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Everything posted by BaconShelf

  1. As of now, few SO enemies, banshees, plasma grenades, dominion capture that I can remember. So what if my only weapon is stickies? Wanna fight about it?
  2. Did you install the second disc to your hard drive? You cannot play online without the second disc installed.
  3. If only more people would do this...
  4. Really? I got betrayed once. May have been splattered or something, but I rember being shot at by assault rifles. And it's laggy as hell, too. Legendary solo Ops gives you a hefty sum of XP.
  5. More people to kill, more points to get. And because of vehicle commendations, too. I've never seen scorpions on 4v4. I agree with this post ^
  6. Out of interest, me buying the game for campaign (Always have done since 2) and forge, with multiplayer as a side thing, would that count me as a 'Casual'? And I do not think it is fair to say casuals 'Ruin' the game. they are still a large portion of the fanbase and like it or not, 343i is a company and has to rake in a profit. Either way, I don't care about loadouts or not. I'm still going to buy the game.
  7. Nooo The achievement system makes it impossible for offline players to get armour. The Reach system was best, allowing you to choose what you wanted entirely and let you plan ahead. Not achievements. Dear god no. It is a horrible system.
  8. Either way, It is my favourite XBOX game. Starcraft is up there for PC. I like thinkers games, rather than those revolving around reaction times.
  9. Well. That's your opinion. I was mainly hoping to get people like those who say things because they want it. Not overall stuff like that. As for online, I don't online play much anyway, but Guass (for me) has no noticeable difference. I prefer Ops solo. And I judge the game based on story, so I thought it was brilliant. It had plenty if character development and good plot, so I liked it. And the removals from forge I have been able to work around. Either way, I think it's unfair for the flak they get, considering it is their first independent title. If Halo 5 is similar, then I can understand but they don't have experience at all. Anyway, just rember that everyone else is sick of hearing the same thing. CSR, DMR, etcetera. When its just repeating what is said 1000 times before, it is annoying and that just adds to the heaps of topics. Especially I HATE 343 THEY DIDN'T PUT CSR IN GAME instead of a well worded post such as yours. In other words, this intended for caps lock ragers more than other people.
  10. You tried fighting someone who was threatening a guy for money and got shot in the back.
  11. Bungie has even said it can't be done. I give up.
  12. Cannot be done. Would be incredibly buggy. As I have explained literally hundreds of times.
  13. No one can play for fun now. It has to be about a rank that means nothing to anything outside of games. Fun? Bah! You can't have fun! People who play for fun shouldn't play the game, and leave it for us 'competitive' players who can't play the game when it changes so have to mimic older games to feel like we are actually good! Seriously, learn to play for enjoyment.
  14. Well. Either way, the endless turning friendly discussions into arguments about Halo 4/343 is really tiring. If nothing else, please don't turn EVERY SINGLE thread about it. Some of us enjoy the game. I happen to think 4 is the best game in the series. @York. So... Not even for the story of 5? @cwb I imagine a halo game would make 343 even more unpopular with the fans. A good portion of the fanbase (me included) buy almost exclusively for the story. Taking that away would t be a good idea. For a Halo 3 remake, they wouldn't add new things. Just update the graphics.
  15. Here we go again... Anyway, to me, BTB is 'true' halo. That is, a full lobby of sixteen players shooting each other while driving tanks around. What's not to like? I'm fairly sure BTB was most played in Reach. Don't know about 3. Anyway, many people find BTB much more fun (me included) or because you can have a bigger party with you(friends)
  16. The mafia one? I read that and got confused.
  17. /\ and maybe learn how difficult it is to program a game.
  18. It would be incredibly glitch ly and laggy. The AI would not be able to navigate complex or even simple maps, as well as potentially crashing the game. Bungie have stated this before. The tech is not there.
  19. Please stay on topic. Don't use this thread to comain about 353 and Halo 4...
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