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Everything posted by BaconShelf

  1. The recent canon fodder confirmed Security is returning.
  2. An educated guess says ~46 billion (23 killed by war, to expand through space with Earth at the centre, roughly half of humanity was killed. Therefore 46 billion is a reasonable estimate for a population). But I am literally referring to technology. I stated nowhere I was bringing population into it. Anyway, I imagine all three equally. Psychology is good for analysing an enemy's elections and tactics, chemistry for simple chemical knowledge (Ex. Knowing that fire won't explode a sodium bomb) and biology for basic medical knowledge and knowing where to kill people the easiest. I'd put it more 70/30 to NATO; an M1A2 Abrams does everything better than a scorpion tank, minus the crew requirements (4-5 for a modern AFV, 2 marines for the Scorpion). A UNSC flamethrower and shotgun have much less range than today, at much less the ammo capacity. Assualt rifle doesn't even have sights (Somewhat remedied in Halo 5), a warthog has no armour plating for it's passengers and weapons have both gotten bulkier and less customisable in centuries gone by.
  3. Actually, aside from mass starvation brought on by an inability to farm most crops, the brutes are fine in numbers. They were settled on resource-rich planets to stop them kicking off another war. Anyway, the Jiralhanae never stopped fighting the Sangheili, the Great Schism is ongoing as of 2559, at least. However, they lately fragmented following the collapse of the Covenant and are more concerned fighting each other than anyone else. Some militia groups have used the Jiralhanae as soldiers, though the covenant operated by Jul 'Mdama does not use them, due to said person's hatred of that species. So unless they introduce yet another Covenant faction (Bear in mind there are two already+Forerunners+UNSC+ONI), something I highly doubt, the chance of a Jiralhanae presence in Halo 5 is more or less nil. From a non-lore standpoint, I would welcome the return of the Jiralhanae into the fold. More enemy variety pls.
  4. Minor Bugbear here, but wouldn't it be June's member of the month? Because, y'know, it's someone who did cool stuff in June. Just a Thought.
  5. Yeah, it made it into modelling and textures stages, hidden in game files. It's on GameCheat13's channel, IIRC. I'm quite find I the design, it goes well with the insectoid design of the Hesduros covenant.
  6. The Blind Wolves, Sky Whales and a bunch of other cut creatures are finally in in Hunters In The Dark. Same for sentinel Retrievers. Halo 2 also had a level where you boarded a covenant carrier, a cutscene showing the arbiter stuff later shown in the terminals, a mongoose an gungoose, spartan laser and Boone variants of 'Hog such as a half-track arctic vehicle. Most content tht gets cut is because of time constraints; Reach's concept art shows an attack boat and a grenade launcher not unlike the modern day M32 MGL. Personally, I love seeing older ideas brought back in before seeing new stuff; no point wasting an existing concept, right? That's my reasoning. Plus, although the REAP-X division of ONI (Desicated to studying xenoarcheolgy and xenoengineering) is canon, not all the sets in that range are (The 'quad walker' is a good example of this). MB gets a lot of freedom, though a lot of stuff like the NMPD Hornet was visualised in ODST concepts, and the variants of Cyclops (Including riot (watercannon), Hazmat (flamethrower) and battle (has a gun)) have all been canonised. Really, it's best to accept their original sets are probably not canon unless they have appeared in media. Really, the Kestrel is just a hornet without the bottom bit. Similar mechanism. Damn, I really wish we got that boat on forge world. Fun fact; the Revenant very nearly made it's way into Halo 4. There's a video of it on YouTube somewhere.
  7. It's a lesser known soure of lore, and was only ever seen on the Collector's Edition DVD so there isn't anything to be sorry about. It is also a Mega Bloks set, from the 2014 lineup, I believe.
  8. More referring to Campaign; a co-op focused mechanics/ gameplay would do well with a vehicle that is most effective when there are four players (Like, say, the AC-130, any helicopter, tank or other vehicle on Battlefield), but the gameplay we've seen there shows four phaetons. We know the banshee, wraith, scorpion, mantis, ghost, 'hog, phaeton are in the game. All (Except the mantis and warthog) seem to be new variants of existing vehicles (Such as the T-26A, T-26B and T-26C banshee). It doesn't seem they want to go the battlefield route with warzone and have vehicles that require a good communication to use to their potential.
  9. Three weeks ago, I'd have said there's a good chance. But now... Eh. I was hoping we'd get a vehicle tht required four people to use effectively, but the E3 gameplay just seems to show that everyone would get their own thing.
  10. And again, I specifically discounted the Spartan programs and any space-borne weaponry, as those are both extreme technological advances and both special scenarios. I was exclusively referring to the UNSC Marines, Army, Air Force and the 'wet' navy (Ocean-based navy like today), as examples of what would be utterly destroyed by, say, NATO today.
  11. You do know messages delete after 30 days, right? It's not MS' fault you didn't redeem the code or at least write it down.
  12. Or the gameplay in, say Battlefield.
  13. I'd say it's like Invasion vs. BTB. Two completely different modes. I imagine warzone is in custom games, but jut can't be forged (the latter we know). I can't see why a 24 player CTF game isn't possible at least. That's still small. Maybe it's just a battlefield player talking, but a Halo 'large' map is still a relatively small map for Battlefield standards. There is a co-op campaign. You haven't been misled into anything; they never said anything about splitscreen until they said it wasn't in. You chose to believe that it would be. They have been pretty clear about it, as opposed to simply ignoring it and letting players find out themselves at launch.
  14. I would highly recommend picking up some Halo books if you liked Halo 4. A few of them really flesh out some of the characters and provide a bunch of backstory tht is otherwise summarised in-game. Also Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn is a great live-action series that really gives some decent backstory to Lasky. Also, this link has a bunch of free online sources should you wish to know more about the lore of Halo.
  15. Yes, because they were abducted as children and experimented on as children; procedures that do not work on a willing adult. I won't get into the ethics of the S-II program, but the augmentations themselves certainly aren't impressive. Necessary? Yes. Useful? Yes. Impressive? Absolutely not. the spartan IV's get no strength assist from their augmentations; their GEN2 MJOLNIR does the heavy lifting and puts them on-par with an S-II in GEN1 armour. So, GEN2 is really much better than GEN1 and is the main reason the Spartan-IV's have any success at all; they aren't much better than regular marines out of armour.
  16. A) We already know it's terminal-style animation Hopefully tying up the events of TFOR, Reach (Game), Halsey's Journal, First Strike, Homecoming, Bloodline, Cole Protocol (AKA Black and Grey teams) and hopefully making everything coincide neatly, namely the massive disrepancy between sources about the number of active SPARTAN-II's and the massive disrepancies about the timing of the Battle of Reach. The best solution would be to retcon-hammer the manure (Pardon my french) out of Reach's campaign and pretend NOBLE and that game never happened,
  17. I fail to see how a 50/50 washout rate is impressive. The Spartan-IV's are not augmented beyond simple implants for a reason.
  18. I have done the research. The only feasible advances in technology the UNSC has is spacecraft and Spartans (The latter of which we can do better now) Apart from those two things, our military night is at least on par with the UNSC army, marines, Air Force and wet navy. Because 343 and Bungie know that if the UNSC started using plasma replacement weapons, the fanbase would ***** about it, even if it was a reskin. Using modern weapons that far in the future makes literally zero sense.
  19. It's incredibly inconsistent, not just that, but if could depend on the type of round; hollow-point isn't going to be anywhere near as good as AP in that situation, and a 9mm round will do a lot less than a .45 caliber. However, MJOLNIR armour is impervious to bullets and shrapnel, we have bulletproof vests now; it's not a large step to imagine that a explosive ordnance disposal squad is going to be heavily armoured. Bear in mind the cartridge used by the guns from before 343i took over used NATO Rounds- literally the same bullet as we use today. The only reason the MA5D, BR85HB, M395 and SRS99-S5/AM have a larger cartridge is because they are all designed for usage by the Spartan-IV personnel. But even then, te rounds aren't much bigger. We also know the rifles operate the same as today because they emit a casing upon firing and are gas-operated, I would expect at least a shell-less round by the 26th century. However, we are making great strides in mass driver (Railgun and Coilgun) technology, radiation-based weaponry (Lasers, microwaves, gamma, etc) and plasma weaponry; this is technology that should be outdated by the 2500's, not cutting-edge.
  20. Snow is a good natural barrier tht slows down a flood advance and weakens them. The delta halo quarantine zone had been wiped out then had extreme environmental control measures put in place to keep the flood weak to give Sentinels an upper hand. Of course, this was only Installation 04 and it's replacement. If you remember, Installation 05 was in the centre of a lake. That said, I00 was snow, and I can't remember if Hunters mentions 07's control room, aside from specifically not being able to locate it. Also, it's kind of presumed the generators that feed energy for a ring's main activation pulse generate a lot of heat and the cold environment serves to assist in cooling.
  21. Aside from the Rhino's Zeus cannon, we have seen the UNSC make very little progress in reverse-engineering alien technology (Energy shields notwithstanding) As for bullets? I don't know, but it's one of my pet peeves about halo; the UNSC military could be beaten by a 21st century military. Their weapons and vehicles technology has changed very little since now, and we have only just seen Railguns come into use, despite having functional ones now.
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