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Everything posted by BaconShelf

  1. Yes. The Kig-Yar never accepted covenant tradition as their own.
  2. Pretty much all of them serve as mercenaries and pirates now.
  3. No entire species took one side. Some grunts sided with the Jiralhanae out of fear, others sided with Sangheili because they preferred them.
  4. Manufacturing cost for a disc isn't that much. If it was, they wouldn't be produced en-masse. Also, if you lose control of your account, or get banned from XBL, you lose your downloaded games. It also means that you can't use the disc if you don't have XBL. Plus, I prefer physical copies, I have an incredibly slow download speed, so a disc is more convenient.
  5. As I explained, the idea propose by OP is pretty much invalid. Artemis is not an AI, and Ben is nowhere near the mental capacity required for an AI. The sans seen in HuntTheSignal are the scans used to create the AI Black-Box, from Kilo-5. AI's are extremely expensive to make, and require the subject to be dead to create. Furthermore, the only type of people who can be made into AI have to posess incredible mental facilities, people who are top scientists and researchers for the UNSC and ONI, the likes of Catherine Halsey, William Arthur Iqbal and the Spartan-II scientists. Furthermore, UNSC loyalty is a must go stop a program a panel of taking down any firewall rebelling. Ben is literally the last choice anyone would want for an AI.
  6. Now this is a long and interesting tale. 10 million years ago, the Precursors created the forerunners and humanity. At first, they judged humanity to be those who would uphold the Mantle of Responsibility, something the Forerunners didn't like- so they rose up and exterminated the precursors in fear, then took the mantle upon themselves. Those precursors who did not get killed fled and reduced themselves to some kind of dust/ powder. This powder was eventually found by Humans on a ship drifting in space; they began using it in experiments and to alter behavious of certain animals. After several centuries, the animals started to mutate and began the first outbreak. T first humans tried to wage war against the Flood themselves, wiping out planets to stop the threat, believing the Forerunners would take too long to do anything about the threat. The Forerunners saw humans wiping out Forerunner planets and waged war, eventually reducing humans to a Tier 7 species (cavemen) and planting them on Earth. Shortly after this, the Flood began fighting te Forerunners, still recovering from one war, and crushed them.
  7. Of course, a game developed for a certain console is likely to have much better functionality than four games develope for two completely different consoles. Such is the problem with ports.
  8. Depends on how much you're comfortable selling it for. My advice is to look at similar products on eBay and Amazon for reference.
  9. It was an answer conned by Bungie t cover their arses, despite not making a modicum of sense after some objective thought; a species of several billion would not be wiped out in one battle. The far simpler answer would be that the fleets carrying them weren't present at the extremey isolated battles of Installation 04, 05 and 00. We have seen them operating fine in the post-war covenant; To add on the answer, all 3 variants of Kig-Yar are canon, being Ruuhtian, Ibi'eshan and T'voan (Classic, 343-era and Skirmsiher, respectively IIRC)
  10. Halo Nation has been factually incorrect many times, and often has much less information avaliable; Halopedia is by far the better source. It's like Halofollower versus Halo Canon. And we all know which is an incredibly bad lore source there. Anyway, only FOTUS I believe; it's EVG descirption says; Manufacturer- 343 industries Purpose- (Summarised) to fetch coffee for 343i, with the spike serving to ward off bears by increasing the size of the operator. I'm pretty sure everything else is canon.
  11. Most were wiped out with the destruction of High Charity, the few that survived (numbering a few dozen, at most) hide with the Jiralhanae, aside from one who helps the Sangheili, though I won't spoil too much of Broken Circle. However, only a few thousand San Shyuum were around anyway, due to various problems that come with their departure from Janjur Qom- incidentally, the status of the Stoics (those who are still on their Homeworld) we have no idea what they're doing. Skirmishers are simply another subspecies of Kig-Yar. They are still plentiful, and have assisted all manner of post-war groups both assisting and fighting humanity. We don't have too much info on Spartan augmentations. Plus, I know very little biology, so I can't answer that one. Sorry, you're best looking at the S-II page on Halopedia for that one, it lists everything we do know about Spartan augs.
  12. I also agree with MCC giving a 0x multiplier to score with bandana.
  13. You'll still be able to forge 12v12 custom games, so you can make some true BTB maps.
  14. First, it needs to smoke weed and quickscope some scrubs.
  15. Every transformers after #2 has been terrible. And #2 wasn't all that great, either.
  16. If only that film wasn't terrible...
  17. Physics says nuclear winter, likely destruction if te entire planet's ecosystems and a general effect akin to the KT event. Halo says a mild dust cloud and destruction of a small area, take your pick (Refererring to Spirit of Fire and Halo: The Thursday War) Personally, I take physics as the correct definition. I'm presuming you mean a ship-borne cannon, not the mammoth cannon.
  18. Aside from the infection forms, no two flood forms are the same. You hae infection and combat forms, the latter is simply the former acting as a parasite on the host, before concertina them into a carrier later on. Anything else is a pure form, and is made of raw flood biomass and controlled by a Gravemind. These forms can mutate at will and take any shape they like. As for Graveminds, their final form that we know of is a Keymind, a massive flood entity composed of an entire planet's ecosystem. These forms can control precursor artefacts like star roads and are capable of altering the mental state f people on the fr side of the galaxy, causing them paranoia, depression and leading many to commit suicide. So in essence, unlimited.
  19. I don't really know. From a physics standpoint, opening a singularity should swallow the entire star system they're in. From a lore standpoint, we have never seen this kind of technology before or since, nor has it been referenced. So it's a bit of agrey area.
  20. Oh, right. I thought from the thread title someone was trying to get my precious LE from my collection.
  21. Same as Armour Lock, I'd imagine; basically an ubercharged shield system.
  22. They have never said it was 8v8v8
  23. -Obedience, unquestioning. The Jiralhanae were inducted into the Covenant and had their own religious customs, but absorbed theCovenant's culture easily, as they saw the San 'Shyuum as pack leaders/ alphas. Sangheili will question orders if they seem them wrong, one example being many who thought humans to have fought honourably in the War, moreso than Unggoy or Kig-Yar and thought humanity should have been invited into the Covenant (And that it was odd they never were). Sangheili still cling to their pre-Covenant traditions, however small, and that makes them dangerous; a Sangheili uprising could (did) cripple the infrastructure of the military both with a good portion of it's soldiers rebelling and losing several key industrial facilities on Sanghelios and other worlds. So yeah, brutes: unquestioning and loyal.
  24. Gameplay. In-canon, all plasma pistols are capable of an overcharge; this is seen in Halo CE and Halo 2 as an overcharge still depletes shielding, but the idea to disable vehicles wasn't brought in until Halo 3. It has been stated that all plasma weapons have the same internal mechanisms, and that differences between variants are only aesthetics (Lights, colours, patterns, etc) A lot of stuff like this tends to be gameplay-related rather than lore related.
  25. eww mobile games No thanks, mobile games are a cancer to the games industry. Unless they were going down the Fallout Shelter route, I would despise this idea with all my heart.
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