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Everything posted by BaconShelf



  3. Is there a way to see what my first shout was? I have looks all over so I'm guessing I can't?

    1. Azaxx


      Unless you're a moderator, no.

    2. BaconShelf


      Dammit. Thanks anyway.

  4. Jacob looked onwards, still stunned by the grenade that had been thrown. He didn't understand how he got to where he was, by he was now watching the Sarge getting real angry at another guy. He tried to hide his smirk as he caught his eye, much like in his previous school when a student was getting shouted at. Some things never changed. He continued to listen in on this interesting... Conversation for some time as he tried to not get noticed by the instructor.
  5. So, with DICE's announcement of Star Wars Battlefront being made on Frostbite 3 engine, what are your opinions and thoughts? I am glad that EA have announced that SWBF will be on Cbox 360 and PS3 with full support until at least 2017! Finally, I hope that aircraft (X-Wings, ARC-170 Fighters etc) aren't controlled like BF Helis and Jeys. To begin with, what locations from the Star Wars universe would you like to see as maps for the new game?
  6. https://joinprojectspark.com/ Just click sign up This is the signup page for the Project Spark beta, a sandbox game being released for Cbox One and (hopefully) Xbox 360. Enjoy!
  7. Infected Spec Ops Sangheili retained their camouflaging abilities after infection, it's not unreasonable.
  8. Oh hello there little scarab, how do you like 20 COBRA ARMY!!!!!!?????

    1. Drizzy_Dan
    2. BaconShelf


      You know that Cobra>Everything

  9. There was rubble. Lots of it. A warehouse had set alight and blown, thousands of rounds of ammunition igniting and detonating at once. At least half the company stationed there had been hit by debris. Walking round the hangar that used to contain vehicles, Jacob saw hundreds of soldiers. One had a large piece of metal Dutch through his thigh, another was bleeding out from multiple bullets hitting his stomach. Blood was everywhere. Leaving the combat hospital, he tried keying his radio, he needed to get the wounded to a proper hospital. The EMP knocked it out. He motioned to some ODST's in the base. "Right, we know the EMP affected our radios, but recon shows a satellite array. Get there, activate secondary radio broadcasting throughout the city. Got it?"
  10. Similar thing happened with forge for me. Turn it off and on again, worked for us.
  11. If people do this, when are we getting Race, Assault and Infection back?!
  12. So this is what me, Victory Element and TheZeresec were talking about whilst owning and grenade spamming on Settler this very evening. Now, this goes waaaay back to Halo 2&3. Mendicant Bias, a Forerunner AI defected to the flood in the war,and through terminals and some sings from various OSTs, we learn that Bias was these things; Took vaguely the shape of a bird Was buried in a desert Would return with knowledge of how to defeat the Flood, when it was needed Now, what can we learn from this? Well, look at the Halo Xbox One trailer, the setting is clearly a desert, and the structure rising out of the sand does look like a pretty birdy. And, there iis rubble around and some mountains looking suspiciously like The Ark. ( As seen on AdamJs thread.) Another note, is that a large red sphere can be seen in the distance, again, looking like the core of the Ark, giving evidence to this theory. What can we learn from this now? The Flood will return, this coincides with 343's promise of 5 being the 'Darkest' of the trilogies. The Ark is at least, partially intact. Enough to hold gravity and a Forerunber AI bird.If the Ark is intact(Maybe repaired? It took two months to nearly complete a Ring) and remember, theFlood was on the Ark, wether it be Gracemind (must have been at Citadel for the cuts end at end of The Covenant) and undoubted research labs etc. Another point is that through Kilo-5(?) and Forerunner Trilogies, we learn that 343GS is indeed, alive. And states that he will search for the Librarian. Could this mean she survived Requiem? And finally, the Didact. He fell into a portal, I have no doubts that he means he won't show up again, I refuse to believe an antagonist is killed in his first appearance. Unrelated note, Microsodt registered ip's 'Halo 7,8 and 9' a few minths back, and 343 stated the Reclaimer Trology isn't a trilogy anymore, it's the Reckaimer Saga. Edit#1, Reach was beginning to be colonised again as of 2582(Reach epilogue) and Sone sryicgures on Strachey also look like the Ark/HXBONE. What does everyone d think? Sorry for lack of evidence, I'm too lazy
  13. It's only Windows 8, Windows phone and other Windows devices, sadly.
  14. Reach machinima filming now, need more people!

    1. Is not JL

      Is not JL

      I hereby nominate Fire Slayer02 for the Best Body Actor in a machinima for the machinima film awards.

    2. Gojira


      Would you guys be needing anyone tomorrow. I'd be able to participate then.

  15. Attention, TexHellsAngel376 has asked to take over Tranquility's characters in her sustenance absence. I have said that's alright. M'kay?
  16. I think you should edit these into the OP, so you don't have to look through pages to see the pics. Other than that, keep up the work!
  17. I play both. Halo 3 is dead. Only 12 players in big team? Wtf!
  18. [These things are usually past tense, sorry, small grievance] Before he could fire some fire, the strange ordeal was over. With the hilt of the energy weapon in one hand, he activated it and struck it into a nearby dead hunter, slicing the worms open and letting fluorescent blood trickle on the floor. He made a mental note to burn these bodies at some point, he may be immune to biohazard in his armour, but no one else was. He motioned for the Shock Trooper to keep the blade before moving into the dark hallway. His visor lit up, highlighting the way. He stopped the marine in front, motioning to fall behind him. He dropped a flare on the ground, red light casting on the walls in an eerie, blood like glow. Turning another corner, he saw blood. Lots of it. Bright blue speckled the walls on one side that was pockmarked with bullets. Another was coated in crimson, deep splashes of it that dropped down the walls onto the floor. Turning up the helmet sensors, what he thought was a squad of marines was in fact a group of Civilians crowded round an elavator door. Their bodies were mutiliated by Covenant plasma weaponry, a single Officer lay dead on the floor, plasma rifle in hand with an Army trooper laid on top of it, still clutching a knife Dug deep into the neck. As Jacob rolled the bodies over, he saw the marine had two large scorch marks, no doubt an energy sword wound. "Sarge, you don't wanna see this. Just don't look at the floor, if you want to be sane at the end of this." As he waited for the troopers to follow, he fiddled with the elavator controls, hoping for a successful response from the machine. He then heard a door open behind him. Grabbing the Plasma rifle off the floor, he aimed it at the trooper inside as several light rays cast shadows on the scene. "I.. Wouldn't look. Take my advice. Listen.." He threw the weapon to the floor."Interested in helping us? We're..." It struck him that he didn't know where they were going. "Looking around for survivors, I guess."
  19. [still there, just EMPd now. I'm waiting for a couple more posts before I post again]
  20. Yay I helped! Everyone messes with your warthog dan, if only I had my amazing rockets from Last Resort One-Bomb....
  21. Yeah. It's something to do with the cable feeding into the TV. Everything else is fine.
  22. Will be on H3 in an hour. Keep the Warthog warm for me.

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