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Everything posted by BaconShelf

  1. Completely agree. Though Reaches Legendary Solo seems much more challenging to me. As I have said many times before, I will buy the games for campaign, regardless of multiplayer. I even consider forge a greater priority over competitive play. Very well worded and thought out! We need mire people like you!
  2. No, don't do these unless it's intelligible. I'm sorry, but grammarless posts do not work with exPlaining complicated subjects. There is a lot more to it than that.
  3. Specifically the Apex area from ep 10 where you fight the Lich. The main area of Warrens would be nice And possibly some of the Infinity maps. They are quite nice, though maybe less suited to forge. I think some of Reaches firefight maps should be reskinned and released. I hate firefight but live the maps, especially the Defiant DLC one. Thank you for adding me as an option.
  4. ((I decided to complete my mission)) A Wolverine rolled onto the plain and fired a volley of missiles into the air. "Banshee down, path cleared into citadel on vector 3,5 kilometres northwest. Platoons C-4 through F-6 assault. Broadsword squadrons on hand for cover." The citadel loomed in the distance, it was a thirty minute walk, maybe ten at a run to it. They began to run, away from the mass of charging marines as not to be targeted. Mortar fire began to hit the group, killing hundreds in a matter of seconds. A huge claw hit the ground in front of the squad, looking round, they saw a Harvester. "The Covenant must really be desperate if using mining vehicles in combat." thought Jacob, as he rolled to avoid being crushed. The eight-legged behemoth carried on walking and fired it's mining laser at the UNSC forces, a gargantuan crater was cut into the ground, leading into some kind of Forerunner corridor. "Griffin, into cover!" the jumped underground just in time to see the roof begin to repair itself. The light cut out, leaving the facility in darkness. A squelching sound came from the sticky ground. They activated VISRs, to look in horror. A sickly green biomass covered the walls, and was growing into the outside. Flood. And now it had been let loose on the battlefield. For hours, they trudged through the dampness until they reached a central chamber, it reached extremely far up and down. There were platforms going all around the chamber linked by walkways. And on the floor was a circular, football sized robot. It had some sort of 'eye' that flickered on and off. "The foolish continue to fight, Outside and outmatched, I will now at last see the light, From all creatures will life be snatched." came a huge rumbling voice, that's echoes reverbarated around the chasm. Tentacles shot up out of the darkness, grabbing each squad member. They were pulled down into a chamber with the monitor, still lifeless, by them. "con-con-conta-tamination protocols violated, flood biomass at critical level" some finer cilia ripped some wiring out of it. "Greetings, I am 903 Consentful Injustice of installation- oh my! A reclaimer! How wonderful! We must activate the index and cleanse the infection!" The troops were dropped onto a lift, the monitor was seemingly unawares of the situation. It hummed to itself as the lift rose, the top came in sight and began to open.., " after millennia of waiting, our paradise is at hand, there will be no more hating, In our new land!" Once again, they shot up and pried the containment locks open. A new figure Rose, a gigantic.. Thing, that looked vaguely like a flower head. "Some shall rise, But all will fall, I now have my prize, Which is not being trapped behind this wall!" ((A Gravemind is on this place. Enjoy. It is my last RP post, I needed to finish but leave potential for if I come back. Oh, and like the Graveminds speech?))
  5. I use Recon, so it's a spare button. I was annoyed at the lack of zoom too.
  6. I need ODST/ Wars 2. Though one centred around Sangheili would be brilliant. I think free roam RPG like Fallout or TES would work, as with RTS (again) My ideal one is a campaign length similar to Hakf-Life 2, with little or no multiplayer aside from co-op. the day multiplayer takes priority over campaign is the day I quit the franchise. Side note, more SO, it was the best descisions they made for halo.
  7. Will it be whitelist? And is it Creative? I like creative.
  8. Do solo. If you die, the checkpoint replenishes your everything. In multiplayer and SO, they disappear quickly. Example, I was killed by a Banshee by surprised. I respawned and ran to retrieve my Rocket Launcher and it was already gone. A total of like, 15 seconds had passed.
  9. The three maps; Impact, Erosion and Ravine are forge maps. No other maps have structure objects, just like the maps in Reach and objects DESIGNED for the map. The default maps such as Ragnarok and similar do not, and will not have those objects. I do not care about those things. Play the designated forge maps for the decent objects. However, the removal of precision edit and zoom was the biggest mistake, by far.
  10. I knew that, I was more thinking of what sort of weapons, and stuff. And where to put semi powered weapons like AR,BR,DMR,Needler etc
  11. Okay, I am requesting help on weapon placement and spawning for competitive maps. I make 4v4/8v8 maps but I don't really know much about balancing. If anyone has any pointers on this, I would appreciate them wether in this thread or via xbox. Should anyone want to see my maps, feel free to add me. My GT Is BaconShelf
  12. Well worded. Now, I leave the site again.
  13. Know I don't know what you mean. I have left the site COMPLETELY. not just a role-play. Hence my, just looking around statement. I don't see how I've had it out for you, I liked you. You were one of the members who posted a lot more frequently. Anyway, I don't want to clutter the thread with an argument so... Reply here, then if it needs to be continued after, PM me, I'm not having an argument in a thread.
  14. You clearly didn't read my thread explaining my absence. Oh, and I was having a quick look around after making a thread. Don't be surprised to See me looking around.^^
  15. BaconShelf


    Harvesters are evidently mining vehicles. The Reach/3 Scarab was a combat Scarab. The H2 was a mining one that was modified to be combat ready.
  16. Okay. One, role-play has died in general. There, I said it. Two, I am leaving, therefore, I leave it up to you guys who continues my work or if Griffin Is killed. Seeya!
  17. Well. This is my official goodbye. Tomorrow, I will no longer be an active community member of the forums. I wish everyone the best of luck, and hope to see you again at somepoint. I may not be as active on xbox in the coming weeks, but add me, my GT is BaconShelf. Bye guys, I'm gonna miss this community...
  18. Wrong section. I wish to get rid of infinity theme, it means no playable elites.
  19. As stated before, 343 has a stupid system of armour being checked by commendations. Commendations can only be earned while connected to LIVe, silver or Gold. It is not dependent on achievements this time.... Stupid system, but glad I was connected to LIVE when I did it.
  20. Reach originally had a level where you could drive a Scarab through the ruins of New Alexandria. Was cut due to time I would like more vehicles in general.
  21. In future games, depending on if it can be done, AI's to have better driving. Many a time have I wanted to get on the turret of a Warthog only to be driven off the edge *CoughKatCough* Now, supposing it cannot be done, a system like the Halo 2 E3 Demo could be done where you get on the turret, and the vehicle follows a set path, not advancing until you clear out enemies. Skip to 4:50 to see what I mean. Interesting to know the BR fire mode was like the DMR at first as well... I would like more AI improvements in general...
  22. Okay, this is my idea to do Forge Play dates. Forge wars- On Reach, players would be divided in to 8 teams of 1, 4 teams of 2 or 2 teams of 4. These players would build bases on Forge World, then go to war in custom games. Alternatively, players could request tutorials on doing certain things such as weapon placement, spawns, aesthetics of a certain type or even good designs for maps. Last, players would be able to test maps in custom games, then reieve feedback from others and go in forge with them to fix problems. What does everyone think of this?
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