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Everything posted by BaconShelf

  1. You can download modded maps with increased download limit. I'll PM the gamertag if you wish. I miss the lights on objects in Reach, as the paint for team colours is barely noticeable now. Otherwise, I live the new pallet. I just wish there were more forerunner and covenant things.(ruins and camps etc) The dominion and extraction stuff is great for aesthetics now, so that's already +1 from Reach.
  2. And just had a look today, it was indeed an April fools. (Yay) but there is a version of it being released seperate from minecraft.
  3. This happens every time, every series. H3's support declined after Reach, Reaches declines for four. BFBC2 support died after BF3. It's the way if everything, not 343 exclusively
  4. NOTE, HAS BEEN ANNOUNCED THIS WAS AN APRIL FOOLS JOKE Well... Looks like minecraft is finally dead. Depending on your outlook on the game, this is the best update ever, or the worst. I am one of the latter. Changes that are especially standing out include Chickens are enemies PvP combat is turn-based and requires the player to get armies of monsters and animals Magic/luck Horses Different types of fish Far lands return Dropper, now called flopper turns everything in it to raw fish Literal redstone bugs -_-link posted later. Anyway, what is everyone else's outlook? Edit, quoted article. Enjoy.
  5. If you do, I am in possession of a good capture card and would be more than happy to forge. Well done!
  6. A nice atmosphere for maps Go near the water and put a block just and top of it. Then make walls around it to see; there is mist around water. This can make a good eerie setting for flood maps. Screenshots later.
  7. After getting this, I've decided that I prefer impact and erosion. Can't think of anything to build.
  8. Sadly, we do not have Far Cry style. Then they wouldn't need to bring out another DLC
  9. That /\ only works in H4. On Reach, no. Why are you actually forging on Ragnaroks etc? (List of forge maps) Reach Forge World Tempest Anniversary maps 4 Impact Erosion Forge Island Ravine These maps (apart from anniversary) are all blank canvases, all of them have full forge palettes. You can custom search blank maps to save time, though.
  10. You pit a teleporter under the ground them go through, the islands are hollow. Explanation done.
  11. I said Promethean, as they are existing enemies and are in-game. But if forerunners were somehow Implemented, then yeah. It was designed as overall forerunner stuff. And these are based off my ideas for my universe.
  12. I'd say use the helmet you get with H3 legendary edition as a base, and for scale
  13. You mean as the actual Prometheans?
  14. Yes, I posted this in another thread. As for a forerunner crfat, the Omega-Class strike fighter (omega). An interceptor where the wings rotate around the body to turn instead of banking. It has the turret that watchers build (Without charge) and incineration cannon (Veeery slow recharge, very slow shot and inaccurarte. it takes two shots for vehicles). it is mainly anti-vehicle/air with limited anti-infantry. (The body stays horizontal, the weapons turn in a limited angle) Alpha-class armour destroyer (Alpha) A very slow and armoured tank that can even the odds- or breaqk them for whoever is driving. It is equipped with an incineration beam, a beam that deals the damage of the incineration cannon in the two seconds it fires. It takes 3 seconds to charge, then 2 to fire and 2 to cool down, making a fire rate of every 7 seconds. it turns slowly, and moves just fast enough to splatter at full speed and has no secondary gunner. The turret does not rotate sepearte from the vehicle (Like the scorpion) Gamma-Class infantry fighter (Gamma) Gamma's are forerunner transport vehicles. It has one driver, one gunner and two passengers. The driver can maneuver the vehicle in all four directions, much like the Spectre and Prowler. it is seperated into two main parts, connected with anti-gravity tech like how the weapons assemble. The driver sits in the front next to one passenger, with its head exposed. The gunner stands highest on a the same turret built by watchers but manually operated. The last passenger sits behind the gunner,
  15. As for a forerunner crfat, the Omega-Class strike fighter (omega). An interceptor where the wings rotate around the body to turn instead of banking. It has the turret that watchers build (Without charge) and incineration cannon (Veeery slow recharge, very slow shot and inaccurarte. it takes two shots for vehicles). it is mainly anti-vehicle/air with limited anti-infantry. (The body stays horizontal, the weapons turn in a limited angle) Alpha-class armour destroyer (Alpha) A very slow and armoured tank that can even the odds- or breaqk them for whoever is driving. It is equipped with an incineration beam, a beam that deals the damage of the incineration cannon in the two seconds it fires. It takes 3 seconds to charge, then 2 to fire and 2 to cool down, making a fire rate of every 7 seconds. it turns slowly, and moves just fast enough to splatter at full speed and has no secondary gunner. The turret does not rotate sepearte from the vehicle (Like the scorpion) Gamma-Class infantry fighter (Gamma) Gamma's are forerunner transport vehicles. It has one driver, one gunner and two passengers. The driver can maneuver the vehicle in all four directions, much like the Spectre and Prowler. it is seperated into two main parts, connected with anti-gravity tech like how the weapons assemble. The driver sits in the front next to one passenger, with its head exposed. The gunner stands highest on a the same turret built by watchers but manually operated. The last passenger sits behind the gunner,
  16. The piece that is eaten appears behind the 1x2 and moves, giving the appearance of moving out?
  17. It's for machinima, If you want to apply an animation. Or if you want a green wall
  18. This is a summary of changes and stuff said in this weeks bulletin. It was a Q&A from fans. Title Updates only affect matchmaking, so Boltshot and Guass 'Hog remain as usual in customs.(Downliading the matchmaking gametypes will have the changes) 343 has/is not considering adding older gametypes like Race, Assault and Territories Multi team will launch on April 8th, as 6 teams of 2.(2v2v2v2v2v2), it will have slayer and objectives Forge Island is ahead of schedule and may be released before April 11th Ravine objects will be available The length of the largest island is about Ragnaroks length, but it is circular so is bigger Using that island as a unit, the playable area is about 6-7 units away before you can go no further You can go waist deep in the water, before being killed There will be trees and more rocks Building limits has been increased to 20 Huge rocks have been added in the buildings category The new Mega Bloks vehicles have been confirmed to be Canon, and both companies are working together on them Holding a button to pick up flags is not being implemented No option to disable sprint in customs Weapon despawn times not being altered The full article/questions here;
  19. Really? After PoA, Infinity and FuD, I am kinda bored of crashing ships. It's getting waaaaay unoriginal know.
  20. Austin, this trilogy is about the Master Chief specifically. And his story
  21. BaconShelf


    This was the best halo campaign since Wars(ODST/REACH were... Meh.) I enjoyed this heavily and have done several replays if each mission; though Infinity to Midnight seemed best whereas Dawn-Forerunner didnt seem as good. Still, amazing story, gameplay, graphics and design!
  22. Yeah. I'll be updating properly once I have the device. For Halo though, I can save theatre clips so that will be ahead more often. I'm glad to see people volunteering, as the people I play with dont like my maps/gametypes if they perform badly and I would like genuine feedback other than "I did bad on it, I don't like it" "I did really good, I like it"
  23. I rember H2 could connect PC-Xbox, then Xbox-360, amirite?(PC was took off because K&M players were beating controllers too easily)
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