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Everything posted by BaconShelf

  1. Get rocket launchers back? And I swear I'm the only person who doesn't see anything in P.Visio unless they are standing in front of me. Huh, must be my colour blindness. I always know when they are using it; it give off a radar signature
  2. Can't tell if joking or real Internet stupidity. >_>
  3. Not everyone plays for competitive. Some just play to have fun.
  4. Yeah, it was a while back but I Incinned Spark. Jacob respawned. He wondered what the hell had happened then, he had dodged all the shots? He grabbed his new cannon as a new marker appeared-BLTZ. This time, he had the surprise advantage. Fear would no doubt know Jacob would come for him, but he didn't know how. Jacob teleported in behind his assailant and sighted him. He activated his concussion blast; the nearby mountain had a minor avalanche, covering des in rubble. Jacob heard an unknown voice shout "SPLATTER" but that didn't matter. Fear was picking himself back upp before Jacob charged into him, kicked him and pulled his enemies DMR on the figure. He shot once, puncturing the visor of the red spartan. "DOUBLE KILL" was heard. Red was back in the lead. JACOB kills Des' and Fear I healed myself. I was point blank incineration cannon
  5. Jacob noticed the glare that had no doubt been meant for him. He hasn't intended to sound cocky, just volunteering. He shook it off, the holos were interesting. He never knew the aliens had shields; his parents had stopped him from watching the Planetary News broadcasts. He had effectively been censored. He had only seen the little ones. He vaguely remembered them being called 'Grunts' somewhere, and multiple cartoons in newspapers had been drawn to depict ten as a comedy figure. He continued to be transfixed by the picture on the table.
  6. Yeah, that was Germany doing hit-and-run ops by bombing the crap out of London every night. Like sendi g a grizzly or vulture every once in a while to do damage to early armies
  7. Anyone got any cool or creepy images I can use to write a practice SCP?

    1. D-38 Boss

      D-38 Boss

      I wish I did. once you're done, let me see, I do enjoy a good SCP

  8. Jacob removed his tank and placed it in the footrest. He turned off the gas, the flamethrower would be useless anyway. Instead, he equppied an MA5B Assault rifle from the bag. He aimed forward as several Banshees screeched overhead and shot twin plasma cannons at the ground. None of the shots hit the speeding vehicle, instead, the craft were... retreating?From something. No. "Covenant don't retreat..." he muttered as time slowed down. A thunderous crsahed, followed by blinding liight came from behind. The Warthog spun off the highway as the image of the road ahead burned into everyone's visions; even past Jacob's filters. Behind him, the CCS-Class battlecruiser burned the city behind them, the city they were defending mere hours ago. The Warthog tumbled down a steep cliff and Jacob blacked out as he vaguely felt himslef being pulled from the twisted metal...
  9. I freakin love Red Dwarf.

  10. this is actually a nice idea. OR the abilility to only generate the lighting AFTER you make the map
  11. Jacob, having already temporarily stalled the enemy teams advance was surprised by the teammate's betrayal. As everyone else walked off, he whispered to the creature; "You try anything, and you will quite literally be disentegrated." he growled, raising his cannon to the creature as he grabbed it's throat. "Hope we understnad each other." he continued as he cocked his head to one side. HE teleported around the map, scouting the enemies. They hadn't got their act together yet. He radioed his findings across the team broadcast before teleporting back.
  12. Well, in terms of Forge, (Originally) there was one map in Space, one in a Cave and the other is too small. It doesn't make sense to have a VTOL. Also, the maps in general are too small for Hornets and Falcons, they just wouldn't fit in the game. Sangheili are not playable because of the War Games thing. Hope it helps^^ Can we have a Halo 4 thread without staring flaming about it It was a simple questions, theres no point starting this... Presuming you are talking about simulating being an alien, that is pointless; Why simulate being something you physically cannot be?
  13. I don't know, but I hope there is an achievement for Scarab Rifle
  14. Jacob, still annoyed about his lack of action in the last round surveyed his team. He saw OMGA, SLIK, and CNNG. No armies this time meant he wouldn't be as effective as he had hoped. Walking over to his squad, he interrupted their conversation. "Okay, I'm gonna teleport to the oppsoite side of the islandand Incin one of the blue guys. Okay? If you need healing, radio in. I can teleport to your location to provide a quick bubble shield, 'kay?" With that, he once again dissapaered, landind upright this time on the very top of the island. He saw the similar armour of his previous teammate; SPRK. he teleported a zig-zag, a technique he laerned from Promethean Knights, and punched the guy in the face. Looking pack, Jacob began to make another pass, equipped his cannon and timed his shot; shooting point blank range before teleporting out. Spark was temporarily down, but not necissarily out. He ran into the middle tunnel and put a healing shield down.
  15. You know you love Halo when you know the lore better than your school work.
  16. The BR and DMR are overpowered. The 4-shot kill on the BR ruined matchmaking as I can never get another final shot in with my Carbine. It's far from unplayable and I still enjoy it but the DMR should have just been nerfed.
  17. Jacob raised his hand, but waited patiently before getting bored and shouting out; "So... Out in the outer territories, we don't get too much news. What are the Covenant species?"
  18. My guess is that they put their bottom mandibles together to form a rough jaw structure similar to our mouths. Or they basically just bite out of the food rather than picking it up.
  19. I wish people could make a thread about Halo 4 without someone starting a flame war over it...

  20. My mistake, i didn't realise it was under 'weapons'
  21. [Count the above as non existent until I say otherwise. I have PMed changes he has to make before posting again.]
  22. Well here is my armour for an ODST- Recruit helm AA/ Orbital chest Any shoulders As well as black colours gives a nice look. An dim waiting on my lines.
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