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Everything posted by BaconShelf

  1. I don't know which you have already watched, bear in mind. But these are my favourites. Deathnote Bleach High School of the Dead I rather like these ones.
  2. So you mean like entering an area and it would say 'blue hallway' for example but custom? Hell yeah! Oh, and customising names of preset loadouts(the ones made for you) would be nice.
  3. This is not 343's official forum. You want forums.waypoint.com And everyone has a right for their voice to be heard. Not this 'true fan' BS. Everyone, no matter if they started with 1,3 or 4 or any inbetween. And what is the point of this topic anyway?
  4. H2>H4>WARS>H3>ODST>Reach>CE/CEA Campaign-3 Multiplayer-4 Customs-3 Forge-4 Equals out. But 4 has more people playing, I didn't have LIVE in 3's glory days.
  5. The series no longer focuses on the Covenant as enemies like H2/3 did. Prometheans will probably get some new stuff, but I doubt Covvies are getting new recruits. The fact that the remnants have fleets of CCS battleships, armour they have, weapons they have and Unggoy, Kig-Yar and Lekgolo is amazing enough, never mind recruiting new species. I doubt it.
  6. 117, YEAH! Death by trying to be Master Chief and jumping from space into VII before realising you don't have your MJOLNIR MK VI armour on.
  7. I would prefer sprint to return as an AA. The only one I use on 4 is Regen as sprint isn't there now.(sprint I used in reach) That way, you know how much you have.
  8. Microsoft has trademarked the Ips of Halo 7, 8 and 9. In other words, there will be at least one more trilogy without a doubt.
  9. Now, I have seen a lot of hate for Halo 4 and 343 in general. I am not saying this is you, but I feel I should put my opinion out there. One sentence; be grateful for what you have. Be grateful, that 343 clearly does care about this game and its community. They constantly release new playlists and updates they DIDN'T HAVE TO TO. Be grateful that they released a new forge map , as per community request. And what's more? It was free! Again, they didnt have to! Be grateful that they clearly put a lot of hard work into this game, with the CGI cutscenes, WEEKLY Spartan Ops missions and cinematics. Again, they could have just renewed firefight, but no. They took a shot in the dark that they could have avoided and gone the safe route with a tried and tested game mode. They did not have to do this either. And think about this; people complain now about sprint, DMR, AA's and custom loadouts. Think of how many of those people would complain if they were removed, which 343 could have done. They did not HAVE to reintroduce the BR, or DMR. They did so because the fans wanted it. Likewise, people complain how it isn't like Halo 2/3. If it were a reskin of those games, you would complain about going the 'CoD route' of not changing at all. For the competitives, think that they did not HAVE to make CSR at all. They did it for the fans. They could have just left it at SR. Be thankful that they nerfed the Boltshot and Guass turret, which they did not have to do, but did for the fans. For their feedback. Finally, be grateful that this game exists at all. Bungie and Microsoft didnt have to create 343 Industries. They could have ended the franchise with Reach. Many if you believe 343 only makes Halo now for the £££. But answer this; if they only cared about cash, why would they put millions into the production, advertisement and running of the game? Remember, they are a company, they still need to make a profit, just like any business. But you thinking that they only want money because YOU didn't like a paticular feature makes you (in my eyes) a very selfish person indeed. Think about the hard work, money and time that has gone into the game and think about this. Was this your rage, blaming people doing their jobs for one thing you didn't like? Or do you actually believe this? Because I bet 80% of people like this are simply in spur of the moment frustration. As my final, overall point. Be happy you have a brilliant game, with years of effort put into it by a company that CARES about the fans. And about the game, the story, forge, online, SO and expanded universe. If they did not care, they would not recirve and act on feedback, nor ask for it in the first place. Think about it. Be grateful, for what you have. Think of this post what you will, but i am sick, and tired of people complaining about a game with (what seems like) little to no forethought. Rant over.
  10. Fair enough. I wasn't too sure of this myself. But it was to give people many options.
  11. So, after playing Fallout and Elder Scrolls and Dead Island recently, I have been thinking about a Halo Role-Playing Game. My basic idea would be set on a planet under siege from covenant forces. Your character is an ODST dropped into the planet just as the UNSC bugs out. Your character, and all of those in-game, are unaware that your ODST battalion was dropped to make the aliens busy while the human ships pull out. Over the course of the game, you complete missions assigned by your original command but eventually get the choice to join insurrectionist or UNSC forces when you find out you were dropped on a purposeful suicide mission. You would also fight civies, Marine/ODST personnel and Rebels, depending on your choices as well as always enemy covenant. There would be many clothes and armours available in-game. Including ODST, marine, riot and police armour. There could also be a UNSC base on planet that can give you training necessary to wear S-IV MJOLNIR GEN2 armour as well as civilian clothes etc. Another possibility is Jul 'Mdama/other Sangheili commander 'recruiting' you into their forces, only to betray you later. Either way, your choices will affect wether the colony survives or is glassed. Character creation would determine what your soldier looks like. Also, rank would be a part of the game and determine which areas and personnel you can go to or talk to etc. much like reputation in fallout. Thoughts? I know I have been pretty vague, but this is a quick idea. Not a fully thought out one.
  12. It's not Covenant. Or Halo in general.
  13. Only three days? Actually. Most of my time is forge/SO/Campaign. At least, now. I don't play mm too often now. Got boring. Anyway, well done on your... I don't know if its good or bad that you are that high.
  14. I agree. Nice to see some positive comments for once
  15. Well, thanks for some well thought out posts. Tornado, I indeed started with 3, not Reach. I never was very competitive, I prefer forge/campaign myself, I see MM as repetitive, so I never understood myself. I (am not intentionally) trying to force a viewpoint on people, I am genuinely interested into what people are licking off about. If you meant the thread title, I put that because titles like those make me more inclined to read rather than ignore. Anyway, I am beginning to see now. Though its probably my lack of caring about skill or rank, and playing for fun that has me confused.
  16. So sweaty. How much do ypu play this game?
  17. Now... hopefully the title got you interested, allow me to explain. I really do not understand why everyone is fussing over the new 'Competitive Skill Rank'. Aside from that people should be gratefu l343 gave it to us at all, instead of having a tantrum like a bunch of babies. Now, I would like an explanation to this question; What exactly is so special about it? I really cannot understand. I would preferably like an explanation that is not "UR JUST BAD @ THE GME SO YOU DNT LKE IT!" or "IT'S LIKE HALO 3". I would like an explanation that is better, as everyone I have asked has said these two things. Again, I don't understand what the fuss is about. Thank you for reading this far. I mainly ask as there has been a lot of fuss over (What i see as) nothing.
  18. I have clips of gameplay tests if several of my maps in my fileshare. Would they be acceptable, or would you prefer the map directly? By this, I mean some minigame ideas j have been working on, I have gameplay footage of some 12-16 player lobbies from my perspective you could use. Especially if you're having Internet difficulties. One is a Star Wars: Battlefront inspired map/GT One is called Terminal defense. Both are dominion based games. If you would like me to link my fileshare, just say. Crimson, that map is beautiful. PS Liam, you just earned +1 sub, well done!
  19. Never thought about it. I'd rather have a full H2 remake than a 'shadow' of the game, so to speak.
  20. I heard (rumours) that new specialisations are coming out. I can't confirm or deny it, but if its true, it does show they're at least trying to keep people interested. Apart from the occasional map pack or TU, I don't see many FPS makers getting as involved with the fanbase as 343. I know Valve is incredibly involved with fans. Apart from Half-Life... Anyway, getting off topic, I think that with forge and customs, there are still nearly infinite options for unique play styles. It's just noone seems to see past only competitive play.
  21. It was never intended to be flood before, just infection.
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