implemented in the game. They are so much fun in Halo Waes and I always wanted to know what it would be like to see a Shortswird bomb the crap out of my/enemy team!
  14. Unless its game types and forge maps; 343 doesn't give one. They liked the Gun Game mod!
  15. Lol, every posts this guy makes is the sane thing xD Halo 4 requires skill. I haven't, as of yet, been able to pump half a clip of AR into enemies who run round a corner and get an overkill. Likewise, I don't remember getting a nuclear strike in my ordnance, I want my MAC Blasts already! Seriously, read his posts; he just sounds like a whiny eleven-year old complaining that people are beating him and he doesn't like it.
  16. I like having both. I'm just still confused how you get kills. Is it your responsibility to decide when your character is killed?
  17. Would only work on PC with; Stances(follow and attack, never attack, etc) Grouping or 'squads' for quick selection of units Massively increased troop count and buildings/base Many more units Better balancing No rushing. No warthogs, 3 scorpions/Spartans in, elephant with marines... As the PC RTS community frowns upon this. Ability to control base without being at it(training and research)
  18. I'm paying for the ODST. Only that. But I'm still getting the 800msp pack but mainly for my favourite armour.
  19. Personally, I think that was more fun. Though the Drone did a seem only a little OP. I'd say max 1 kill/turn. How do you get points without kills or armies? Jacob boarded the carrier. He noticed his wristband had disappeared. While the others were still talking, laughing amongst themselves about the events of the battle, he boarded a nearby Banshee. Flying it round, he strafed the tightly-packed group, letting loose a volley of plasma bolts and two fuel rods. They impacted the centre of the group, causing a great deal of smoke so Jacob couldn't be sure of the kills. Slowing to a hover, he opened the cockpit; shouting "Bugface, you alive down there? I'm coming for you next!" Before flying off, circling the ship. I'd say have a random skull that allows godding, controlling PCs etc like we did there because that was fun and hectic!
  20. BaconShelf agrees with the above post. Seriously, it's the easyist of the lot. Or you could wait until the MK V is released and use that. People will be able to know by looking at your campaign progress as well. Armour modding. Emblem modding, weapon modding. Anything that gives you an unfair advantage gets bans. Why should I have had to pole through my campaign solo when someone else types a code and gets it for free?
  21. Jacob exited his mini slip space portal. And opened another. His shields were down from the grenade, one more hit would be death. Still, he made his way back to the duo, trying to land a two-in-one hit... He exited and hit a cliff. Blue gained a point, as spark did the last damage. Spark kills Jacob. Jacob respawned. "I blame lag!" He shouted before going to assist his teammates.
  22. Just finished Mass Effect play through #1, what's the credits song called?

    1. Azaxx


      Just google ME1 credits OST

    2. Choot 'em

      Choot 'em

      M4 by Faunts (according to search) :)

    3. BaconShelf
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