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Everything posted by BaconShelf

  1. Rising Tides is a machinima, based on Halo: Reach set in the later years of the war. The video is only planned to be one episode, and features mainly Insurrectionists as the enemy, though there is a minor Sangheilinprescence. To join, I only require body actors right now. Parts list- 'Innie' Soldier (Rebel) MP helmet/ODST helmet Sniper, Gungnir or Security(base) shoulder Any chest not grenadier or Robot arm Any wrist and other. Colours- Black/Red ODST These configurations ODST Armours AA helm, Commando chest, Sniper Shoulder, ODST other Spartan-II (only 3 parts available) MJOLNIR MK V helm Matching shoulders MJOLNIR MK VI helm, MK V shoulders MJOLNIR MK VI helm, Security shoulders (Any chest) SPARTAN III EVA, EVAC, PILOT helmets Any other armour Insurgent leader CQC/ Security helmet Security shoulder (knife) and MK V other Elites One General/Zealot Multiple a ultras, Minors and officers That's all for now. This is still being scripted, so no voice auditions yet. (Although not necessary, people who have map packs are very welcome and needed, as some maps may be on them depending on players available)
  2. Agreed. Firefight was removed for SO, there was no point in both. Forge removal would devastate the community, not least of all Custom games and many famous youtube channels. Just like Campaign and Multiplayer, some see it as pointless ,some the best thing that happened to the series (Me being the latter) and some don't care. But it has too large a fanbase to remove now. Also, most people played firefight for the XP, I do not know annyone who played it because it was fun.
  3. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Multiplayer is there for fun, it should be for fun. It should have 1-2 playlists for the players who like MLG but the majority don't care (In my experience, anyway.) For me, if every playlis is MLG oriented, I would not play. I hted Arena and MLG in reach, I hate Throwdown and the sound of Legendary slayer in 4. Social for me. I enjoy 4 the mnost out of all of them not RTS oriented(WARS FTW)
  4. Imagine a diver next to a Great white shark. This here, is the most destructive creature known, responible for millions of deaths evry year. And there is a Great White swimming peacefully alongside it.

    1. Frankenzer
    2. KhevaKins


      WOAH, miss direction. I see what you did there.

  5. Just a minor annoyance- the Invasion of Reach was mere WEEKS before the Battle of Earth. Otherwise, this looks pretty nice.
  6. Ragnarok is fun, but I miss the little camp on the plains I would like a classic playlist, Like Valhalla how it was in 3 (Wraiths, weapon spawns) and a classic playlist for the die-hards. I just like classic maps. On topic, I like the change. I enjoy all the maps apart from complex, and I'm happy to be playing more Cortex and Meltdown^.^
  7. Then every event follows leaving pretty much no time with installations 4,5 and 00, Earth, First strike, Cauro Station and FuD then H4. Min no particular order o course. No. She went to CASTLE. After linking up with the little remnants of the SPARTAN IIs, they ventured underground into a forerunner structure before finding a crystal their pursuers were after. They were then rescued by Chief, Cortana and the other Halo survivors, before jumping out of system. At no time, did Halsey ATTEMPT to leave the system, until Chief found her in a forerunner structure.
  8. I think the other way around. I go with belief that books> Films and Games. I'm looking at you World War Z. >_>
  9. BaconShelf


    Like tech. Lets face it, the Xbox 360 was a major limitation on what could be done with 4's campaign
  10. Good luck tryi g to find a match not full of 5 Star general MLGALGPPRIVETSWEATYPLAYERS because I only get rh and it isn enjoyable.
  11. There is a god. There is Star Wars Battlefront 3. Screw Halo

    1. The Stig

      The Stig

      I just wish they could make a Star Trek game as good as they do Star Wars games...

    2. Victory Element

      Victory Element

      I literally grew up on that series. Can't wait to see how the game will modernize

    3. BeckoningZebra1


      I guess 2/3 isn't that bad; I still like Halo

  12. On halo 5, yes On halo 4, no Mainly technical reasons
  13. Hopefully, my cap card will be wirking when we have the next playdate. I did some test screenshots to show off Halo 2, (If you could remaster any game thread) but I wish we could have recordedcmy defense. Frank, Locusts are weak, and I do k ow how to prioritise targets
  14. [sorry for not posting, I have an exam today so I have been preparing for that. Tonight, I will post I promise]
  15. There were 33 Spartans. A couple did die throughout the war, just MOST died on Reach. However, due to the fact you have no response for the rest, I presume you admit defeat. Raise your white flag fool!
  16. Wrong sub forum, did you not read the NO clan or gaming communities allowed here? You need the clans forum
  17. Banned for being in Blood Gulch despite the fact no one plays CE anymore
  18. Halo 2- With graphics of these, I think it deserves a remaster- I think that ODST armour would look amazing if remastered! Pictures taken and copyrighted by BaconShelf. Nah, you can use them if you want!
  19. Banned for using a stupid and incredibly overused stance.
  20. Okay, 38 still gives time, as insurrection it's activities still continued throughout the war. All I'd say now is wait for me to post now, then you would be better suited to join. By a descision by me, Boss and Fish and wolf, the carrier will jump now, large vehicles are EMPd, aircraft not really useable. Tanks and 'Hogs allowed though reinforcements can arrive. (I'm looking at the UberMantis here>.>
  21. Actually, people like me, boss and dan attended a previous play date and received the award. Drizzy said he would hand them out today, just PM him to say you attended. He couldn't get everyone. Nah, you just couldn't handle garrisoned marines and Flanethrowers taking down everything from grunts to chieftain to scarab xD
  22. As far as I am concerned; Halo 4 follows 2 and Wars for best Halo. Still, you, unlike the majority, didn't use all caps rage to type your post so I already have respect. Now, it wasn't until Halo 3 came out that the majority if books and expander universe came out- to my knowledge, before this was Ghosts of Onyx, and The Fall of Reach trilogy. Everything else was after, and 343 has done Dawn (very costly and time-consuming), the Kilo-five and Forerunner trilogies as well as a friggin TV show. Sounds like a lot to me.
  23. Anyone wanna play TF2 on Xbox? Add me

    1. Elite



      TF2 ON PC IS LIKE TF6.



  24. So your character is 58 years old? I'd maybe say 38 at oldest, but not 58. Also, not even a Spartan could carry FOUR weapons, I'd basically have one SMG, or the Rifle and the Pistol. If you do changes, you are accepted
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