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Everything posted by BaconShelf

  1. Especially if there were infected precursors. (Going off description from one that turned out to be a Gravemind) they would be powerful enemies in themselves.
  2. I got confused by the calculations. The rest of this seems brilliant though, I wouldn't mind seeing Elite Ops. The possibility of fighting marines is very interesting!
  3. Oh sweet Jesus... How much for them? Plereeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaassssssssdddeeeeeeeeeeesssssssssssseeeeeeeeeeee?????????????? I'll give you a cookie!
  4. Me and my friends made up a word... This word is Coof. It is an insult used in a sentence such as 'Danny, you Coof!' Anyway, I made a twitter account just to help them get this to #1. All you have to do is type #GetCoofToNumber1OnTrendList #Coof Join our random, pointless campaign! Get Coof to number 1 trend!
  5. I agree that JIP should be removed after a team gets to 3 points. For ordanance removal, no.
  6. (Hopefully) Many of you have read the topic I made about a month ago about the sci-fi universe I am making called Project: Exodus. Anyway, I was thinking, I may begin to post a couple if weapon ideas here, to begin with, I would post 2. If you are interested in reading my ideas, just post two weapon names listed below. Atom Shot Atom Rifle Atom Launcher Disintegration Rifle Gravity Rifle Gravity Cannon Seismic Cannon Pulse Shot Just two weapons you sound interested in, the most picked two I will post info about to see what people thinks. If you like them, I will post more.
  7. I was thinking that they will make it for H5.
  8. ... It's just missing in action...
  9. He escaped on a pelican. After meeting up with Chief, they attacked and captured a covenant flagship. They went back to reach, rescuing Halsey and the surviving SPARTANs before retreating. They then boarded and destroyed the station, Unyielding Heirophant while destroying over 500 warships in the process (which were going to attack Earth). They then jumped to earth, to warn that there was an imminent invasion.
  10. There is a reason why they stopped rockets tracking vehicles in H2. Waaay too over powered. Same with your Hyper Rifle, and pelican and phantom. And the heavy Railgun. There needs to be very distinct disadvantages or some of these ideas will dominate too heavily. However, for the most part, these seem pretty decent.
  11. For Promethean stuff, I made a post with my ideas.
  12. The Mauler was technically a revolver. And it was a Brute Pistol.
  13. If brute weapons were introduced again, brute shot, spiker and mauler could have some nice ones. Possibly a special one where you jump on their back and plant a grenade in their armour, like when you kill the Didact or hijack a tank. /\ you mean ripping the AA off their back? The AI port doesn't have anything to do with AAs.
  14. I like the idea of being Headhunters(elite SIIIs that worked in pairs for specific tasks)
  15. I'm surprised. I would have thought the warthog-type vehicle was unnecessary compared to the tank or aircraft. (Aircraft is my favourite btw)
  16. Nicely put. I should add that my options are for customs mainly. I could t care less about matchmaking.
  17. By all vehicles, you mean every vehicle that has been controllable in a game. I think why do we need all of them? Spectre and Prowler full the same role. Etc. and when new Xbox is out, the tech will be at least 1-2 years old already. I just don't think it's possible. Oh, and I don't play CoD, so you'll have to enlighten me on that point.
  18. Children used to dream about being SPARTANs SPARTANs used to dream about being chuck Norris.
  19. Update, timotrow(Sunday) I will be doing some testing (hopefully) if I get enough people. Message me on Xbox of you want an invite to help. I'll be testing some 4v4, my Star Wars Battlefront-based map and Terminal Defense. GT is BaconShelf Tomorrow*
  20. Oh yeah, iPod keyboards. Hate them. I type quickly so put a different letter. Meant better. Anyway, see your point; Forging on the maps for things such as crates and other scenery. This should be possible as the scripting doesn't require too much to hit a crate. Bring the maps into customs and regular forge. Unearthed and Installation 04 were great maps, I would like to forge on them for regular gametypes Fully customising exactly (numbers) of what each wave has, making it more ideal for machinima.
  21. Read what I put in my post before. They cannot happen. For bigger maps, they are the size they are so that you can traverse them quickly on foot or vehicle. BF3 maps take hours to walk across and a few minutes to get across in vehicles. If that's what you want, fine but don't complain when it takes 15 minutes to cross to the enemy base. My suggestions; I like the idea of climbing etc The ability to spawn anywhere on the map (not enemy base) via SOEIV'S (ODST drop pods)(think Sectipn 8:Prejudice) (For GT's like territories and dominion) to choose which base (you control) to spawn at Classes which can be unlocked to spawn with.(Shotgun class requiring 10 kills to use) kinds thing. At least for customs, where SWBF gametypes can be made more easily The tools used to tweak damage and bloom per weapon A UNSC aircraft or Covenant VTOL Transport vehicles Make the Rockets lock on easier to see (like Reach and 2 version) Covenant themed forge pallete More Spartan Ops Achievement/game mode for LASO Once completed campaign once, you unlock customisable skulls (think reach firefight) More urban/city combat. Of like to see Rarth and colonies, forerunner artefacts are getting a bit boring now. Less crashing spaceships. PoA, IAC, FUD and Infinity. It's getting kinda boring now.
  22. Putting Halo trademarks in a game makes it a halo game! And they will not make a halo game without campaign. Plus, the games like Gmod are pretty heavy on FPS rate, and can lag computers a lot. Console technology is always a couple years behind at release. For simple technology, they would not be able to do it.
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