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Everything posted by BaconShelf

  1. My theories- 1) The Firerunners indeed spoke out Language, and the Librarian made sure we did in our genes(If she could create Master Chief, this is possible) 2)When the Forward Unto Dawn was scanned by Requiem, all human recirds(including language) were kept and uploaded to Librarian/Didacts armours, allowing translation. 3) The UNSC records on the Firerunners+ data held by Cortana was uploaded into Chief's helmet, and the speakers In the helmet translated the way they do for Covenant races in 2,3 and ODST. The rest of people so not understand them. All three are possible IMO. Oh! Or the Precursors spoke English, teaching it to Forerunners and humans. This would explain how the Gravemind speaks it also (Though they did assimilate hundreds of Marines)
  2. It's worth try, you may be able to help?!
  3. Website down for me. What is gun game?
  4. Jacob, already planning to go past the room equipped a Flashbang. Normally, incindiery or flamethrower would do, if not for the fact this building would burn quickly if set alight. Keying his radio, he said two words while counting to three;"Get down". He then rolled the Flashbang into the room, right in front of the distracted Elite before the radio came with an answer. He moved behind the Elite, the grenade exploded, stunning the elite as Jacobs helmet compensated for the glare, keeping him from the same effect. In the moment of opportunity, he pushed the creature to the floor, grabbing its sword and thrusting it into the heart. He longed to keep his trophy, but a Sword was too heavy alongside his Flanethrower, Grenades, SAW and Pistol. He once again wondered what happened to the knife he equipped to a roped-together mixture if Grenades he had stuck to a wall. Most likely obliterated as several grunts walked past the wire set for them, destroying that pass. Of course, that was in the last base, when Alexandria still existed. He again, wondered back to how the city was. He knew he would most likely die on Reach, when he refused to board a shuttle, letting a family of civilians in instead. Walking over to the captain, he gave him a hand getting up, asking "You alright? Got a little present for 'ya' in the process.
  5. Sunday, preferably. Throughout the day, just when you are on. I should get enough people. Invite anyon you want as well!
  6. A deafening sound thundered throughout the city, the carrier sparked to life, opening a portal. In its wake followed a ship, entering the slipstream as the portal closed. The EMP then began to annihilate buildings in the vicinity, shredding open walls, ripping roads from bridges and sending troops of all species into oblivion. The platoon, while far away from the blast was still EMPd, ships dropped from the sky and buildings collapsed as a blinding flash engulfed the city. Then as suddenly as it began, it stopped. The streets were lifeless, radios were silent, many were dead. As if this was an apocalypse, meteors rained from the sky. Hundreds of pods. Each containing a single human occupant dropped in the city. Many died on impact, few survived. In the hours following the event, more ships arrived out of slip space. Truth's fleet came to finish what regret started. The Brute reinforcements attacked all soldiers, human and Elite. In hours, nearly all Sangheili I the city were dead, as we're most of the humans...
  7. Full Name: Jacob Stokes Occupation: As it occurs that no one has done a Hellbringsr, I shall be one {IF CIVILIAN DO NOT FILL THIS OUT}- Armor Aesthetics: CQB helmet, with the band thing going across. Scout left pauldron, Security right (without Kukri) and Engineer chest. RG-50BULK legs and Grenadier knee pads with Shotgun bandoleer on wrist. This armour is custom fitted on top of a Flame-Retardant suit resistant to chemical, gas and biological hazards. The extreme bulk, while heavily protective makes comlex actions difficult(climbing etc) Colours are primarily Black and Gold with White details and emblems on sections of armour. Facial Appearance: Large burns on left half of face, blonde hair (way past regulations) and blue eyes. Apart from burns, nothing notable. Equipment/Weapon of choice:M7057 Defiliant projector (H3 flamethrower) hooked up to a special oxide tank (backpack). Custom modifications increase rangeof weapon. Also carries numerous Flashbamgs, Smoke and Frag grenades as well as Jiraelganae Firebombs (when possible). Also carries a SAW, equipped with CF plating for decreased weight and a Magnum pistol for sidearm.(A pistol wouldn't add much) Backstory: Born in a small town in the North-weat of England, Jacob was heavily injured while playing with aerosol and matches at the age of 12. Since then, he was a pyromaniac to the core, using home-made molotovs to hold off insurgents after an attack until UNSC marines were deployed. The outfit saw him as an ideal fit for the 'Hellbringers' and was stationed on Reach aboard the UNSC Minutes To Midnight when the attack happened. When I say the armour, it obviously isn't MJLNIR, just saying that so you know what he looks like. And I'm posting the other RPs now
  8. Don't care for what we 'lost'. I still prefer lending discs, as downloading games has never been my thing. I'm happy to take my games with me, as well as loving that feeling you have by holding the box and artwork. Same for CDs and DVDs. I'm not big on downloading.
  9. I mean, for a first try, they weren't too bad. Considering there was no previous designs and animations etc to go off, I think it turned out well.
  10. PP + DMR= Win. (SO being the only time I use DMR) One-shot everything, PP for Sangheili and Knights.
  11. I feel priveliged when I can go to school in non-uniform. Even if I have to pay £1, it's beter than itchy jumpers.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. BaconShelf
    3. WonderWombat
    4. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      I agree, having to wear school uniforms hasn't looked good on anyone where I live. The upcoming school year is actually my first to not have one, though.

  12. This is pretty good. I'm noy too completionist anyway, it just happens that I have only 10 achievemnets max on Fallout 3/#vegas/Reach left to get at all ..... >>

  14. Can we stop complaining about H4 now, and try to make H5 better?

    1. Azaxx


      When H5 isn't even shown, I think it's ok to complain about the current issues instead of pretending they're not there.

    2. BaconShelf


      Well, for me, there are no issues with 4. Friggin love it

    3. Azaxx


      So many issues. Not even close to being a perfect game.

  15. Yeah. Has happened a few times. Don't worry, they would've announced it ages ago if they were shutting it down. Ami right by looking at 31 users reading the topic?!
  16. Interesting. I hadn't considered this. The ruins and debris before the Robotalienbirddragonthing rises also holds some questions. My theory was that, the wierd cliffs on reach look vaguely similar, and the RABDT was in a forerunner structure. (Not all of reach was glassed, just about 2/3rds if I remember correctly)
  17. Is Ragnarok in CTF anymore? Seriously, Ragnarok I haven't seen for about 2 weeks.
  18. I like them. The design, aesthetics, Is nice, but they do act like H2 brutes. Hopefully 343 does what Bungie did to brutes in H3, makes them interesting, fun characters to fight that feel realistic.
  19. Proof on UK Xbox Magazines website; http://www.oxm.co.uk/56730/microsoft-removes-online-drm-from-xbox-one/
  20. I severely hope it's true. I wasn't too bothered, but my friends will hopefully be buying now.
  21. The middle bit could be a nice space section, with the others as higher ledges. Slik, would 'stumps' be upside down FI trees?
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