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Everything posted by BaconShelf

  1. Jacob woke up to the sound if huge explosions. He shook himself, dazed and walked, or rather floated, to the cave entrance. "Woah..." The entire pass had been destroyed. He saw another mountain go down. In the smoke, a forerunner tower rushed. There were hundreds of them. And strangest of all, a frigate flew beneath him. He noticed the sounds if ships all around. The battle in orbit had spread ground side. "This is ODST Griffin 1-1 reporting on all channels, can anyone hear me?" Damn. Out of range. He tested in the cave. It did seem to be full Zero-Gravity. And his suit was still recycling the remaining gases. He had no choice. He lined himself up to the shield and pushed off a rock as hard as he could. He had 15 minutes to do this. He hurtled through the pass, dodging rocks and ships. He saw the Frigate entering the shield. If he could just get inside... Two LongSwords flew right past him. He managed to grab the hull of the cruiser, and began to pull himself into an airlock. He opened his COM again. "Hello? Anyone, please respond! This is Griffin 1-1 outside airlock urh... AB-2A, I have 5 minutes of air left. Open the airlock!" "Jacob, is that you? Opening now, you're home." Replied the voice on the other end. He climbed inside the door, and activated depressurising. After a hiss of air, the inside opened. There were several marines, and an officer. ((Just a random one)) "Jacob, what happened? Your squad thought you were dead! No, we can see after your report. Come now, your not done yet." "What is it Lieutenant?" He was passed a data pad. "This central structure was a forerunner control tower buried in a mountain. Covvie forces are holed up in there. We are assaulting the place. You will be joining your squad here, to take out the artillery command centre. Do that, and we can bring in the big guns." "Yes sir, when is the next Falcon?" "Right there, ready when you are. And you might want this." He passed him his Battle Rifle. "Thank you sir." He began to walk towards the helicopter. He tapped on the pilots window. "Pilot, ready to go?" "Yeah, just waiting for another squad." Dammit. Every second these jokers wasted was a second his friends could be killed. Ah well, he sat on the single seat at the back until he saw the squad. They ran into the troop bay, equipped with jet packs and DMRs. Bullfrogs. They sat in an awkward silence as the rotors turned, spinning the troopers to the LZ. The Falcon swooped over the landscape. The plains were completely flat, and he could see the charges of platoons and exchange of plasma fire and bullets. The helicopter began to descend, getting closer to a spotlighted area set up. It was under siege by a few covenant squads. As they got closer, AA fire began to rock the transport. Some metal covers unfolded on the sides, a new addition to the troop bay. "Red light, stand by." "Gaz, your radios dead" "Roger that" Jacob peered out of a narrow slit. He stood up. "Blast doors opening in 3... 2... 1..." The doors opened. "Green light, Go, go, go!" The troops jumped out as an artillery shell hit in front of them. They charged forward, killing elites assaulting the defending squads. Grenades rained down on them from the Falcon. "Thanks guys, that was getting a little rough." "No problem, do you know the whereabouts of Griffin squad?" Replied Jacob, watching as one of the others shot a dead jackal. "Yeah! They're at the front. It's a few minutes away. Follow me." They ran into the haze of plasma and bullets, clasping their helmets as shells hit around them, vapourising the ground around them. "Quick, into the trench!" They ran and jumped into a trench, it offered limited cover but it would do. "Griffin? Griffin! Report in!" "Griffin squad repor- Ah!" The sound of a plasma shell rumbled through the mic. "This is a bad time!" "You don't want Jacob back, I presume?" "What?" "Holly, fall back, wait for reinforcements. We can help you!" "Okay, the defense on these cannons is solid. We can't get in range to deploy Cobras!" "I'll see what support command can send." The radio cut off as the distinct sound of Banshees filled the air. The battle had gone from bad to worse.
  2. They had nerve gas; its seen on crates in halo 2. Nukes they had many. For instance, the one that destroyed Cote D'Azur it what ever it was called. Gas I think they used, but bio-weapons would be a last resort. In The Thursday War, they begin testing altered food on Jul, they were going to spread a virus into the Sangheili food chain; it would make them all sick and have diarrhoea. Nice, I know. This was post-war, remember.
  3. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Essentially that.
  4. Can you reword this with full stops and grammar please? I couldn't understand what you were saying.
  5. A survival thing. Use these rules and post scores below! -load Mombassa Streets level -use scoring on to find times -Legendary difficulty -skulls optional -Solo -VISR is limited, it can be used for one minute, then a 30 second recharge. -Map is only available at computers, human or covenant. -Optican does not count as computers. -Engineers cannot be killed -if a Phantom is seen, avoid it. -take a long route to avoid enemy camps -No waypoints -Supply caches are fine -Only one primary weapon -a primary weapon is an Assault rifle Carbine Sniper Beam Rifle Rocket Fuel rod Shotgun Other defined by yourself -you can can carry two secondaries Plasma pistol Plasma rifle Spiker SMG Magnum Mauler -these weapons are banned.(ODSTs wouldn't be able to use them Ripped off turrets Gravity hammer Brute Shot How long can you survive?
  6. Welcome! And it should be ripping worms out of their backs:D I sort of imagine it like hijacking a tank.
  7. Mine is XxsgtTeasp00nxX. I think. Can't remember. If it doesn't work, try a capital 'S' for Sgt.
  8. They had crude shields before Reach. A Prowler was there to drop off the Spartans, then retreat. I imagine it would nuke it. They had the element of surprise. The Elites were still in the corridors near where the chief landed, he kills a few. All I don't understand is why the Covenant have green blood... Anyway, its artistic impression. It's not ever going to be exactly like the lore, like the games. The weapons on games have been seriously nerfed or buffed for balancing. I like it, I consider it canon. Did you enjoy it? Is my question.
  9. They are not on any Sangheili side. They just want to keep them killing each other while humanity rebuilds.
  10. If you want all Halo games like CE, 2 and 3, go play those games. I for one, have enjoyed this one much more than any other online. I actually want to play online on this, which is unusual for me. I rarely play online on games.
  11. I can see this useful for machinima purposes too. Red lasers for Star Wars, yellow swords for higher ranks. Wait. No elites. But it sounds fun. It could be like, 10MSP for one colour?
  12. Your ordanance would not work. Everyone would walk round with incineration cannons and binary rifles. The random part is the only remananve if being fair...
  13. You can still add them on live. Not many people will go to bungie just to join. Just make a list. anyway. I am happy to forge on any Halo game(3,Reach,4) and have all maps on 3/Reach. I am willing to body act too. I can also do the filming in theatre then send to whoever for capturing, I can then put them into the video itself and upload it to YouTube or whatever. I can even do scripts, I have written a few but they lay buried in my computer archives. So yeah, I can do anything apart from voicing (I can do commentaries) and capture carding. I do not own a capture card.
  14. I wish you didn't sound like you hate us with the last part. But, you were a nice guy. Slwly, the old members are leaving. Why!
  15. Apart from the horrible aesthetic change? I still wreak havoc with it(when I actually have one; I dont play flood) so I'm not too bothered.
  16. I can do halo 3. I have ODST so all maps, but due to the limitations of that forge, it won't be as good as my work on reach/4 but I'm still happy to try it:D
  17. Okay.... I'm sorry I've had other stuff getting in the way... *Cries*
  18. ((Use the OOC thread. Halo, you need to say what you're planning in that thread. Don't rage when people don't know. And do try to stay in character.))
  19. Why have you not completed campaign? And yes, mission 3:Reclaimer. It has a lot of firefights you can just watch and conservevammo.
  20. Hold left thumb stick and it goes slow like forge.
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