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Everything posted by BaconShelf

  1. Halo 4 had space combat, did it not. Negating point 18. Halo 4 also had a 'real' campaign- it happened in lore and it exists on the disc There is a UI that shows who is in the party. Press X. The falcon can't really be used on the maps- maps are too small and one forge is in space with another underground. Perfectly logical to remove something not needed. Vehicles are worth piloting also. Mantis, Guass, Scorp, Wraith, Ghost come to mind especially I don't paticularly like custom loadouts, but understand descisions behind them. Explain how Halo 4 explosions look like 'confetti' It is not nearly impossible to level up if you don't play matchmaking in all your spare time, I don't see the problem DMR was the only headshot weapon, alongside rare needle rifle. It can't be OP with itself Brutes were hunted nearly to extinction by Elites, the rest devolved into Tribes; TL;DR- the brutes are in no state to fight anyone else BTB maps are fairly crap, give you that Invasion is a good GT, but maps are not good for it on 4 Assault is made very easily on Grifball GT settings (look in my fileshare) Boltshot is very good now its been nerfed. I rarely get killed by it. Oh, and that wasn't in any order
  2. I hope this is pinned, I really do. Well written and worded, I applaud you for this!
  3. So trying to change the game because Halo is losing popularity is bad? I wish people would realise that Halo has been losing popularity since CoD4 came out, Halo 4 just had a bigger incline. They had to put these sorts of things in so that they can gain people who like loadouts. Yes, I don't like the descisions but I understand the thought process behind it, which people who complain first and ask later dont.
  4. Star Wats battlefront map, methinks. I have a map on Reach with 16 banshees/16 falcons. Add me, I can show you if you like^^
  5. I'm going to go through some of the ideas for flood forms and see what I can get from drawing them. I'll upload them as soon as I can.
  6. Don't play flood so I can't comment. It seems that flood are too hard to kill but kill you easier now. I learnt my lesson about infection-dont play it for a positive K/D. I learnt on Reach. I'll vote for update, as I love the stuff made by people like ZipZapZop
  7. If done right, a user could pull off 3 shots in 2. But that required timing. I agree with the above commeny^
  8. I believe that the rings effectively fry the brain, giving the flood forms no way to control a body. The flood then starve over millennia as they have no food source. Oh, and I believe it says that any life form over 1mm long is killed as that is enough to sustain.
  9. I cannot agree more with this post! ^
  10. /\ and that was because they needed a few maps for the actual game itself I love how you seem fine with Defiant on Reach having only two MM maps and Noble having 3. Or is it because Reach was made by Bungie so its alright? Halo 3 is the only game (to my knowledge) that had more than 3 DLC, and every single one had 3 maps.
  11. @masterchief93 cannot be done due to tech limitations, balancing and need. Do we need a Wraith, Wolverine, Scorpion, Cobra, Locust and Grizzly as MBT's?
  12. There are still flood around, such as the infected Jackals in tanks on Abandon. And Installations 04 and 05 and (possibly, unconfirmed) 03 had flood stored for research, who's to say 01,02,06 and 07 don't? As well as countless research facilities, derelicts, extra-galactic worlds, and Slipspace bubbles littering the universe. I hope the flood haven't been totally abandoned. And why are there Sentinels on Requiem(aside from maintenance?) as guarding is done by Prometheans... They may be protecting a flood research before Requiem hit the sun...
  13. ...We can see that from Forward Unto Dawn, Halo: Helljumper(fan film), We Are ODST and Landfall, that Halo could clearly be a TV series. I do not see it as a film considering the disaster if the failed attempt before (another topic) but a 30-60 minute series would work very well. Anyone agree?
  14. BaconShelf

    Halo 4 SMG

    They can't do a weapon DLC. Unless it was made mandatory to play matchmaking, and even then, it would not work.
  15. I was thinking Katana as they have already been in the series before.
  16. Before I post, let me just say some things; First, I am experimenting writing styles with this. There are three main characters, a survivor, a pre-apocalypse soldier in the British Armed Forces and an official who was in charge of the crisis in Britain. The first will be set from a third-person point of view, the second in a series of flashbacks detailing pre-apocalypse and post. The third written from first person, as an interview. Any similarities to games and films etc are not intentional. Now, the Collapse was a global event of in the course of two weeks, as the Ozone layer of the Earth's atmosphere began to disperse for unknown reasons. Starting on the equator, the dispersion spread from Africa to the poles and killed billions. Because of this, all animal life was quickly killed from combined elements of radiation and extreme heat/ UV from the sun. Because of the sudden extermination, plants began to die as their Carbon Dioxide was exhausted. The last remnants of society live undergound in sewers, Metro tunnels and bunkers, venturing to the surface only at night to scavenge. Survivor- Two years post-Collapse He sprinted to the canopy, slamming into the door, which had been locked for two years. He tried opening the handle furiously, to no avail. Only one thing for it. He slammed his fist through the glass, glimmering shards flying everywhere. He climbed through the open door as the sun came up, he could tend to the bleeding arm in a minute. He then scoured the room for gas masks, they were given to everyone before, and the house had been deserted for some time, evidenced by the dust build up on the furniture. This place hadn’t been touched for a long time, not even by insects or animals. He found an oxygen tank, full. A lucky find, considering most had already been exhausted in the years since The Collapse. He held his breath, and with mastered practice, he removed his empty tank and replaced it with the new, tightening the nozzle and checking the pressure. He then let his breath out, the clouded visor clearing in a few seconds. He had a few hours, possibly a day at best, if he regulated his breathing and made sure not to do any strenuous activity, something nearly impossible in the apocalyptic wasteland once called London...
  17. So because YOU don't like something, the people who made it are 'idiots'? Try making a map, with professional tools,(not forge) and see how it goes. The maps are better than Reaches, by far. And what is wrong with visuals? On this logic, why is the skybox not just white or a block of colour? Why are there terrain textures?
  18. Katana with electrically charged blade would be cool, and have blue lightning all over it. (Thing Jingwei's Shocksword from Fallout 3: Operation Anchorage DLC)
  19. I like that. It's just again, any kind of money; as bigger/ well known forgers get lots, smaller less known get next to none and cannot get them. If they were just downloadable, like maps, films etc, it is a brilliant idea. No currency at all though.
  20. That's bad because experiences players have a massive health bonus while new players get nothing. Ergo, more played= easier to play New player=quitting because the game is incredibly unfair Oh, and I don't know what blood dragon is.
  21. I think it's a good idea, but paying for it is an incredibly stupid idea. Why should we have to pay anything?
  22. You clearly do not know how much work goes into making these, do you? Bungie has stated themselves that is is difficult to do.
  23. So which game was your favourite, based on campaign only. I'm not referring to graphics, co op, gameplay... Pure story. I would go with Halo 2 for story, I loved seeing the Covenant side of things!
  24. All elite generals, infinite ammo/lives, all skulls on, legendary, invincible, instakill. Lots I points.
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