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Everything posted by BaconShelf

  1. If everyone in a game has crimson (unlikely) them you get those maps. I hope they rotate the playlists every few months or create an all-DLC playlist with all three (and maybe forge island) map packs but all 3/4 are required to play.
  2. The phantom and space stuff. Won't happen til we get bigger teams. 8v8 just wouldn't be fun in space without AI, then AI would be too good or easy. It would only work with (in my eyes) at least 16v16.
  3. I would've preferred to have to manually jump on the Didact to plant grenades, rather than just a video. Still, two buttons is better than no buttons, I guess. I think it would work by cutting the tentacles off with a sword or something if we go off of the 2/3 era Gravemind. It would depend on what it looks like.
  4. Forger if need be. I have a capture card, 1080p HD Body actor for ya Photoshop/advertising here. (You know I have food grammar by now hopefully) Halo 4, minecraft XBLA, Gears 3 all halos if you need. And I can be a host, too
  5. My advice- do solo Ops. It's more fun and (in my experience) you get purposely betrayed etc online SO. Xbox LIVE has been down recently and experiencing numerous bugs, bear in mind.
  6. Anyone know when High School of the Dead S2 is out?
  7. I understand. I mean the ones who post like, two sentences of anger then never returning. Not semi or very regular posters. I mean people who post once and (in my experience on all forums) are posting from frustration and needing to vent, then never even looking back at responses or answers by others.
  8. It wasn't based about halo multiplayer. And the UNSC was known to win battles where they were largely outnumbered due to superior tactics rather than throwing men at the enemy. Same for multiplayer. A four man team with assault rifles can take out eight with DMRs if they use good coordination and teamwork. Oh, and you won't like the books. Lots of talking there. Not as much action there either. Anyway, it is there for us that care about lore. Not those who (solely) focus on multiplayer.
  9. On all forums, how does everyone people who make accounts to make one post before never looking again? I find this rather annoying, as most if these accounts rarely make any type of sensible argument or topic. Anyway, I want to see how other people feel. This is for all forums, not just 343i, bear in mind.
  10. Tornado. I find H4's multiplayer to be more fun. On 3, I didn't like the ranking system. Anyway, H4 is the best online(apart from wars) I've played on any halo game. Followed by 3. Kasper. I find this annoying, especially when there is 5 130's on the enemy team and I have 7's...
  11. Surely/hopefully, you will have heard about the three bombs that have gone off in Boston. While I do not live on the same continent, let alone the same town as these unlucky people, I want to share my hopes and wishes for the returning to normal health for injured and for the grieving families. Whatever sick b******d targets civilians, just people in the wrong place at the wrong time do not deserve the life they live. I hope they find this person and beat him to just about to die, without actually dying. Either way, I hope everyone can join me in hoping for the best.
  12. Sorry for confusion then. Through text, it can be read in many different ways.
  13. I loved 3, and I'm a casual gamer. From your wording, you seem to make us casual online players out to be the worst thing? Maybe its just me. Anyway, you're just adding to the thousands if posts already saying the same thing. There's no point.
  14. This is not the official website. I would recommend reporting this bug to them at forums.waypoint.com What about your commendations? And try play the missions, if you're lucky, the progress will return. If not, do easy until you get to you're legendary mission, then continue there.
  15. The worms can be used as biomass to create a pure form. Like tank and crawler forms. Not combat forms.
  16. Do you mean, you cannot access the last level at all? Or just the legendary completion has been wiped but you can still access the last level? If the former, you can't do much. If the latter, look at your commendations (LIVE only) in 'player' and 'campaign' and see. You get commendations for legendary completion, if the commendation says you done it, you do not have to repeat it.
  17. Groundbreaking idea, never done before... Custom controls! (Sarcasm above) Seriously, instead of things like Recon, southpaw etc, wouldn't it be nice to be able map individual controls to buttons, allowing a user to have controls they are completely comfortable with! Presets can still be there for people who don't need customised, but I would love this. It is good for those who.. Want to recreate H3's controls better than Recon. X-AA RB-actions/reload LB-change grenade You get the idea. This means you can imitate another games controls so you don't reteach yourself how to play! It has been done on SWBF, TF2, and many other games for console, so it can be done! This is a simple idea, but I'm surprised no one has ever put this (that I can see)
  18. I prefer the 'dumbed down' controls. I don't see why they would change controls that have been established since CE. It's like using triggers to accelerate tanks and hogs. More like other games, but won't happen. I would enjoy first-person vehicles though. That would be fun.
  19. Yes. And most people wouldn't be able to fly them. I have only ever had one kill in a jet on battlefield by flying into a tank. Many people can't use them. Same for helis. Flying vehicles on Halo are easy to fly for everyone. Using BF controls would make it OP to a select few who can use it, and impossible for everyone else.
  20. Forge is a map editor. Not creator. It is used for simple placing of objects to make stuff. Far cry is terrain editor. It is used to create landscapes. Summary: WE CAN NOT AND WILL NOT HAVE AI IN FORGE. I'm sick of explaining this.
  21. I already said I played 3. You have asked me this twice now in this thread.
  22. @Anime Yeah, pretty much. I can understand a little hype, but I feel its been blown waaay out of proportion. I don't understand what is SUPER special. I do a bit more now, seeing it from the other side. @Kasper Maybe I've just learned to appreciate other aspects of the game more then. I was without LIVE for two years, so I didn't have a rank to work for. I fill my time in forge, campaign and Spartan Ops. This is what kept me playing reach (minus SO) until a few months before 4. Then I spent my time on Fallout. Anyway, I don't paticularly work towards a number for enjoyment, I know I'm doing good from weather I enjoy the game, and my K/D at the end. (More than +5 is good for me) anyway, I will play after I hit 130 for the enjoyment. Not a digital number.
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