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Everything posted by BaconShelf

  1. I will not explain the AI situation... AGAIN. Sand trap would be too small now. And the brutes, lore wise, just went off back into packs where they fought by themselves to how they were before the Covenant. A few remained as slaves but a few. The Sangheili hated everything about the brutes.
  2. Instead of complaining about true skill and MLG, why don't we see what the casual players actually want because it seems that only the MLG players get heard. I for one, would love some forged maps on the BTB playlist, and the return of assault. Also, a classic playlist; a classic big team where weapons are on map with no ordanance and 4v4 classic. Gametypes that be put in.(gametypes can be put in after release) Assault Race Infection(separate to flood) Anyway, I think the rest of people who don't complain about the same things should get their voice heard for once.
  3. N'Jay struggled to keep his temper. While he had come to respect humans, this one was pushing his limits. He reached for his energy sword, he then pulled away. What was the human term? Ah, yes; Stuck up. Pompous. "Our Tanks are far more advanced, Your triple-Ay batteries reload after firing all rounds? Ours reload after the missile is fired." N'Jay was fighting the urge to rip the maggots head off. He instead showed the Officer and his squad- minus one member- to the specially built barracks in front of the landing pad. "I hope you find everything satisfactory. These barracks are fully patched into the COMM network, should you need to contact your superiors. Now, one of our Human shipmasters will be along tomorrow to give a full tour. I advise you rest; our camps are never quiet at day." He stormed out of the door, slamming the Airlock shut and knocked over a Kig-Yar that was carrying a few missiles for the Rocket Warthog Batteries, spilling the explosives everywhere.
  4. ((Hey Ledgend, wanna do the inspection team on the relic site or shall I do it? And you mean my fleet, right?))
  5. Citadel V- Polar regions, Forerunner Artefact designated 'Swordstaff' N'Jay look down on the Unggoy. Pitiful, servile creatures they were, their cold planet made them good for arctic exploration. Up in orbit, a Phoenix-class colony ship was deploying bases. A pod landed and drilled the ice. In minutes, a fully functional base was erected. A group of Jiraelhanae and Human soldiers marched out of the entrance, donned in white camouflaged versions of their armour. So far, a barracks and landing pad had been built for the administration team, who were soon to arrive. He ordered for some sniper towers and shade turrets to be built over the cave entrance. He then went to inspect the Firing pits made for the Scorpions and Wraiths. He wanted a fully functional garrison ready before the inspection arrived. As if on cue, a stealth dropship uncloaked just outside the AA cannon range, waited for clearance to enter, and settled on the pad, lifting plumes of snow into the air. The six Humans exited the ship, shivering. "As you can see, Colonel, our garrison is keeping to figures listed by your report." Reported N'Jay, awaiting a response.
  6. How about all human stuff in one, all covenant stuff in one? And Chopper/prowler were brute. Not storm.
  7. A cool armour ability could be that once activated, in a certain area around where its activated would completely wipe out other AAs. Jet packs, Hardlight, turrets? Can't be used. This affects team and enemies. Promethean teleport- ability to utilise Slipspace and phase round the map. Only within a certain range and maximum twice before a lengthy recharge, this leaves your shields down for balancing. Jackal shield- essentially a Hardlight shield that can be used while using a one handed weapon. Possible replacement for the Hardlight should it be removed. Night vision- A mode similar to VISR or night vision off reach- highlights enemies in a short distance red, weapons blue, objectives yellow and allies green. Makes screen hazy green for better opticals. Possible replacement for Promethean vision. Barricade- another new design- creates a temporary Hardlight barricade parallel to the user. Arrow facing forward- Player. Shield ->. | Can be shot down. Radar jammer- think of reaches camo effect without camo. Or completely turns off radar. Radar enhancer- allows user to see enemies, moving or still on radar for a few seconds. Flare- blinds people's screens for a few seconds with white like the equipment from halo 3. Edit thrusters to give a jump boost Face Hardlight shield down to block fall damage
  8. The Sangheili stood up, and shook hands with the General. The doors behind them opened, to reveal elite troops on either side if the door, swords drawn. A marine in the guards shouted "Commander in deck!" And they parted to the walls, creating a path to walk down. They then followed the group of officers to the Hangar. "Our fleet is already transporting materials and troops. We will not disturb you if you do not disturb us." He then boarded the Lich and left the hangar.
  9. Thanks, with forerunner designs, I think of stuff that hasn't been done. And a devastator cannon; Imagine a spartan laser, incineration cannon and sentinel beam had a baby, and that baby was on steroids. Yes. Heavy, thick armour too. It can take 3+ scorpion rounds. And one shots everything but moves slowly.
  10. But for those who do. It can be pretty low FOS with what we have now you know.
  11. The only Precursor. No more. K? I allow it because I forgot to add it to my list of non-playable factions. Just remember, no OP still.
  12. I don't know who that is but I agree, people only care about the bad things when someone has done something good.
  13. Inquisitor (The Pious Inquisitor, a covenant ship)
  14. As in, do you need anyone to forge sets/maps for the machinima. And I can body act too. I messaged you on live, GT BaconShelf.
  15. We all know I was the best at Staff v Members. Don't we? Eh? Eh? Anybody?
  16. Due to the two recent roleplays; Requiems Secret and War for the Stars, I have decided to create a thread for people to post ideas for roleplays, how it's done, where, when etc. then other people can refine them, make improvements and actually start the threads! This may work, it may not but it could potentially for people who have the ideas but need help etc. A few ideas: A 'Zombie Survival' where the Flood has infected a city. We RP characters who survive in the apocalyptic ruins. Room for character development here One set in the events of and following the Great Schism.(the elites and brutes killing each other) and how the species began to adapt without the covenant. We have seen a glimpse of elites in the Kilo-5 trilogy but what about the rest? A strategy game. The Peopke make factions and weapons and stuff, a master (chosen at random) decides a battlefield, who vs who and they command their battles to win. It would have rules but wouldn't be as restricted as say, Halo Wars. What do people think of these?
  17. 57. Being hit in the face by a spartan wielding a mongoose as a melee weapon ( Cole Protocol)
  18. Attention; recent agreements have decided that this RP will no longer be used. For now, we are using War for the stars, but feel free to still post other RP threads.
  19. "For shielding tech, our Huragok are able to outfit the ships. You will provide the parts needed, and we can provide the talent.i do not see how you intend mock battles, but any sign of aggression from your ships, and they will be obliterated before they get in range of our ships. An advisor will be allowed on site, with one squad of your troops. They will NOT interfere with our research or troops, again, any sight of hostile intentions will have to be explained rather quickly, we have no need for agriculture. We can literally assemble food from raw atoms, we can pass all of our agricultural information onto your fleet in a matter of minutes, our Stealth ships will remain in atmosphere, with stealth drives disengaged. This is purely for safety of our fleet. A... Deterrent, if you like. And although our alliance with Forerunners is an agreement, we will be sending findings to their translators which will be sent back. Now, one additional thing, there will be no intercepting of transmittions by any of us. This is because we determine what knowledge is safe to distribute. We already have bases around halos 01,02 and 07. They are under lockdown and things like that we would prefer to not be seen. And lastly, a star map will be provided to you, listing worlds in this galaxy and their inhabitants. It should prove useful to you."
  20. I thought the Harvester was flood at first... I want to see them in action, they seem like Scarab variations. I want scarabs again... I vote no for a different reason- they have no reason to be on requiem. Let them for the death they had, don't prolong them needlessly.
  21. Destroyer (Type if ship in the UNSC)
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