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Everything posted by BaconShelf

  1. Keyes fits that description too^ Anyway, as wierd as it is; the Gravemind. I love the way it talks in riddles or rhymes, and it is just so interesting because not much is known about it. Jul M'Dama is pretty good. Now, I mean from the books he is in. A lot is revealed about him, more than Spartan Ops. And FLIPYAP is the best!
  2. It should stay. I don't see what the problem is, and removing it would be bad for machinima. You wouldn't be able to walk or look slowly etc. well, that's considering most machinima creators are staying on reach...
  3. Halo 4 was in development for a few years. They spent most time working on the campaign and doing concepts and stuff. The way it should be. The day multiplayer comes before campaign in Halo is the day I stop playing.
  4. They are making it so you cannot damage or EMP friendly vehicles in the update:D
  5. BaconShelf

    Tank Poll

    It's. spelled. Turret. And Scorpion
  6. When 343bot became sentient and changed my name to HamLedge. Yesterday. Look at the thread i made in general discussion for proof
  7. £100 it doesn't last to end if school.
  8. This isn't the official forum. Tbh, they don't read the official forums much either. We can dream though...
  9. I try. But no one replies a lot of the time...
  10. I voted one. Beaver, high school relationships rarely last beyond school. And your theory rarely works. Trust me, it will not last.
  11. These seem pretty good. Though choosing gear would only be available if on a planned OP. example from H4. Dawn-Infinity then Composer-Midnight wouldn't work, as you were starting with no aid from UNSC facilities. If it was only planned missions, I agree but it would t work when alone. Ordanance, same thing. There isn't always a ship above, and ordanance wouldn't be able to teleport in. Now, I like the stealth. Disarming and stuff should be done if unnoticed. An alternative is kinda like the but on Dawn. You run up, struggle with enemy, retrieve weapon and kill them with it. And I support bringing back silenced weapons. You should've made this in H5 forum btw
  12. Jul and the UNSC will be trying to recover the other halves of their artefacts. I believe that will be a story overall
  13. Magnets do not work, the pieces realign when loading the map so they have to be readjusted and the removal of presicion editing was just awful... You said true forgers LIKE the maps. I can forge on the environments, but I do not like them.
  14. You don't have to like the maps to be a 'True' forger. I love forge, I spend more time in it than everything else combined. And I spend most time in Reach on forge world. Anyway, Impact because I can actually think of ideas on it.
  15. Doubt it will be exclusive, why continue the story but leave out like, 2/3 of the fanbase? I think it will be on all, good research!
  16. BaconShelf

    343ibot Goes Sentient

    So.... 343ibot is becoming Sentient. Everyone! Hide while you can!
  17. The maps we have are plenty big enough. However, the spaces IN the maps are not enough. Ravine, it has enough space and nice lighting, but (Ideally) the spaces on the map should be nearer the water, like an island and space in the water to walk in. Impact could have one massive flat asteroid or no land. Erosion has (For me) no possible uses. That map could have been used for a better forge space... Like the island and canyon as a remake. That area was almost perfect for forge, then replace... sy, ravine with pinnacle and coliseum... I mean really, apart from race, who used ALL of Forge World? Really? And forge wars dont count either... Point is, we have enough space, we just don't have the good existing environment to use. What did annoy me was how the Impact base wasn't on a 90 or 45 degree angle... That think is so awkward to forge in...
  18. All I get is the Forge reticule. But my HDTV usually gets rid of it after an hour or so. I also get Halo Wars minimap but yeah, HD tvs generally wear it off about an hour.
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