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Everything posted by BaconShelf

  1. Well, Microsoft is actually quite fair with their terms of use regarding Halo content. But as sucky as it is, it would be well within their right to revoke that and go full Nintendo on everyone. Either way, I've seen the state of the Machinima 'community' and all they do is spend more time spitting at each other and slagging off one another than actually making quality content. 343 -or anyone, for that matter- certainly has no obligation to spend valuable resource implementing features specifically for such a small group.
  2. 343 Industries is not making any more updates or support for any prior Halo game aside from The Master Chief Collection and upcoming Halo 5. Besides, this system would be incredibly unfair, as the host of a game would be able to make his team win by simply buffing all of their players and weakening the opposition. Also, this is the Halo 5 section of the forum. Just a heads-up ^^
  3. And thus, every argument you make has been invalidated.
  4. Nah. As long as you have a plasma weapon (Pistol is best) and a headshot-capable weapon (Carbine or BR, ideally), you can take on pretty much everything the game has to throw at you. Just grab a sword or something on Cortana.
  5. You do know the two share resources, right? Especially now that the Warzone is incorporating AI elements. Te only thing the campaign has different is AI (Warzone excluded), specifically designed levels and voieovers with the scripting necessary to make it work. They run on the same engine and use the same assets. Besides, there is a different team for each, and they are developed simultaneously after the engine is finished.
  6. Humans can hold a spike rifle well enough, and he drop he weapon not because he looks like he can't hold it, but because he is disguste by it. He considers te brutes primitive and savage. He only use the T33 because he had no other choice (apparently)
  7. He kept a pistol with him around other Heirarchs, in te midst of the best security that could be afforded to him. Anything less and he is going to have more defences; shields and so forth. Also, Truth didn't keep the Spiker with him. Even marines struggled to hold those things, and most San 'Shyuum are very frail (Due to a combination of factors; inbreeding, higher gravity on HC meaning that they spend most f their lives in chairs and such). Plus, the way Truth holds and discards the weapon anvil idly shows he almost finds it disgusting, primitive. Like the Covenant's opinion of human ballistic weapons. And that thing is waaay too big to hide under robes like a plasma pistol can. He didn't break lore. He just did it in a stupid way by teleporting behind Miranda. Somehow.
  8. The only "boss fight" in Halo 3 is literally wait 10 seconds then shoot with a laser. Unless you count Cortana, as you are walking around inside a Gravemind. The scarabs are probably more interesting 'bosses' that anything in any other Halo. Simply because you get a myriad of ways to take it down, through combined-arms warfare. That prophet was a minor prophet and did not posess Energy shields. Or did, but was (completely reasonably) not expecting to be sniped so didn't have them up. Regret knew he was in a dangerous place, and was paranoid enough that he kept a plasma pistol with him at all times anyway. I doubt the Covenant would give anything but the best above-zealot-level shields to.. Y'know... A heirach. At least the tips given in the Tartarus fight make sense. Tartarus giving insults and taunts and Johnson calling out when the very visible energy shield is down is a perfectly reasonable thing todo for those characters. Aside from the Sangheili-Human language barrier, of course.
  9. And 343 shouldn't have to spend time making features that will be used by what is an incredibly small part of the fanbase. A game studio's resources are not infinite, and they can't cater to every audience. Being able to use the work done by other programmers and artists and sound designers isn't skillful, it's just moving a camera around and pressing record. Besides, you can get animation software cheaply/ free on the Internet. You don't need über-expensive software unless you're going in at professional level. There are no UNSC aircraft in Halo 5. There is the Banshee and Phaeton gunship. Anyway, I prefer seeing new weapons. What would be the point of making a new game if you don't add new things? From a lore perspective, if love to see some existing weapons like the M99 Stanchion Guass rifle, MA2B and MA5K rifles, wieldable Staves (honour guard weapons) and some of the cut concepts like the Gravity Rifle and Bishop Beam. A military that doesn't update it's gear is a military that will fail. And the UNSC is already using worse infantry technology than most NATO armies today (Spartans and spaceships excluded). The one thing Mass Effect has over Halo is it's use of Railgun weapons. Halo needs to get it's priorities set regarding it's tech, bullets just don't work in the 26th century It is a shame the Halo community lacks the team spirit we see in Battlefield. Being able to hop in a transport chopper and work to be a death machine by gunning or repairing is a mindset of team play we don't really see in most big FPS games. I really hope warzone requires good team play to succeed. A lone wolf shouldn't be able to singlehandedly win a big-team game.
  10. They do need something to sell their console, after all.
  11. Halo 4's campaign was in no way unfinished. It was appropriate length for the story and didn't outstay it's welcome. Halo 5's campaign is confirmed to have the following we features; -Drop-in/Drop-out co-op play where everyone is an individual character (like H3) -First appearance of Blue team in a game -Return of Buck -Every player character has an individual loadout -Fireteam Osiris has an 'Artemis' system not unlike the VISR from ODST -There's the clamber, ground pound and so forth -A weapon count likely rivalling Reach -Forerunner aircraft (Phaeton gunship) -Return of Scarab fights in some form -A very lengthy campaign that is looking to be at least the length of Reach -Every level is being designed for multiple paths and routes to take to an objective Besides that, we are already seeing ties with preexisting expanded universe content like- -Forerunner Saga -Halo 4 -Halo 4: Spartan Ops -Halo: Escalation (ongoing comic series) -Halo: New Blood -Halo: Nightfall -Halo: Hunters in the Dark -Upcoming novels Last Light, Saint's Testimony and Shadow of Intent -HuntTheTruth Altogether, Halo 5's campaign is shaping up to be the best Halo campaign yet. It's taking all the complaints of previous games and putting them into account then doing everything possible to alleviate them. Halo 4's linear maps, Halo 1-3's silent protagonist, return of every co-op character being an individual person, more Scarab-esque battles, and deep connections to the lore of the books and comics. If this is good is of course, subjective, but I think it's bloody brilliant. Also, aside from being fairly linear, Halo 4 was undoubtedly the best campaign in the series. It takes place on at least three planets (Meridian, Sanghelios and (theorised) Kamchata (Forerunner planet)) as well as ONI vessel Argent Moon and likely several more minor locations. The campaign shifts focus from both Fireteams and is said to e much longer than Halo 4. My guess is in the ballpark between Reach and Halo 2/ Wars length. In terms of mission count, anyway. The thing about H4 is that although there weren't many levels, they were all fairly long, unlike some Halo 3 missions which you can clear in five minutes.
  12. BaconShelf

    Awesome game.

    Fun fact (From the art book), the in-house nickname for the F41 was the tortoise. Anyway, it's the SWBFII player at heart, I guess. The trench run was a wasted opportunity that is the space equivalent o a corridor shooter, whereas LNoS was a lot more open-ended and skirmish-ey. Plus, I love the Reach art style; the military stuff looks military and utalitarian and just perfect. I rag on the story of reach a lot, but damn was it a fun game.
  13. Some Precursors are still alive. Not all composed themselves into flood. They are incredibly few in number, like, even less than surviving forerunners, but they're there. Considering every build up we have been getting is suggesting the next flood invasion is big, the Halo story is planned for +30 years, that Halo 5 is a story about John and will deal with the aftermath of Halo 4 and so forth. It's mostly the book stuff that has made it abundantly clear that the flood will not return for several years.
  14. It was never even implied they were going to be in Halo 5. Maybe a reference near the end. But now, the next flood combat is going to be the big one when the Precursors return in force. IE- Halo 7, earliest.
  15. BaconShelf

    Awesome game.

    The YSS-1000 Sabre was better than the F-41 Broadsword.
  16. It's astounding how, after this announcement, it seems that everyone and their goldfish plays 4-player splitscreen. Anyway, it is a perfectly sound reasoning (to get to 60fps) as 60 is and should be the standard for all AAA titles. And animations are tied to framerate (So you can't simply lower the framerate), and remaking every texture at a lower quality not only wastes disc space but development time for the game. I would prefer we get a game worthy of being called 'current-gen' than something that would just say 'Hey! Microsoft's in-house dev teams, building a game designed for xbox One, can't get 60FPS!' That would be a far worse PR blow than the removal of a mostly redundant feature. The only reason, IMO, bethesda can get away with Fallout 4 being on 30 is simply because of the size of the world and game they are making. Plus, Bethesda have never been known for graphically impressive titles. Is this serious?
  17. plasma doesn't burn. It is regular atoms heated and pressurised to the point the electrons detach and the atom becomes heavily ionised- plasma does not create heat. Heat creates plasma. To put it another way, the plasma does not create heat in a star. Nuclear fusion creates heat, the plasma is a byproduct of that heat. A plasma weapon creates plasma by generating a lot of heat, then guiding a plasma bolt via a magnetic field to a target. After a certain range, the plasma simply disperses into the air. Minor detail but worth pointing out.
  18. I don't understand how telltale can go from the walking dead and game of thrones to... this. This is literally the worst thing to come out of that company, why is this getting development instead of TWD3?
  19. MJOLNIR MKIV (the variant in use all the way up to 2552) was designed for use against human enemies and as such is nearly bullet proof but can only take a few plasma shots. Later variants (MKV, MKVI, MKVII and GEN2) are designed for more emphasis on plasma damage. A good amount of protection comes from a shock-absorbent gel layer used to also carry an inbuilt AI. Also, any time we have seen a spartan fall from space, they have always had a heat shield (Forerunner door, Halo 3, Dawn wreckage, Halo 4, 're-entry pack'Reach). In Halo: First Strike, many Spartans are forced to jump from a pelican (that was nowhere near the height of the Keyship, mind) into a forest after ring shot down. Over half the company I killed or injured in the fall. An they landed in some trees that could slow the fall.
  20. If Halo 4 was hard, then don't bother with the others. Halo 4 legendary is comparable to heroic on other games, it's really easy.
  21. To my understanding, it's more like Battlefield battlepacks. If you don't like what they're doing, don't buy the game. Simple. That's my approach to SWBF, I don't understand why people but games they don't want to play.
  22. A) Only the armour components are made of titanium (Well, only the helmet, says the lore, for some inexplicable reason) Te suit is power assisted, so it's doing most of it's own heavy lifting C) (this is general) The halopedia page gives the full list. I'll link when I get back, it mentions piezoelectricity conponents.
  23. A) It's not Cortana, but Gravemind impersonating her(Until you get to high charity) Gravey used the Domain, it is implied.
  24. On the level Quarantine Zone, you can see the clad hovering a few hundred metres above the quarantine zone, to support the UNSC deployment there. It is assumed that a Forerunner device won't teleport flood biomass, for obvious reasons.
  25. 1) High Charity is extremely small and a Halo's teleportation grid extending a few thousand kilometres isn't a stretch from the 10,000 km diameter. 2) It somehow got on the Clad, then you know the rest.
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