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Everything posted by BaconShelf

  1. When not recording, the display is fine.
  2. 2 reactors, everything else supply pads (Anders). Upgrade base and build one vehicle depot+ 1 supply pad Build Cobras and wolverines, take bases, build barracks (Spartans) air pad(4 hawks) and a field armoury. 8 cobras 4hawks Everything else Wolverines. Half price/time upgrades are godly
  3. In my turn based Halo startegy for forum, UNSC units should be up tonight. Covvy, Forerunner and Flood not finished, but UNSC nearly. If I can get a quick map, we can do a test run this week!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Is not JL

      Is not JL



      Cant wait.


      Do it now.




    3. WonderWombat


      What is this, some kind of text based game?

    4. BaconShelf


      Kind of. There'll be a grid, one post counts as a turn. Different units do different attack and take certain damage.

  4. I have so many exams this week :'(

  5. No. The Halo: Anniversary terminals said how Installation 04 (At least) eventually lost communication with the rest of the array, and Spark only had any sort of power over 04, Medicant Bias (I think) gave him control of SOME LIMITED portions of Insatallation 00, but he wouldn't have known.
  6. Good day for youxD I have it alongside Halo Legends on my shelf<3
  7. I like Forerunner SWAT and am yet to try Covenant. Don't understand the problem. I think maps need to be removed though (coughsolacecough)
  8. It does seem maybe Star Wars Battlefront (BEST F****N GAME EVAH) would be more appropriate
  9. It just plugs into my TV as normal. The TV shows two screens, the (after recording) footage shows one, so I can ore render theatre clips them just play them, but it will halt my Fallout, Halo Wars and maybe Civilisation videos :'(
  10. Are you just wrecking all your microfiche stuff?xD It's so brilliant!
  11. Never liked GTA, Saints Riw and that type of game in general. Therefore, more Halo for me. I do not intend to buy GTA V.
  12. So I have my Avermedia Gamecapture HD, and I have a problem while recording. When recording, the screen appears double. For example, it looks as though I am playing split screen vertical, and is very distracting to have when recording. Also, I can only record for a couple of minutes before it goes wierd, though I presume that's because I am temporarily using a 1.5GB USB stick. All screenshots and recorded video turns out fine on the computer, so that works, my recordings can be done via theatre and prerecorded, but I was hoping to do Halo Wars gameplay etc, so if you know what is happening, I would appreciate it. I have unplugged my cables and reugged them back in dozens of times, on both ends so I don't think it's that. Normal screen- O Glitch- O|O
  13. Hopefully Halo Wars, so my friends can play it. And what's wrong with Halo 3? Were you expecting Halo 4 and AC 3?
  14. Says on the sign 'Part of the Wal Mart family' in big writing
  15. You can respawning. I know many occasions I get more zo than normal
  16. Can't beat Halo OSTs on the iPod while walking the dog!

    1. Is not JL

      Is not JL

      Until you meet japan....

  17. No probs, you don't realise how big the vehicles are until they are compared to relatable objects! (Wraith bigger than real elephant?!) Still, are these uploaded daily? I really think this deserves a special mention, I can't wait for more! I'm thinking about doing this with my Mega Bloks as well:D You inspired me, great sir!
  18. Congrats my friend, you heavily deserve it! You seems to be having a good month this month, don't you?
  19. How are you making these? Figurines? I would say Mega Bloks but clearly not. I can't wait for more! And the Banshee looks a little too big compared to kids. Of course, a spartan is 7foot so I may be mistaken. Good job though:D
  20. I'm not too bothered, I prefer USO g my Xbox for videos. Plus I get a cool case
  21. Although I have done 3,ODST, Reach and 4, I'm still happy to help. Also on Wars and Anniversary.
  22. I am a Major I think. If you want to add me, by all means go ahead. I play regularly.
  23. Searching system. What about it? Seems fine to me. Slayer Pro has only been introduced recently. Plus there is throw down and soon legendary I don't remember pro having radar Tanks. Scorpions were removed from Reach (and 3 apart from heavies maps), nothing new. Mantis is more balanced The game only lets players join the game under certain conditions. This is to stop people joking a game where the enemy team is 2-3 points off winning. It has been said there are NO plans to bring back old game types. I'm annoyed as you, but oh we'll. What about forge is limited? The item limit I agree on with you, and lack of useable environment on Forge Island, but it's still very good.
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