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Everything posted by BaconShelf

  1. Yay! Good for you! The update has put me off playing. Odd.
  2. Jacob teleported into the canyon... Upside down. After falling on his head and almost giving himself a concussion, he looked around. He felt sick, though he was used to that after the feeling of his atom s being ripped apart and sewn back together dozens of times before. Even if that meant he had lost one if his toes... He looked around. There were red markers over his teammates; SIK, SPRK and various others appeared on his HUD. As he walked towards them, he diverted power from his abilities into his teleport, bringing in his arsenal; 100 Vultures. Not the most imaginative, but it would do its job. He hitched a ride as his airborne cavalry slowly flew towards the red base. Inside, a worker grunt squealed in terror at the sight if whar he thought was a great Crapapants bird, an old Unggoy myth about a large bird with the ability to spit fireballs in any direction and had great archers to kill. Funnily enough, he did indeed what the name sounded like and ran off. Next to the bird was Jacob's Vultures, who swiftly gunned down the creature before landing at the facility. Jacob adresses the first tag he saw-SPRK, "We'll, I'm ready. So's my 'flock!' What's the plan?"
  3. Not Rogue. I'm going off the look. And rogue looks like EVA, not ODST
  4. Wait operator? That looks nothing like the ODST helm. AA or Recruit would be more fitting.....
  5. Star Wars Battlefront much? Either way, sounds fun! Place a grid etc underwater and have hogs tires covered so they look like boats
  6. Very good. You didn't really have to list grenades though. If you read the past few pages, I would recommend being one of the ODST troops gunning the warthog; it allows a quick and easy intro. Your choice of course but that's a suggestion
  7. When is Halo 3 free? I thought it was July but evidently not, I was looking forward to playing campaign with a friend. (Who was introduced by H4 and likes it)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Spectral Jester

      Spectral Jester

      no they said AC2 and Halo 3 were part of it, no release date for these was ever given

    3. BaconShelf
    4. Is not JL

      Is not JL

      December isn't part of the trend either. This promo goes up to the release of the Xbox One, which is in November.


  8. All I would recommend is Shade Turrets and Rocket/ Guass 'Hogs. Other than that, It's good!
  9. I call photoshopped. No offense but if this is too. Realistic. It looks definitely computer edited, especially the fire in the first one.
  10. Tuckers sig is the best sig evah. Problem?

    1. тυcкєя
    2. BeckoningZebra1


      lol, I read this right after I posted on his wall xD

    3. тυcкєя


      xDD. Thanks y'all :).

  11. I like it, many of these designsa I would have never thought of! Nice work!
  12. I think the Assault on the Control Room is the one I'm looking forward to the most! Best CE/CEA level by far
  13. Meh. As a story player myself, I don't care for online play. Anyway, I don't think it's fair that Bungie are getting back at MS by screwing the fans over. About MS, I know what you mean and I agree, but it's almost as if Bungie don't care. NS don't care about offline players, but they can admit it. Bungie won't say w'we don't care about our loyalist, the ones who got us where we are!'
  14. Too late to join? Wanted to get a feel for this before joining. Name: Jacob. Just Jacob Preferred Weapon: Incineration cannon Race: Spartan-III (acquired IC from a Promethean he killed) Power/Ability 1: Regen shield- A bubble shield that deploys anywhere, blocking incoming fire for the next two posts (I post do this, then next two posts its active) and heals troops and vehicles inside it, Power/Ability 2: Promethean teleport. Again acquired from his encounter Power/Ability 3: Concussive blast- concussive blast containing a short ranged EMP That can knock over things. Does no damage itself but if targets struck by objects or into objects can do damage Bio: (Not required but allowed) Special Weapons: Bacon's bane; a special sword contains the best of the Energy and Hardlight swords. It coats the target in deep fat frying. Appearance: (Description or Pic) CQC helm with a Scout/grenadier left shoulder and security right. Has plenty of ammo on his armour (Engineer chest) Black/red colours
  15. Well, I have lost respect for Bungie after reading about the essential FU they have done to the Xbox community. TL;DR The ones who made them a full triple-A company. Still buying destiny, not for Bungie but because the game looks good. You have lost my respect.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Azaxx


      We supported MS. We essentially supported the treatment dealt to Bungie.

    3. RedStarRocket91


      I don't see what the problem is. Are they really so evil for not wanting to work for a company which they didn't enjoy working for?

    4. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      We supported MS because we supported Bungie. We bought Bungie's game, so we bought Microsoft's console. But we didn't do bad things to either of them. So regardless, justice achieved by injustice is no justice at all.

  16. Agreed. The BR has just token over the position left by the DMR as an über powered overused headshot weapon that you can't counter without completely rethinking your strategy. For instance, my Storm rifle is good at killing anyone except the BR, before update, it was good against anyone Carbine/AR load out- the loadout I went 43-13 in, next to useless now because the opponent can get that one shot off before me now. Honestly, this update stopped me from playing. I love the game but the updated are unbalancing; the DMR should just have had bloom or ROF nerf and be done with it. Nothing else needed changing...
  17. AA for jet packing longer, grenadier giving better explosives and recon giving better snipers etc
  18. Turning around mid-sentence, Jacob narrowly avoided a particle beam rifle ****, a bright blue plasma bolt narrowly avoiding him but clipping his helmet. Looking round, he saw the creature take an AP round to the neck, letting off a gurgle and plenty of blood as it clawed at its missing throat before finally dying in a death shriek. Still shocked, he looked up at his guardian. "Actually, it's pretty good. Been nearly sniped, cut in half, set on fire, thrown up from dead rotting bodies and now I'm going to be deal with radiation poisoning. How about you? Say, I got a gas filter for you. Need it?" Looking at a scan of his helmet, he put out the small burn mark the round had put through his headgear. Although not serious, it still was a danger if it took another hit. "So how's our Falcon going? Ready to go? You know how long we have left.."
  19. I don't really sound like the ODST guys, for one, I have a British accent... Though by any, I was referring to both.
  20. Sure. If its EST, remember I'm 5 hours ahead of you^.*
  21. Imagine forge world or island with boats. Would've added a lot more originality to forge and more diverse map designs(unless you use a grid for 'Hogs.
  22. Why 18 under? I'm still joining if possible though
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