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Everything posted by BaconShelf

  1. Nice! Do you know if he will release the maps once finished?
  2. Yeah. First time playing CE, I wondered where Chief/Crew were eating and sleeping. I presumed PoA until the last mission. I love this book, though <3 Halo
  3. Zebra, I would highly recommend it if you have time to kill.
  4. I prefer Reach/3. Though I like the helmets some have, they look like the H1 jackal helmets.
  5. BaconShelf

    new DLC

    I think an actual armour DLC, just for more aesthetics. Maybe specialisations and/or weapon skins. But I would like some reach variants back, ODST, CQC and Rogue. Those were good.
  6. Anything happening with this, still? I am waiting for my capture card to be delivered btw.
  7. /\ I got 36-0 in a wraith on Halo 4 once. I'm not a hacker. I know people who've got twice that in BTB in the Reach Sniper. They're not hackers. Many people get more than +17 K/D's
  8. Please don't swear as much. It could, and would most likely work as an alien weapon. In a less harsh tone, I agree. Revolvers are not needed now, especially so 500 years in the future. The only revolvers they have then would be collectors items, most likely. They're impractical for military service when you can have an automag.
  9. I have AR, Carbine, Mobility, Decterity and Regen field as mine. Seems to work nicely. I have others for other needs, obviously but this is a good infantry short-medium range one.
  10. I think Team Throwdown is a competitive playlist. Or designed to be anyway.
  11. They cannot. The spartan rank is coded into the disc. They cannot change the disc coding.
  12. First, this is an idea for a Halo game on general, not 5. Second, it is based off a game I saw on YouTube. If someone knows, please tell me. The game would work on a similar basis of Halo Wars.there would be four teams in free for all or normal teams. On each team, one person would be the designated 'Commander' and would watch the gameplay world from above like in Halo Wars. The other players on the team would be in first person fighting. There would be AI units to assist as well. The Commander would have the base, and build it up. But there are differences. The buildings would function differently to FPS players than the commander. List below. There is a new research system, the system is used to research an upgrade, then select which units the research applies to.(100 resource to apply to a unit) Barracks- used for infantry upgrades, players can get new weapons here. At least one barracks must be built for players to respawn. (ODST upgrade allows players to drop in a pod to any part if the map visible to players. Vehicle Depot- used to build/upgrade Armoured vehicles (tanks). Used to launch Artillery strikes on enemy fortifications Air Pad- used to build/upgrade aircraft. This can be used to send in supply drops to player forces via drop canisters (weapons, ammo, armour upgrades etc) All special powers have a respawn time much like the one from the D-PAD menu. D-PAD menu has other functions, it can guide MAC, Carpet Bombs or Cryo bombs into battle. However, it takes a much longer time to reload these strikes than as of now, to compensate for the ones in buildings. Used to select units for upgrades as well) Field armoury researches upgrades for building powers, upgrades before selecting which unit. Reactor POWERS the base, the more power it has, the faster it will run. It does not stop running if there are no reactors, but things will work slower. They can also blow up if taking too much damage, or if there are too many. Supply pad- used to ferry supplies. These supplies can be managed to automatically go to certain buildings (to start upgrades) or infantry(to requestordnance) The base itself will have Pelican transport and units can return here for ammo and weapons. (They have to buy weapons) Commander controls AI units via the same markers as now, FPS players see these markers, but don't have to go to them There is now a grouping system to manage units better The commander would be randomly selected.
  13. It would have to be coded into the disc. Therefore, BILLIONS of copies of the game would have to be returned to be rewritten. They cannot do that, nor could they in the time they had to finish the game. It's not they don't want to, they CAN'T.
  14. Spiker Slash their back/spine with blades then crush their skull with foot. Mauler Stab them in the face with spike Brute shot Kick to floor, stab in the back with blade Hammer Hit them to floor with hilt, then hit them with the blade
  15. Class-45 Directed Energy Pistol/Atom (Atom Shot, Decimator) The DEP/A is one of the first weaponry seen in the war. It uses a revolving clip with six shots, or one overcharge per clip. The standard mode is a three CM bolt of energy that ionises the particles where it hits. It can still cause severe wounds to the body when used up close. The pistol is less accurate at range, making it a close-medium ranged weapon. The overcharge dumps all of the remaining energy into one bolt, which is released and acts as a shotgun. This mode was designed for being held down for self-destruct, but I commonly used against infantry for its extreme effectiveness. It uses the entire clip to use, making the weapon needed to be reloaded. (Haven't finished writing the GRifle, I've done the other sniper, the Decimation Rifle) Class-51 Directed Energy Sniper Weapon/Atom (Disintegrator Rifle, Disintegrator) The DESW/A is one of two sniper rifles systems used exclusively by warrior forces. It is pump-action, where the energy cell is slid back to recharge. When fired, it generates an overcharged bolt of energy similar to the DEP/A, but is much longer ranged and pinpoint accurate. This weapon has the ability to puncture through a Dragonfly (Human Helicopter) cockpit, making these weapons highly dangerous. No matter where the bolt hits, the overcharge will completely disintegrate the person hit. The bolt only seems to have this effect on living organisms, having the same effects as a regular atom bolt on environment. An obvious giveaway of this weapon is the blue laser which depicts where the sniper is aiming. This is to ensure pinpoint accuracy if fired from the hip. It possesses a powerful scope which uses this laser for aiming. It has a battery of 21 rounds, after which it needs to be recharged to be more than a club.
  16. You seem like a decent guy from our talks in the shoutbox, hope you enjoy your time!
  17. Yes. 1 and 2 are fallout. 3 i did about a year ago. 4 is work in progress. 5 is Jun from Reach, 6 is made up destruction.
  18. Bacon's art. Enjoy! Spartan Armour Concept- SACBA (Sub Aquatic Conditions Battle Armour). Designed for underwater combat Unfinished Master Chief Jun sketch Apocalyptic street Noble Team Silhouettes Emile Jorge Whadd'ya think?
  19. The hats were lined up like this. ( means black (W) means white B B B W W 1 2 3 The three professors were In front of the three black hats? Stupid smileys. B means black
  20. Don't turn it into Search and Destroy where you have to be in game chat. As cool as I would like it, I don't think it could happen. Unless they did a serious, team-based playlist that has it with more serious gametype settings. Not just replacing what we have though.
  21. Awwww. I don't like marines, they suck at everything.
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