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Everything posted by BaconShelf

  2. I imagine it kinda like a motorbike. Oh, I will be editing the VTOL in soon+ pic.
  3. Lack of PE and zoom is a glitch, not intentional
  4. It's only in the game at all because if grifball... Why did they have to replace assault with that?
  5. @Azzaxx, they are adding Big team objective when Castle map pack comes out in April! CTF, (hopefully) assault, heavies, classic?(Reach/3 gameplay?) I'm looking forward to that.
  6. Totally agree, it's so tedious having to place kill zones. I w oils like so that instead of Widtg, they have L&R, U&D for better accuracy. Cylinders would be able to be oval. And more spherical opjects...
  7. Oh! How about ONE block object, but its size can be determined by the radius of it? We can then have more circular objects! What does anyone think?
  8. I play mission 7 just for the Halo theme at beginning... Arrival, 117, Green and Blue and Revival are my favourites
  9. Nah, it's stated on the books that they don't feel a thing. I believe for the ones who passed augmentation, to watch their friends and family injured, mutated or dead while they live on to fight.
  10. Caboose, you need to use full stops at the end of sentences. Nice English for someone who said they don't speak it! Anyway, I don't care if the population dies; that's their loss. If I enjoy it(I enjoy 4's MM more than any other halos) then I will play it. I'm in contact with many large clans, allowing to always have full customs and war games lobbies, I would advise you to do that as well. Also because you can use teamwork to win, not being betrayed for getting in a Mantis... 343 got their money's worth out of 4, regardless of population now. I just hope people aren't put off 5... That could kill the series. Oh, and I hate the menus. Especially file browser.
  11. It's for aesthetics. I want my base to feel like a base, not just an outpost with barely anything in it.
  12. This is not the official website, that is halo.xbox.com. Also, "Can you give me a free poster?", do you think blatantly asking for a company to do YOUR work for you, then asking for free items? No chance, absolutely no chance. Do it yourself!
  13. I like how it really promotes teamwork to win. And it's really fun.
  14. No more 'THAT'S MY SNIPER RIFLE!'
  15. Well BS angel said that they will be revealing something soon about anvils or something. Can't remember presice wording.
  16. No. If she comes back, it will be incredibly cheesy and a fan-pleaser. I only seeing it happen successfully if Halsey creates another, with a hidden subroutine to sabotage in revenge against the UNSC. A battle between Chiefs loyalty to his best friend and his species would be interesting throughout. As she is/was? No, absolutely not. In a plot twist the shakes the foundations of the Master Chief and player? Yes.
  17. Nice to see a MM related thread that isn't bitching about ordnance and mantises! Anyway, I completely agree, imagining a forge world sized map as a standard BTB map gives me chills. This could even make dropships a viable option! Well done!
  18. Also, Requiem was built to imprison the Didact. The Prometheans were there as effectively prison guards. Onyx was unique, as it housed a Slipspace portal to a world INSIDE Slipspace. Again, that was most likely unique. I'm guessing Halo Wars worlds are the most common.
  19. I don't understand your point. 2 player splitscreen is there, 4 player co-OP is there. Add this to the incredibly laggy servers we have for Spartan Ops and the Reach campaign matchmaking(which had 3-400 people on if we were lucky) and ask yourself this; Is it really worth 343 spending valuable resources to please a couple hundred people when they could be using them to develop things such as MLG and 'Proper ranking systems' which are equally as pointless anyway but are more important because MILLIONS are asking for it? Is it really worth it? And about dual-wield; Chief cannot because campaign uses the same game engine as multiplayer, and canonically, S-IVs cannot dual wield, and there is no point remaking the engine for 3-4 hours of play. It was originally there. Additionally, how many dual weapons are I the game? 3. And they are all pistols, making it equally as pointless online. When you started a rant on gears and when you stopped using grammar, I stopped understanding and reading the post. Mind explaining that one to me in a few sentences? And no. I do not care for multiplayer, I buy the game specifically for campaign before you ask. I would gladly help with any achievements you need regardless of wether I have them or not, should you actually read this thread again.
  20. How about a good summary so far? -Flood Claw able to use(by them and cut off their arm when dead) -Tougher -Rarer ammunition to keep people on their feet -The flood sounds when playing the gametype all around when in/on a flood infected place. -Dark to keep it on-your-feet scary -Infection forms jump on your visor, blocking your vision 'til you get it off -Juggernaughts -More forms in general -Literally rip out of walls in an infected place, they were part of the wall as camouflage and step out of the biomass -Infecting civilians -Terraforming entire planets -Moar Gravemind(?) -Scuttling all around you, maybe seen as a shadow or watching from a ledge to keep you feeling like your being watched. Think Gman in Half-Life -UNSC experiments on it, trying to make SPARTAN V's but failing. The SPARTANs are infected, possessing their capabilities and flood ones -Flood using vehicles -Flood using more tech such as AA guns -Still extragalactic species, discovered by precursors and eventually finding Milky Way I will edit this post as we go. Perhaps it could be put in OP as a summary?
  21. Perhaps crease launchers like the Campaign Falcons from Reach? Grenade launchers*
  22. I posted a thread about siege bike with their description and picture in general discussion should you want to add it in to here. Never heard of VTOL, seems interesting... Oh, and ever heard of a Drinol? A cut species from Halo 2, its possible they could add that in. Or a 'Sharqoui', mentioned in a conversation between elites and described by frank O Connor as VERY DANGEROUS. Hit up halo wiki for details.
  23. Why would they remove it? It is far less OP than the Scorpion and Wraith tanks. If you won't play until the mech is removed, you have a long wait. The missiles barely lock on, and the machine gun is inaccurate and relatively low damage. A warthog with a good driver can beat it.
  24. So, which armour do you want back? I would say CQC, Hayabusa shoulders, MK V and sniper shoulders.
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