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Everything posted by BaconShelf

  1. Sometime in the next two weeks, I will be getting a capture card with my birthday money, and I am planning on doing some of my (and others) forge maps as overviews and gameplay. If you want to help, post your GT, I'll try and say when I get some lobbies up! (Using the various accounts to get people rarely Works for me) I'm probably gonna do some Xbox minecraft and fallout 3/Vegas as well, if anyone is interested?
  2. What about creative, will there be a creative area?
  3. I'm in, GT BaconShelf What times? (GMT?)
  4. Caboose, I know why they were cut. If you read the OP fully, you would know that I asked which ones people like to see in future games. Nice pictures dan!
  5. Bungie and Activision confirmed that destiny will be on PS3,4 and Xbox 360 and (720?)
  6. The wrist knife would potentially be a nice offensive AA for loadouts. Most though, as weapon.
  7. The reason troop hogs, falcon and scorpion side seats are not available is because they can be a one hit overkill if you have a well-placed Splaser.
  8. Has anyone seen the cut content for halo wars? I'll try and link some pages when I get home from school but the ones I rember are Covenant Air Artillery Falcon(Fighter, not heli) Halo 2-era scarab Drill grounds Original air pad Some of these can be found in the E3 gameplay. My question is, which cut HW stuff would you want to see in HW2? And how would it fit in gameplay? And lastly, which units, cut and present, would you like to see in a future Halo game?(5,6...)
  9. Spartans can swim; the armour adjusts its weight for different atmospheres (heavier in zero gee, lighter in 2+ gee) to keep the spartan able to keep fighting. It is possible, but not really necessary unless there is actual water combat in-game
  10. Note: some of these are based off weapons I have created for my own Scifi universe. Atom Launcher Forerunner A Grenade launcher firing a clip of six atomiser 'nades. It has a holographic target showing trajectory of projectile for aiming. The grenades work by ionising the atoms and literally breaking them apart. Counter to Concussion Rifle, Stickydet and Grenade Launcher Wrist Blade (weapon or AA) Human A wrist-mounted blade that can be attached to a Spartans hand. When used, the blade has an electrical charge that is effective CQC against Unggoy to Mgalekgolo. Omega-Class strike fighter Promethean, aircraft A nimble aircraft used by forerunners. Instead if banking, the wings rotate around the body for turning and dodging. It is mounted with (turret watchers build) for heavy defense and dual suppressors for light defense. Is very fast but weak. Pulse turret Forerunner turret Pulse turrets are floating, spherical objects that charge and shoot a powerful hard light beam. It is modified with handles to allow an operator to use it. Black Hole Cannon Forerunner/Precursor? The BHC charges for about 3-5 seconds. It then launches a large ball of energy like a mortar. When it lands, the ball sucks in bodies, debris, scenery, weapons and explodes after a few seconds, sending the crushed remains everywhere as shrapnel. It is more destructive in areas with more existing debris. Thoughts?
  11. Regen could work if we have a Reach/ODST style health system again to heal nearby players, like the regen field and drop shields hybrid cousin
  12. No. The neural implants/visors of marines, ODST's and SPARTANs show the targeting reticule on the users vision, negating the need for iron sights. If scoped automatic weapons come in, we get head shot ARs, follow that road to where it leads. AR, SMG, SAW, etc do not need sights
  13. The Wailer A seemingly normal human, sat leaning over(to hide the infection form and crying for help. When approached, it grows a large claw and hits the person near it, knocking them over or killing them. It then stands up and quickly is fully consumed. The person WAS fully infected before but shows no signs of infection until it hits the player. Launcher Is an evolution of carriers, where it 'throws' the infection forms onto enemy forces, where the infection form latches on as usual Shield carriers If we bring back juggernaut, why not the carriers holding Jackal shields cut from halo 2 as well?
  14. Suicider A flood that has multiple large bulges on its body, when killed, it releases a cloud of spores in the environment, infecting everything not spartan. Possibly infected Unggoy and Kig-Yar. It's primary role is to run blindly into enemy forces and explode, leaving flood spores in the air. It explodes if killed before that. (Insert name) (I know its impossible to have a flood hunter, hear me out, K?) The hunters armour plating, the worms(used for food source) have allowed a true flood form to grow Inside the armour. It is hunter armour with large growths in it. In the back, the 'Razor-Sharp' spines have been ripped off and tentacles grown around them, allowing for a fast and deadly melee weapon alongside shield and fuel rod. The armour protects the form like a hunter, meaning it must be killed in the usual place. Huh?
  15. My tip; use mods. I have modded gametypes for snipers, no AA's and normal Spartans. Just search it on file browser. Oh, and I would recommend not just saying you don't like it every time you post. It was made quite evident in your OP.
  16. Yeah, in the 'Halo books, history and member created works' That is where everyone posts fanfic a here.
  17. Beam, sniper, binary. In that order I have changed
  18. The Gauss. On exile, that thing is OP, one shot kills cross mapping before you can get to it, and PP's don't work against turret? Thank you for its upcoming nerf. Mantis is easy, if you don't defend it, it hopes down very quickly.
  19. You are effectively describing fiesta slayer in action sack. Go play fiesta slayer, rocket spawning is not wanted here. Seriously though, ordnance was bad enough, but just spawning with one hit wonders will destroy the very foundations the game was built on.
  20. And it's free! Gotta appreciate 343 for giving it to us!
  21. I want changeable skins for forerunner, covenant and human. And many more scenery objects, see my thread for more detail on the kinds of scenery I mean. I'd also like place able waterfalls and rivers which can carve in the existing terrain.
  22. We can see that at least the 'Ravine' forge category pieces will be available, by the presence of bridge walls and artefact bases
  23. I knew there was something off... Also, landing pads, bridges, teleporter frames and the way the pieces move when loading the map need to be fixed, too!
  24. I think this is what he wants, not what we are actually getting. If we can spawn with shotties and rockets, I'm out.
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