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Everything posted by BaconShelf

  1. So why post an idea for 343 to make this? Forge is copyrighted to Halo, and 343 was created to only make Halo. You pretty much want to have a look at Garry's mod (PC only) The clue is 343 industries COMMUNITY forum. It's a fan forum, not the official one. If its not a halo game, then you cannot play as covenant or Promethean, they are copyrighted to halo.
  2. Firefight was boring anyway, just repetitive. I'm glad it was removed, Spartan Ops is much bettet
  3. No offense, but most of these ideas are horrible. They cannot put EVERY map, vehicle and weapon in the game, it cannot be done. Reach and ODST firefight were both as boring as each other, i(personally) am glad they are gone. Large vehicles are too overpowered, and large for maps. The maps we can have are nowhere near big enough for them, nor are they balanced See point #1 for gametypes Infection gametype settings, flood character models and (optional) claw No attachments please, custom loadouts were already a bad step. The Silenced pistol/SMG were there for a specific role SPARTAN III's and IV's cannot dual wield in lore, they cannot dual-wield in multiplayer because if this. Specialisations are there to keep you unlocking things, there is no point levelling up if you don't get a reward Flying a broadsword/sabre is a difficult task for a console. A full warship? Just... No. See point #1 for armour Forge is map EDITOR, no AI. An Earth-size map would be impossible for a high end computer to run, let alone tech that is years old. Playing as all species would be fun, but pointless Brute weapons should only be in the game if the species is on as well. The hammer is there purely for grifball 24vs24 is possible, BF has it. Halo keeps 8v8 for LIVE parties Personalising weapons, emblems and assasinations is like the CoD point I stated above, it doesn't fit halo. There. For tech, lore or plain sense, these ideas cannot work.
  4. This entire sub-forum is specifically for this. Kinda pointless thread.
  5. Probably next-gen Xbox; ie sometime 2014-2016.
  6. /\ fair enough, but many people grew up with the veery balanced starting weapons, where everyone was on an equal footing. I'm just annoyed that we were promised a classic playlist which we never got.
  7. Okay, let me break this down. First off, you haven't really said anything. Just one sentence. No why, no reasoning behind your thoughts, nothing. Second, this marketing scheme is what people who play Halo complain about CoD; the same gameplay every year with updated graphics, then ask for that exact thing! A game needs to change and evolve, not always for the better but it needs to or it will die. Halo 3 was undoubtedly a good game, but if you want that multiplayer, then play that game. As I said before, you need exactly what is 'Halo 3's multiplayer' and what features should be removed and why? Otherwise, you will not receive much support.
  8. This isn't 343's website. They do not read these forums. You want forums.waypoint.com And a halo without campaign is throwing away the fanbase that wasn't thrown away by H4's multiplayer/customs. This is a terrible idea.
  9. I like a bit of both. Though canyon, Alaska, Montana and island as one map would be my perfect forge map.
  10. TW, I could help with ideas of you like and some concepts? Then scan them for you to use? What do people think of my rather large post?
  11. Disney has canceled First Assault, 1313 AND SHUTDOWN LUCASARTS! http://m.oxm.co.uk/51866/disney-closes-lucasarts-star-wars-1313-cancelled/
  12. Actually, doing some ideas now. UNSC Infantry-(marines) Standard-Marine-assault rifle/pistol. Veteran weapon- battle rifle Engineer- Shotgun, welding tool, veteran weapon- explosive shells Sniper- Sniper, pistol, veteran weapon- AM rating Heavy- Rockets, pistol, veteran weapon- Splaser Special infantry #1- ODST- Silenced SMG, Silenced Pistol, Night Vision/VISR #2- Spartan- Grenade Launcher, Pistol, Jetpack Pilot(space)- broadsword pilot, pistol, welding tool. Marine(Space)-ODST, Rocket launcher, SMG Vehicles(1)= amount of players Scout- Mongoose-(2) Siege bike-(1) Transport- Warthog-(3) Warthog, Guass(3) Tank- Scorpion-(2) Wolverine-(1) Cobra-(1) Grizzly-(2) Walkers Mantis Heavy mantis(on adrift) Cyclops Heavy/mobile command centre Elephant- (4), players walk inside Mammoth-(5), Players walk inside Aircradt(atmospheric) Hornet-(5) Falcon-(6) Hawk- (1) Broadsword- (1) Aircraft(space) Dropship-pelican(5) Interceptor-sabre(1) Main fighter(Longsword)(1) Bomber-Shortsword(1) Covenant Infantry Main-Sangheili, plasma repeater and plasma pistol, veteran carbine Engineer-Y'anmee, needler, welder tool, veteran explosive needles Sniper-Kig-Yar, beam rifle, plasma pistol. Veteran focus rifle Heavy grunt, fuel rod/plasma pistol, veteran plasma launcher Special infantry #1- Jiraelhanae- jump pack, brute shot, spiker #2- Mgalekgolo- fuel rod beam, melee attack, shield block Vehicles Scout- Ghost(1) Chopper(1) Transport Spectre(4) Prowler(4) Tanks Wraith (2) AA wraith(2) Walkers Locust(1) Mobile command centre Scarab(h2) Scarab(h3) Aircraft (atmosphere) Banshee-(1) Phantom-(5) Spirit-(7) Vampire-(2) Aircraft(space) Dropship-Lich (13) Interceptor-space banshee(1) Main fighter- seraph(1) Bomber- ? There's UNSC and covenant for ya. In forerunner, I'd be using made up vehicles. May do my infantry ideas though.
  13. Oh. The gamma is a Warthog/Spectre-type vehicle btw. The omega is an aircraft and alpha is tank.
  14. The Mgalegkolo form is one of the smallest forms the worms take, implying that Scarabs and Harvesters are more standard configurations for Lekgolo
  15. When I'm on my computer, I'll give my essay. I have thought if this for a LOOOOOOONNNNGGGG time... Related note, I have been making a SWBF inspired Gt for dominion. Test footage on my fileshare- BaconShelf
  16. /\ no plans to reintroduce those gametypes has been said by 343:(
  17. There is modded maps out there anyway. The green screen is mainly there for machinima creators anyway, not with the intention of having fileshare stuff. (Using green screen background and Colourblind effect for screenshots does look very nice.)
  18. I know this is old news for many, but I felt this should be said; there is no plans at the moment for a Spartan Ops series 2. 343 said in last weeks bulletin that- "This does not mean the stories of the Infinity and Crimson are over, though.", implying they will be in H5/other title or they may do SO2 in the future, but for now, the episodic series will not have a sequel in Halo 4.
  19. /\ and presicion editing/zoom, but you can work around that if you're skilled enough.
  20. Sure. My GT is username, feel free to add me.
  21. I do see the Jshield as a dual-Wieldable weapon. However, it is made redundant by the Hardlight shield, which would have to be removed or implemented differently.
  22. Agreed. I long for the days of H2 of entering a four-way battle between covenant, sentinels, flood and your player. Aah...
  23. Aside from basic 'Mirroring weapons' , I didn't really get much help. I have been experimenting on my maps, and seem to be doing okay. Apart from ordanance phasing under the map...
  24. Sorry guys, am on holiday 'til Thursday. Will be a couple days for screenshots. >.<
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