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Everything posted by BaconShelf

  1. The Fall of Reach, The Flood and First Strike detail the events of SPARTAN II training, battle of Reach, Installation 04(in more detail) and how they got back to earth from the ring. Contact Harvest details the very start of the war, in first contact Cryptum, Primordium and Silentium detail the last days of the Forerunners, and link up very nicely toHalo 4 Ghosts of Onyx, Glasslands, The Thursday War and one unannounced sequel detail Spartan III training, the narrow of Onyx and later, the immediate events post-war The Cole Protocol is just a side story. It is about Keyes, Arbiter and various others before they are te ranks seem in game Evolutions volumes I and II are both collections of short stiries, detailing many things. A free have/are being put into anime on waypoint. Hope this helps
  2. Name, service tag (I like terminator) age and just general non-seriousness of it. And a personal dislike for Arnold Scharzwasengger
  3. The map pack maps CAN appear there. They will only appear if ALL FOUR people have those maps. If someone In the game doesn't have the pack, they cannot play the maps.
  4. Posted http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/28833-ashes-of-mombassa-rp-thread/?p=262955&do=findComment&comment=262955
  5. Do not post here until you have signed up here; http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/28815-ashes-of-mombassa-ooc-rp-signup/?view=getnewpost So, the year is 2552, mere weeks after the destruction or Reach and the Unyielding Heirophant, a Covenant fleet of fifteen ships launched an attack on Earth. As the Prophet of Regret's assault carrier launched a full assault on the city of New Mombassa, the UNSC Home Fleet counteracted in minutes. The RP begins after the initial waves hit the city. At a certain point, the carrier will jump and the second half- the part you play in ODST will begin. Jacob departed off the UH-144 Falcon. He looked around, the command centre was a shambles. The most recent Covenant attack had utterly wiped out the defenses by the surviving marines. The fact that they managed to down a Scarab on one of the streets was a miracle. Of course, only one of the original four Cobras were left standing, and all the Scorpions. He hefted his SAW, crossing it on his back like his Shotgun. "Everyone, gather round. Clearly, this outpost is worse than the reports mentioned. I need fire teams covering the subway exit and street as well as one protecting the Cobra. We have five or six boatloads of troops inbound down here to reinforce our current position. In two hours, we will begin hit and run attacks In the city and help clear a path to Regret's carrier for the Master Chief." He noticed a stir of activity immediately, it was clear there had no been no proper leadership here for some time. Though there was a few marines too shell shocked to fight. They were immediately obvious, and noted down to be evaced on the next Pelican. Speaking if pelicans, he saw the first ones now, arriving through the deserted skyline.
  6. Should we go for one more accepted or start now?
  7. It's a lag glitch. It happened in Reach too. If you giveit a minute or two, it registers a vote. It is nothing that can be fixed on 343's end, if you get this a lot, you just ave a really crappy connection.
  8. Nearly 45th person to 1000!

  9. "Oh, well, thanks. Last thing, when is weaoons training next?" He replied enthusiastically, trying not to show disappointment at the NCO's reply.
  10. http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/28815-ashes-of-mombassa-ooc-rp-signup/
  11. Game thread here! http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/28833-ashes-of-mombassa-rp-thread/?p=262955&do=findComment&comment=262955 So, first of all, I am not trying to 'steal' hell jumpers RP, militia. Please do not think that at all. This was an idea I thought of based off D-3 Boss's thread, Ground Zero (which you should read at some point) So, the year is 2552, mere weeks after the destruction or Reach and the Unyielding Heirophant, a Covenant fleet of fifteen ships launched an attack on Earth. As the Prophet of Regret's assault carrier launched a full assault on the city of New Mombassa, the UNSC Home Fleet counteracted in minutes. The RP begins after the initial waves hit the city. At a certain point, the carrier will jump and the second half- the part you play in ODST will begin. The usual stuff- Signup sheet Name- Rank(none above sergeant) Service Tag- ODST, Marine, Hellbringer(flamethrowers), army trooper or air force pilot(no, you cannot be a spartan) Appearance(physical and face)- Armour- Weapons (keep it realistic- H4 weapons allowed but no forerunner stuff.) Specialty (driving, CQC Sniping etc) History/backstory Name- Jacob Stokes Rank- Captain (in charge of most ground forces) Service tag- M325 Marine or ODST- Marine Appearance- Long, blond hair despite regulations. Pale skinned, tall(about 6ft) and blue eyes. Armour design- Military Police helmet with a silver visor. ODST shoulder on the left pauldron and Scout (H4) on the right, bearing his fire teams 'Phoenix' emblem. Chest is TAC/RECON with a cloth thing like Jun's on top and a knife on his right shoulder. Shotgun shells on wrist. Weapons- SAW, Shotgun, Pistol Specialty- CQC, tactics/leading History- A fairly new soldier, was enlisted a couple if years before reach. By the time he was on reach, he had his own squad and was promoted to Vaptain after managing to fend off Covenant attackers until the civilians of New London could evacuate. He is in charge of marine company Charlie-Victor in Mombass. Enjoy..
  12. After resting this, I'm getting an RP idea formulating in my head....
  13. Jacob ran up to the sergeant before he forgot. He had a question to ask. "Uh, Sergeant? Sorry for the interruption but when do we get split into squads or have training excercises. Y'know, in the woods, those paint rounds. Because if we do them, I'd like to volunteer as a strategist or leader or something...." He lowered his voice, quickly realising how stupid his request would sound. It sounded better in his head.
  14. [Theyve been told to go into the courtyard]
  15. Grateful for the rest, Javob managed to half jog, half walk back to the group. Luckily, no one seemed to notice until he was already there. As he stood waiting for new orders, he saw some of the people from the firing range. And some of the others. It seemed as if everyone was here. Hopefully, it is a strategic war game next though he doubted it. After wondering about that, he began to wonder if the facility had war games pods. From the look of the equipment, budget must be tight, and they were an expensive piece of equipment.
  16. I swear I MADE A GAEM WITH ZOMBIES1!! Is designed to give me epilepsy...

  17. Jacob thought about entering the range, but decided that the Sergeant wasn't exactly in the best of moods. He quickly looked back at the two recruits he had seen talking, making a mental note to at least show them how to use a shotgun and aim properly, before leaving. As he began to walk away, he realised that the rifles were old, MA5... B? Yeah, the sixty two round clip made sense. If that Was the equipment on this base, then training was very serious. He began around the yard, this time walking. Of course, the sergeant seemed a little busy shooting so he probably would not be noticed.
  18. Me and friends planning a text based RPG. Will be on computer, PM me if you would be interested in having a look once done. Though this is not for a while, were still planning:)

    1. Sikslik7


      I'd give it a look or play through

    2. D-38 Boss

      D-38 Boss

      Hm.... mebee....

  19. Me and friends planning a text based RPG. Will be on computer, PM me if you would be interested in having a look once done. Though this is not for a while, were still planning:)

  20. How about some remakes or similar maps (like how Valhalla was to blood gulch) for things like boneyard and condemned? Also, maps I have been thinking of are maps on space ships, with areas destroyed with hull breaches and low gravity. And a highlands remake on forge island! Oh, and one that is similar to a map I half-made on reach on a UNSC aircraft carrier being assembled/disassembled. Was an invasion map but could be adapted And a missile silo would be interesting?
  21. Get well soon and happy birthday!

  22. [sorry for absence] He began running the courtyard. In about 2 minutes, Jacob was exhausted as his underdeveloped muscles refused to obey his commands. It was funny, the recruitment program's only ever showed footage of marines killing dinos, ODST's landing from their pods and Spartans... Well, just being Spartans. Never anything such as six mil runs around a courtyard. Jacob looked up, exhausted and saw the other recruits way ahead of him, bags and all. Of course, most if them were fairly fit and would have no problem. He tried running again, spikes of pain shooting up his legs. He stopped after another two metres, if this is military life, it better be worth it when I'm on the battlefield he thought as he looked around the courtyard. By this point, he noticed the Pelican had already departed from its resting position and was out of sight. Then, he only realised what the steady clatter in the distance was. He was outside a firing range. He looked in, and saw some other recruits with rifles in hand
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