First, this is an idea for a Halo game on general, not 5. Second, it is based off a game I saw on YouTube. If someone knows, please tell me.
The game would work on a similar basis of Halo Wars.there would be four teams in free for all or normal teams.
On each team, one person would be the designated 'Commander' and would watch the gameplay world from above like in Halo Wars. The other players on the team would be in first person fighting. There would be AI units to assist as well.
The Commander would have the base, and build it up. But there are differences. The buildings would function differently to FPS players than the commander. List below. There is a new research system, the system is used to research an upgrade, then select which units the research applies to.(100 resource to apply to a unit)
Barracks- used for infantry upgrades, players can get new weapons here. At least one barracks must be built for players to respawn. (ODST upgrade allows players to drop in a pod to any part if the map visible to players.
Vehicle Depot- used to build/upgrade Armoured vehicles (tanks). Used to launch Artillery strikes on enemy fortifications
Air Pad- used to build/upgrade aircraft. This can be used to send in supply drops to player forces via drop canisters (weapons, ammo, armour upgrades etc)
All special powers have a respawn time much like the one from the D-PAD menu.
D-PAD menu has other functions, it can guide MAC, Carpet Bombs or Cryo bombs into battle. However, it takes a much longer time to reload these strikes than as of now, to compensate for the ones in buildings. Used to select units for upgrades as well)
Field armoury researches upgrades for building powers, upgrades before selecting which unit.
Reactor POWERS the base, the more power it has, the faster it will run. It does not stop running if there are no reactors, but things will work slower. They can also blow up if taking too much damage, or if there are too many.
Supply pad- used to ferry supplies. These supplies can be managed to automatically go to certain buildings (to start upgrades) or infantry(to requestordnance)
The base itself will have Pelican transport and units can return here for ammo and weapons. (They have to buy weapons)
Commander controls AI units via the same markers as now, FPS players see these markers, but don't have to go to them
There is now a grouping system to manage units better
The commander would be randomly selected.